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Paragraph Persian Authorized GPT4_
از جمله لوح جناب ابن نبیل علیه بهاءالله است که در اوّل ورود سجن اعظم نازل و اصل لوح نزد جناب مذکور موجود و سواد آن نزد جناب زین المقربین علیه بهاءالله و احبا موجود است جویا شوند و تحقیق نمایند تا بیقین بدانند که زمام علوم بید مقتدر علیم بوده لا یعلم الغیب إلاّ هو یظهر لمن یشاء و یستر لمن أراد ما أراد إنّه لهو العلیم الخبیر بعضی آیات منزله در لوح ابن نبیل اینست:​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Among them is the tablet to Mr. Ibn Nabil, upon him be the glory of God, which was revealed at the beginning of the entry into the Most Great Prison, and the original tablet is in the possession of the aforementioned gentleman, and a copy of it is with Mr. Zain al-Muqarrabin, upon him be the glory of God, and with the friends. They should seek and investigate so that they may know with certainty that the reins of knowledge are in the hand of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. None knows the unseen but He; He reveals it to whom He wills and conceals it from whom He desires. Whatever He wills, indeed, He is the All-Knowing, the Aware. Some of the revealed verses in the Tablet of Ibn Nabil are as follows: (edit)
" هو الأقدس الأبهی ک ظ نادیناک عن وراء قُلزم الکبریاء علی الأرض الحمراء من أفق البلاء إنّه لا إله إلاّ هو العزیز الوهّاب أن استقم علی أمری و لا تکن من الذین إذا اوتوا ما أرادوا کفروا بالله رب الأرباب سوف یأخذهم الله بقهر من عنده إنّه لهو المقتدر القهّار فاعلم أن الذین حکموا علینا قد أخذ الله کبیرهم بقدرة و سلطان " و بعد آیاتی چند نازل تا باین آیه میرسد قوله جل کبریائه:​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) He is the Most Holy, the Most Glorious! We called you from beyond the ocean of grandeur upon the crimson earth from the horizon of affliction. Verily, there is no God but He, the Mighty, the Bestower. Be steadfast in My command and be not of those who, when given what they desire, deny God, the Lord of lords. Soon, God will seize them with a might from Him; indeed, He is the Powerful, the Subduer. Know that those who have ruled against Us, God has taken their leader with power and authority. And after these verses, a few more were revealed until it reaches this verse, the saying of His Majesty glorified be His grandeur: (edit)
" سوف نعزل الذی کان مثله و نأخذ أمیرهم الذی یحکم علی العباد و أنا العزیز الجبار" چنانچه چندی نگذشت نفسی که مباشر نفی حق و آل الله بود از مدینه کبیره نفی نمودند و کبیرشان که جمیع حکم از او صادر بدرک رفت حال ملاحظه کنید مع این آیات منزله که از قبل در کتاب الهی نازل و دربلاد منتشر صحبت زنجانی بعد از وقوع گفته رئیس المغلین اخبار داده الا لعنة الله علی الکاذبین و همچنین سورهء رئیس را ملاحظه نمائید که بعد از هجرت ارض سرّ و ورود شاطی بحر نازل شده و همچنین آیات هیکل که مخصوص ملک پاریس و اهل آندیار نازل و اخبار فرموده اند از آنچه بر او واقع شده قوله جل کبریائه:​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) We will indeed remove the one who was like him and take their leader who rules over the servants. And I am the Mighty, the Compeller. As it happened, not long after, the one who was directly opposed to the truth and the family of God was exiled from the great city, and their leader, from whom all command was issued, met his fate. Now observe these revealed verses that were previously sent down in the divine Book and spread in the lands, the matter of Zanjani was mentioned after the occurrence, the leader of the oppressors gave news, but the curse of God be upon the liars. And also consider the chapter of the Leader that was revealed after the migration to the land of mystery and the entry to the sea shore, and likewise the verses of the Temple specifically revealed for the king of Paris and the people of that land, informing them of what had befallen it, the saying of His Majesty glorified be His grandeur: (edit)
" ان یا ملک ان استمع النداء من هذه النار المشتعله من الشجرة الخضراء فی هذا الطور المرتفع علی البقعة المقدسه البیضاء خلف قلزم البقاء انّه لا اله الاّ انا الغفور الرّحیم "​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) "O King, indeed, heed the call from this blazing fire emanating from the green tree on this exalted Sinai, upon the holy white spot beyond the sea of eternity. Verily, there is no deity except Me, the Forgiving, the Merciful." (edit)
الی ان قال عز کبریائه: " ان یا ملک انّا سمعنا منک کلمة تکلمت بها اذسئلک ملک الروس عمّا قضی من حکم الغزاء ان ربک لهو العلیم الخبیر قلت کنت راقدا علی المهاد ایقظنی نداء العباد الذین ظلموا الی ان غرقوا فی بحر الاسود کذالک سمعنا و ربّک علی ما اقول شهید نشهد بانّک ما ایقطک النّداء بل الهوی لانّا بلوناک وجد ناک فی معزل ان اعرف لحن القول و کن من المتفرسین انّا ما نحّب ان ترجع الیک کلمة سوء حفظا لمقام الذی اعطیناک فی الحیوة الظاهره انا اخترنا الادب و جعلناه سجیة المقربین انّه ثوب یوافق النفوس من کل صغیر و کبیر طوبی لمن جعله طراز هیکله ویل لمن جعل محروما من هذا الفضل العظیم لو کنت صاحب الکلمة ما نبذت کتاب الله عن وراء ظهرک اذ ارسِل الیک من لدن عزیز حکیم انّه بلوناک به ما وجدناک علی ما ادّعیت قم و تدارک ما فات عنک سوف تفنی الدنیا و ما عندک و یبقی الملک لله ربّک و ربّ آبائک الاولین لا ینبغی لک ان تقتصر الامور الی ما تهوی به هویک اتق زفرات المظلوم ان احفظه من سهام الظالمین بما فعلت تختلف الامور فی مملکتک و یخرج الملک من کفّک جزاء عملک اذا تجد نفسک فی خسران مبین و یأ خذ الزلازل کل القبائل فی هتاک الاّ بان تقوم علی نصرة هذا الامر و تتبع الرّوح فی هذا السبیل المستقیم اعزّک غرّک لعمری انّه لا یدوم سوف یزول الاّ بان تمسک بهذا الجبل المتین قد نری الذلّة تسمی عن ورائک و انّک من الراقدین " انتهی.​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) "[Until He, Glorified be His Grandeur, said:]

'O King, indeed, we heard a word from you, which you spoke when the King of Russia asked you about the verdicts of the campaign, [saying] "Your Lord is indeed All-Knowing, All-Aware." You said, "I was asleep on my bed when the call of the oppressed who were wronged woke me up," until they were drowned in the black sea. Thus we heard, and your Lord is a witness to what I say. We testify that it was not the call that awakened you, but rather desire, for We have tested you and found you isolated. Recognize the tone of speech and be among the discerning. We do not wish for any word of evil to revert to you, preserving the status that We have granted you in the manifest life. We chose etiquette and made it the innate nature of those brought near. Indeed, it is a garment that suits souls, both young and old. Blessed is the one who made it the embellishment of their temple, and woe to those deprived of this great bounty. Had you been the owner of the word, you would not have cast aside the Book of God behind your back when it was sent to you from One Mighty, Wise. Indeed, We tested you with that and found you lacking in what you claimed. Rise and make amends for what has passed by you, for soon the world and what you possess will perish, and dominion will remain for God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers of old. It is not befitting for you to limit matters to what your desires incline to. Beware of the sighs of the oppressed lest you be pierced by the arrows of the wrongdoers. By what you have done, affairs in your kingdom will change, and sovereignty will slip from your grasp as recompense for your deeds. Should you find yourself in manifest loss, and earthquakes seize all tribes, unless you rise to support this Cause and follow the Spirit on this straight path. What has honored you has deluded you; by My life, it will not last and will surely vanish unless you hold fast to this firm mountain. We see abasement looming behind you, and indeed, you are among those who are asleep." (edit)

و معلوم احبای الهی بوده در ایام توقف در ارض سرّ الواح منیعه مخصوص بعضی از ملوک لاتمام حجت الله نازل و ارسال شد از جمله بملک پاریس که در آن ایام رأس ملوک بود لوحی نازل و سبب آن آنکه روزی تلقاء عرش حاضر بودم فرمودند بعد از دعوای روس و عثمانی ملک پاریس باعانت عثمانی بر خاست و بعد از نزاع و جدال و قتل و غارت جمعی از ملوک بمیان آمدند و حکم مصالحه محقق شد بعد ملک روس از ملک پاریس سئوال نمود که من و تو هر دو اهل یک ملت بودیم سبب چه بود که باهانت اهل مذهب خود و اعانت غیر مذهب قیام نمودی در جواب نوشت که سببی نداشت مگر آنکه نفوسی از رعیّت عثمانی را شما در بحر اسود بغتة برایشان هجوم نمودید و جمعی را غرق کردید ندای آن مظلومان مرا از خواب بیدار نمود و باعانت برخاستم بعد از اتمام این فقره فرمودند حال ما لوح باو میفرستیم او را امتحان مینمائیم اگر باعانت مظلومین اهل بیان برخاست تصدیق مینمائیم او را در آنچه گفته والاّ یظهر کذبه فیما ادعی و قال لذا لوحی باو نازل و ارسال شد ابدا" خبری از او نرسید مع آنکه وزیری از وزرای او که سرّا" اظهار حبّ مینمود بساحت اقدس معروض داشته که مخصوصا" لوح را بملک رساندم و تفصیل را هم لسانا" معروض داشتم معذالک جوابی نرسید این بود که از عدم وصول جواب آن لوح این لوح ثانی نازل و بخط فرنساوی شخصی نوشته و ارسال داشت حال ملاحظه در لوح نمائید آنچه بر او وارد شده از قبل تصریحا من غیر تلویح در آن لوح نازل طوبی للقارئین طوبی للمتفکرین طوبی للمخلصین و همچنین در خلق بدیع و ارسال آن بقدرت و عظمت تفکر نمائید و ملاحظه کنید بعد از اتمام حجت و اظهار قدرت چگونه بلایا از قحط و غلا و خوف عجم را احاطه نمود اخبار این امور کل درالواح متعدده نازل شده فوالله الذی لا اله الاّ هو اگر نفوس در خلق بدیع و ارسال او و لوح او و آنچه بعد وارد شده تفکر نمایند جمیع را کافی است و برهان الهی اظهر از شمس بر کل مبرهن و واضح میشود ولکن کینونات جعلیه بعالم خود مشغولند از انفاس سبحانیه و عرف آیات رحمانیه قسمتی نبرده (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) "It is known that during the days of My stay in the Land of Mystery (Adrianople), certain divine Tablets, which are hidden from the eyes of non-believers, were specifically revealed for some kings to complete God's proof. Among them was a Tablet revealed to the king of Paris, who at that time was the leading monarch. The reason for this was that one day when I was present at the throne of God, it was ordained that after the dispute between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, the king of Paris rose with the support of the Ottomans. Following the conflict, strife, killings, and plunder, a group of kings came together, and a decree for reconciliation was established. Later, the king of Russia asked the king of Paris why, given that both of us belong to the same nation, you rose against your co-religionists and supported those of a different faith. The king of Paris wrote back stating that the only reason was that you suddenly attacked some subjects of the Ottoman Empire in the Black Sea and drowned many of them. The cries of those oppressed ones awakened me from sleep, and I rose to support them.

After this incident, it was said that now we will send him (the king of Paris) a Tablet to test him; if he rises in support of the oppressed people of Baha, we will confirm what he has claimed, otherwise his lie in what he has asserted will become apparent. Therefore, a Tablet was revealed and sent to him, but no response was ever received from him, even though one of his ministers, who secretly expressed love for Me, had presented himself at the most holy court and claimed that he had personally delivered the Tablet to the king and had verbally explained it in detail. Yet, no reply was received. Because of the lack of response to that Tablet, this second one was revealed and written in French and sent. Now, observe in the Tablet what has befallen him, explicitly, not implicitly. Blessed are the readers, blessed are the contemplators, blessed are the sincere.

Likewise, reflect upon the unique creation and its dispatch with power and might, and observe that after the completion of the argument and the demonstration of power, how calamities such as famine, inflation, and fear of foreigners surrounded them. The news of these matters has been revealed in various Tablets. By God, who there is no other deity but He, if souls reflect upon the unique creation, its dispatch, its Tablet, and what occurred afterwards, it will suffice them all, and the divine proof will become clearer than the sun to all who seek evidence. However, beings are occupied with their own worlds and have not taken a share of the divine breaths and the fragrance of the verses of the merciful." (edit)

و نخواهند برد الاّ من شاء الله چنانچه مشاهده میشود مع این اعلاء کبری و ظهور عظمی و آیات واضحات بعضی از عباد متابعت نفوسی را اختیار نموده اند که همیشه خلف قناع بوده و خواهند بود و ابدا" امری از آن نفوس ظاهر نشده چه فایده که این عبد فرصت ندارد و الاّ جمیع آنچه ظاهر شده و میشود کل را از آیات الله که بالتصریح من غیر تأ ویل نازل شده معروض میداشت نسئل الله بان یؤید العباد علی الانصاف و محو ماعندهم من الاوهام و ماذکر فی الاسلاف ان العجب فی الدین اتبعوا الذفراء بعد الذی تضوع رائحه المحبوب بین العالمین مثل آنکه بسیّد محمّد اصفهانی و اقوال او که ابدا از اصل امر مطلع نبوده و لازال بفساد مشغول از حق امنع اقدس محتجب مانده اند اگر چه قول عوام است ولکن مناسب این مقام کوری نگر که عصاکش کوردگر شود فواللّه فوالله هر ذی بصری و ذی شمّی که یکمرتبه او را دیده از وجهش اثر جحیم و از نفسش رائحه اهل سّجین یافته هر روز بتدلیسی مشغول چون وارد سجن اعظم شدیم اسمش را قدوس افندی گذاشت بگمان آنکه اسم بیمعنی سبب اعلای مسمی خواهد شد ویل له و لمن اتبعه و همچنین آقا جان را رئیس المشرکین سیف الحق نامیده و عراق را باو وعده داد چنانچه مکتوب خود آقا جان الاّن موجود است که برئیس المشرکین نوشته استغاثه نموده که آن وعده که دادید چند وقت دیگر ظاهر میشود باری در این ارض نزد هر شخصی ذکر نمود که من سیف الحقم و اکثربلاد را عنقریب فتح میکنم الا لعنة الله علی الکاذبین در این مقام آیاتی از سماء مشیّت الهیه نازل قوله عزّ کبریائه:​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) "And they will not carry [the truth] except for those whom Allah wills, as it is observed. Despite these great elevations, manifest greatness, and clear signs, some of the servants have chosen to follow souls that have always been behind veils and will remain so, and nothing apparent has ever emerged from those souls. What benefit is it that this servant has no opportunity, or else he would present everything that has appeared and will appear, all from the signs of Allah, which have been revealed explicitly, without allegory. We ask Allah to assist the servants in fairness and to erase the illusions they hold. And what was mentioned in the past, that wonder in the religion follows the 'zifra' [possibly meaning something false or insignificant] after the fragrance of the Beloved has diffused among the worlds. Like what happened with Sayyid Muhammad of Isfahan and his sayings, who was never aware of the essence of the matter and remained engaged in corruption, veiled from the most sacred truth. Although it is a common saying, it is fitting for this station: 'Beware, the blind man who is a guide will become a blinder guide.' By Allah, by Allah, every person of sight and scent who saw him once found on his face the mark of Hell and from his breath the scent of the people of Sijjin. Every day he is engaged in deceit. When we entered the greatest prison, we named him 'Qaddus Efendi', thinking that a meaningless name would elevate the named. Woe to him and those who follow him. And similarly, Aqa Jan was named 'Chief of the Idolaters', 'Sword of Truth', and was promised Iraq, as it is written in Aqa Jan's own existing letter that he has cried out to the 'Chief of the Idolaters' about the promise given, asking when it will manifest. Anyway, in this land, he has told everyone that he is the 'Sword of Truth' and will soon conquer most lands. May Allah's curse be upon the liars. In this station, verses from the heaven of divine will have descended, He says in His glory and majesty:​" (edit)
"الأقدس الأعظم الأبهی إن فی ابتلاء مالک الإمکان فی کلّ الأحیان لآیات لمن فی الأکوان قد قبل الشّدّة لرخاء البریّة و المشقّة لراحة من فی الإمکان نفسی لفضله الفداء و کینونتی لرحمته الفداء و روحی لعنایته التی أحاطت الآفاق ما أصبح إلاّ و أحاطته ظلمات الإشارات من الذین کفروا بالله منزل الآیات و إنه لا یمنعه شيء عما أراد فی أمر الله مالک یوم التناد مرّة ینادی بلسانه المبین و طورا یشیر بإصبع الیقین و یدعوا الکل الی الله مالک الرقّاب لو نذکر ما ورد علینا لتنفطر السّماء و تخر الجبال إن الذین کفروا افتخروا بما عندهم من الألقاب إن الأخرس سمّی نفسه بالقدّوس و ادّعی فی نفسه ما ادّعی الخنّاس و الآخر سمّی نفسه سیف الحقّ و قال إنّی أنا فاتح البلاد و قد بعث الله من ضرب علی فمه لیوقنن الکل بأنّه ذنب الشیطان قطع من سیف الرّحمن قد کان أن ینتظر أیّام عزّه و ظهوره بما وعده من کفر بالله فالق الاصباح کذالک یأخذ الله من أعرض عنه و قام علی تضییع أمره بین العباد هلکوا امرت اریاح الرّبیع و فتحت أبواب السمّاء و أمطر السّحاب طوبی لمن فاز بعرفان الله فی أیّامه و انقطع بکلّه عن کل الجهات قل أَوَلَم یکفکم ربّ السمّوات و الأرض إنّه قد أتی بالحق باسمه المهیمن علی الإبداع إنّک نوّر قلبک بمصباح الأعظم الذی أوقده مالک القدم ثّم استقم علی الأمر بسلطان ربّک المقتدر المختار" انتهی​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) "The Most Holy, the Greatest, the Most Glorious, indeed, in the trial of the Possessor of Possibility at all times, there are signs for those in the worlds. He has accepted hardship for the ease of creation, and difficulty for the comfort of those within possibility. My soul is a sacrifice for His grace, and my existence a sacrifice for His mercy, and my spirit for His care that has encompassed the horizons. No morning comes but that it is surrounded by the darkness of insinuations from those who disbelieved in Allah, the Revealer of Signs. And indeed, nothing prevents Him from what He desires in the matter of Allah, the Master of the Day of Calling. At times He calls with His clear tongue, and at times He gestures with the Finger of Certainty, and He calls everyone to Allah, the Master of the necks. If we were to recount what has come upon us, the heavens would burst and the mountains would crumble. Those who disbelieved have boasted in what they have of titles. Indeed, the mute has named himself 'The Holy', and claimed in himself what the whisperer claimed. And another named himself 'Sword of Truth' and said, 'Indeed, I am the conqueror of countries.' And Allah has sent one who sealed his mouth to ensure that everyone is certain that he is a tail of Satan, cut off by the Sword of the Merciful. It was supposed to wait for the days of his honor and his manifestation with what he promised from disbelief in Allah, the Cleaver of the dawn. Thus, Allah takes those who turned away from Him and stood up to squander His affair among the servants. They perished. I commanded the breezes of spring, and opened the gates of heaven, and the clouds rained. Blessed is the one who succeeded in recognizing Allah in his days and cut off completely from all directions. Say, has not the Lord of the heavens and the earth sufficed you? Indeed, He has come with the truth with His name the Preserver over Creation. Indeed, you have illuminated your heart with the lamp of the Greatest, which the Possessor of Antiquity has lit. Then remain steadfast upon the command with the authority of your Lord, the Almighty, the Chosen." (edit)
شخصی در این مدینه از علمای مدینه کبیره بوده آقا جان نزد او مراوده داشت نزد او هم تفصیل را ذکر نموده که من سیف الحقم عنقریب فتوحات اکثر بلاد بدست من خواهد شد آن شخص عالم جاهل اگر چه از سبیل حق بعید بوده کلمه خوبی ذکر نمود کان روح القدس نطق علی لسانه چنانچه بعد از قتل مشرکین فی الفور مع پاشای بلد بر سرنعش آقا جان حاضر مذکور نمود این ملعون میگفت من سیف الحقم حال معلوم شد که سیف الحق آن بود که بر کمرش خورد و باسفل الجحیم مقّرش داد باری الحمد لله بعد از وقوع این فقره و رجوع مشرکین باسفل الجحیم امطار رحمت لیلا " و نهارا " بارید بعد از آنکه درچند سنه رحمت ممنوع بود ناس بقحط و غلا معذب و مبتلا باری وقتیکه در ادرنه بودیم کاغذی آن خبیث بشخصی نوشته بود از جمله ملاحظه شد یک فقره از فقرات لوحی که در عراق نازل شده بود سرقت نموده و باسم خود نوشته و آن فقره اینست چون شمس مشرقیم و چون قمر لائح و آن غافل پلید اینقدر ادراک ننموده که عرصه سیمرغ جولانگه ذباب نشده و نخواهد شد و ظلمت را نمیرسد که دعوی شمسی نماید فو الله چون بعضی ناس را ضعیف و احمق دید لذا بمفتریات نفسیه قیام نمود چنانچه بعضی مجعولات قلمیه او را اخذ نموده و میخوانند قد خسرالکاتب و القاری و بوساوس و دسائس مختلفه ناس را از ربّ النّاس منع مینمود و باوهام سابقه بعضی را گمراه نمود چنانچه این بنده را شخصی در سوق ملاقات نموده مذکور داشت که ساعتی میخواهم ترا ملاقات کنم بشرط آنکه احدی جز من و تو نباشد و این عبد از قبل او را ندیده بودم گفتم بسیار خوب وقتی معین شد و آمد بعضی ذکر ها بمیان آمد و معلوم شد که با مشرک بالله مراوده دارد و ذکر نمود بمن گفته اند تو از شیعیانی در این اثنا این عبد را بشأنی ضحک غلبه نمود که زمام صبر از دست رفت آن شخص تعجب نمود گفت سبب ضحک چیسـت گفتم ای بیچاره فقیر شیعیانِ شما که در دیار ایران مثــل حصاة ریخته اند بچه مقامی رسیدند و یا چه شأنی عند الله داشته اند که تازه تو میخواهی بر اثر آن توهمّین مردوده مشی نمایی آیا ندیدی که کل باطل و در ضلالت صرف بوده اند چنانچه حق منیع را بایادی خود شهید کرده الا لعنة الله علی القوم الضالمین بعد از القاء این کلمه بسیار متفکر شد بعد لوجه الله بعضی از کلمات منیعه که از مصدر امریه استماع نموده بودم باو القا نمودم مشاهده شد که خالی از استعداد نیست از جمله مذکور داشتم که تو فکر کن از آنچه نزد شیعیان بود و از اساس مذهب و ملت خود میشمردند کدامیک صدق بود که حال تو میخواهی بر اثر آن اوهام و کلمات کذبه ببحر صدق و حکمت رباّنیه وارد شوی آیا این شیعیان که میگویی معنی قیامت راادراک نموده بودند قال لا گفتم آیا میزان را عارف شدند قال لا گفتم آیا حشر و نشر را فهمیدند قال لا گفتم آنچه در ذکر قائم نزدشان مذکور است بقسمی که ادراک نموده اند حق بوده قال لا بعد مذکور داشتم که خود شاهدی کل کذب بود حال این فقره که بتو گفته اند از کجا دانستی که صدقست بعد جلستُ مستویا مقابلا الیه و نطقت بما حفظت من آیات الله الملک المهیمن القیّوم و القیت علیه ما امرت به من لدی الله العزیز المحبوب قلت یا عبد اما سمعت ما نطق به لسان العظمة اذا استوی علی عرشه المهیمن علی کل شاهد و مشهود قال و قوله الحق دعوا ما عندکم من الاوهام ثّم استمعوا ما ینطق به لسان ربکم العزیز العلام الی متی تتبعون الهوی قد اشرقت شمس الهدی ان اقبلوا الیها مقدسین عما ذکر من قبل من علمائکم تالله هذا لظهور الله و آیة بطونه لما سواه لا یقاس بما ذکر فی ازل الا زال (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Someone in this city, among the scholars of the great city, was, dear sir, in contact with him, and he had mentioned to him in detail that I, Sayf al-Haq, will soon have the conquests of most countries in my hand. That ignorant scholar, although far from the path of truth, mentioned a good word as if the Holy Spirit spoke through his tongue, as he mentioned immediately after the killing of the idolaters, with the Pasha of the city, at my dear sir's funeral bier. This accursed one used to say, "I am Sayf al-Haq," now it has become known that the true Sayf al-Haq was the one who struck his waist and consigned him to the lowest depths of hell. Anyway, praise be to God, after this incident occurred and the idolaters were consigned to the lowest depths of hell, the showers of mercy rained day and night, after years in which mercy was withheld, and people were afflicted with famine and high prices.

Once, when we were in Edirne, we noticed a letter written by that vile person to someone, among other things, it was observed that he had stolen a passage from a tablet that had been revealed in Iraq and written it in his own name, and that passage was this, "As the sun rises in the east and the moon appears," and that vile heedless one did not realize that the arena of the Simurgh is not and will never be the playground of flies, and darkness does not have the right to claim to be the sun, by God. When he saw some people as weak and foolish, thus, he stood up with his own fabrications, as some of his penned forgeries were taken and read, indeed, the writer and reader have both lost. With various whispers and deceptions, he prevented people from [following] the Lord of the people and led some astray with old delusions.

As such, someone met this servant in the market and mentioned that he wanted to meet me for a while, on the condition that no one but him and I would be there. I had not seen him before, I said very well, a time was set, and he came. Some discussions came up, and it became known that he was in contact with those who associate partners with God. He mentioned to me, "They say you are among the Shia." At that moment, I was overtaken by laughter to the point that I lost the reins of patience. The man was surprised and said, "What is the reason for the laughter?" I said, "Poor soul, your Shia, who in the land of Iran are scattered like pebbles, have they reached a station or had any status with God, that now you want to follow their rejected and futile thoughts? Have you not seen that all they had was falsehood and they were in sheer misguidance, such that they martyred the truth with their own hands? May the curse of God be upon the wrongdoers."

After saying these words, he became very contemplative. Then, for the sake of God, I recited to him some of the compelling words I had heard from the source of command, and I saw that he was not devoid of potential. Among other things, I mentioned to him to think about what was among the Shia, and what they considered the foundation of their religion and nation, which of it was true, because now you want to enter into the sea of divine truth and wisdom based on those delusions and false words. Have these Shia, whom you speak of, realized the meaning of resurrection? He said no. I asked, "Have they known the balance (of justice)?" He said no. I said, "Have they understood the gathering and resurrection?" He said no. I said, "What is mentioned about the Qa'im among them, to the extent that they have understood, was it true?" He said no.

Then I said, you yourself are a witness that it was all false, now how do you know that what has been told to you is true? Then I sat upright facing him and spoke with what I had memorized from the verses of God, the King, the Dominant, the Self-Subsisting, and I conveyed to him what I was commanded by God, the Mighty, the Beloved. I said, "O servant, have you not heard what the tongue of greatness has uttered when it settled upon the throne of dominion over all that is witnessed and witnessed?" He said, and his saying the truth was, "Leave what you have of illusions, then listen to what the tongue of your Lord, the Mighty, the Knower speaks. How long will you follow whims? The sun of guidance has risen, turn to it sanctified from what was mentioned before by your scholars. By God, this is the appearance of God, and His signs that surpass everything cannot be compared to what was mentioned in eternity without end." (edit)

و لا یعرف بما عندکم من کلمات اهل الجدال تقرّبوا الیه بعیون نورا و وجوه بیضاء کذالک امرتم فی الالواح من لدی الله المقتدر العلیم الخبیر و قوله جّل کبریائه مخاطبا لاحد قد نریک متغمسا فی غدیر المتحجبین و میاه اوهام الغافلین ان اخرج منه باسمی و سلطانی قم تغمس فی هذا البحر الاعظم الذی ینطق کل قطرة منه لا اله الّا انا المقتدر المتعالی الغزیز الکریم گفتم ای مرد لوجه الله میگویم خالصا" لله ذکر مینمایم بریز این اوهام را و از این مقامات کثیفه محدوده متوهم صعود نما تا بپرهای رحمت رحمانی بسموات حکم ربّانی عروج نمائی و فائز شوی الیوم یوم قل الله ثّم ذرهم فی خوضهم یلعبون است و این آیه مبارکه از قبل مخصوص این یوم نازل شده چه که در این ظهور واضح و مبرهن گشت که نفس حق وحده سلطانست بر کل و شریک و شبیه اخذ ننموده و نخواهد نمود اگر چه از قبل اهل ملل باین بیان مقّر و معترف بودند ولکن اکثر کاذب بودند چه که هر روز شریکی از برای حق قرار میدادند و بعد در این مقام آنچه سزاوار بود این عبد معروض داشت ذکر نمود الیوم تکلیف چیست گفتم عمل بهمین آیه که عرض کردم بگذار این نفس موهومه و اقوالشان را و در فضای خوش بدیع وارد شوتا خمر باقی از آیه رحمت رحمانی که میفرماید بظهوری ثبت حکم البدع و ان هذاا لبدیع السّموات و الارضین بیاشامی از قبل و بعد بگذر بنفس طهور بعین ظهور ناظرشو چه که کل در این ظهور اعظم باین مأمورند و این مختص باین ظهور است و بعد ذکر نمودم که بعضی از نفوس ضعیفه را آن انفس خبیثه بامثال این اذکار از مختار منع نمودند چنانچه یحیی هم ببعضی مینویسد انت من شیعتی و مقصود از این عبارت معلوم قد ضل کل کتاب کذاب حال مشاهده کن کجا است مقام اذکار آن نفس خبیث و مقامی که حضرت ربّ الارباب از برای عباد خواسته ای برادر جمیع این الفاظ محدوده نالایقه قبل را بریز و بپرهای بدیع در فضای خوش بدیع طایر شو تا بعنایت الهی از خمر بدیع بیاشامی و بر این امر بدیع پی بری و دیگر آنکه بعضی از عباد از بعضی اعمال نفوس ضعیفه که طائف حولند شکایت نموده اند و آنرا بحق جّل و عزّ نسبت داده اند چنانچه شخصی ذکر نمود که چگونه میشود مع اظهار حقیقت و اعلاء این امر که عالم را احاطه نموده بعضی نفوس که خود را نسبت بحق میدهند باعمال نا شیسته مشغول باشند باری این فقره از غفلت آن غافل است گویا این شعر که مابین ناس مشهور است نشنیده که میگویند:​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) "And none know of the words among you, words of the people of debate. Draw near to Him with eyes shining with light and faces aglow. Thus, you were commanded in the Tablets from the presence of God Almighty, the All-Knowing, the Aware. And His saying, exalted be His grandeur, addressing one of His servants, 'We see you immersed in the pool of the veiled and the waters of the delusions of the heedless. If you emerge from it by My Name and My Authority, rise and immerse yourself in this greatest ocean from which every drop speaks, "There is no deity but I, the Almighty, the Most High, the Powerful, the Generous."' I said, 'O man for the face of God, I speak purely for God; I make remembrance solely for Him. Cast aside these delusions and ascend from these filthy, limited ranks, and soar with the wings of divine mercy to the heavens of the Lord's command, and may you be victorious. Today is the day to say "God" and then leave them to indulge in their play,' as this blessed verse was revealed specifically for this day. It has become evident in this manifest and proven appearance that the essence of truth alone is the sovereign over all, without partner or equal. Although previously the people of faith acknowledged and confessed this truth, most were liars, for every day they appointed a partner for the truth, and afterwards, in this station, whatever was fitting, this servant presented and mentioned. Today, what is the duty? I said, 'Act upon this verse that I have mentioned. Leave behind this imagined self and their statements, and enter into the fresh and pleasant expanse, so that you may drink the everlasting wine from the verse of divine mercy that states, "With a manifestation, the decree of innovation is established, and this is indeed a creation of the heavens and the earth," and you may pass by what came before and after, with a pure soul observing it with clear sight, for everyone in this greatest appearance is commanded thus, and it is specific to this appearance. And then I mentioned that some weak souls have been prevented by these corrupt souls from such remembrances, chosen by me, as even Yahya wrote to some, 'You are of my followers,' and the meaning of this statement is clear. Every lying scribe has gone astray. Now see where is the station of the remembrances of that corrupt soul and the station which the Lord of Lords has desired for His servants. O brother, cast away all these unworthy, limited words of before, and as a bird of innovation, soar in the pleasant space of novelty, so that by divine grace, you may drink from the wine of innovation and understand this new matter. And moreover, some servants have complained about certain acts of weak souls that circle around and have attributed it, by the truth of the Exalted and Mighty, to themselves as if someone mentioned that how can it be that while proclaiming the truth and elevating this matter that encompasses the world, some souls, claiming to be related to the truth, are engaged with unseemly acts. In any case, this clause is from the negligence of that heedless one, as if he has not heard this verse that is famous among people saying: [The text ends here and does not continue with the verse]" (edit)
گــــر جمله کائنـــات کافر گــــردد بر دامن کبریاش ننشـــیند گرد روزی در ساحت عرش حاضر بودم قد توجه الی وجه الله قال أسمعت أن المخلصین فی خطر عظیم ای عبد حاضر لدی العرش علمای ظاهره در اصحاب رسول اختلاف نمودند که آیا اسم صحابه بر چه نفسی صادق است بعضی گفته اند صحابه نفوسی هستند که در یک سنه او اکثر در خدمت آنحضرت بودند و بجهاد فی سبیل الله قیام نمودند وبعضی گفته اند که هر کس اقرار بر کلمه توحید نمود و رسول را ملاقات کرد او از صحابه محسوبست اگر چه مرة واحده بوده و بعضی گفته اند که این اسم در باره نفوسی صادق است که مخصوص حضرت رسول او را باین اسم خطاب فرموده و بعضی گفته اند نفوسی هستند که عند حضرت موثق بوده اند و در سفر و حضر حاضر ولکن اکثری از علما گفته اند کل من اسلم ورأی النبی صلی الله علیه و صحبه ولو اقل زمان انّه من الصّحابه از اینقرار در حجةُ الوداع چهل هزار نفس با حضرت بودند و یوم وفات حضرت در مدینه صدو بیست وچهار هزار نفر جمع شدند بر کل این نفوس بقول اخیر اسم صحابه صادق معذالک معدودی بودند که از زلال خمر ایقان نوشیده اند و بمبداء فیوضات رحمانیه وارد شده اند باری امثال اینگونه سخنان از غفلت شده و میشود نسئل الله یؤید الکل علی مایحّب و یرضی باری ای دوستان حق بسمع قناعت نکنید و باوهام قبل دل مبندید فو الله الیوم نفوس خبیثه ضعفا را باوهام قبلیه از شریعه الهیه منع نموده اند بشنوید عرض این عبد خادم لدی العرش را و با رجل مستقیمه بر صراط احدیه قائم شوید و حق بشأنی ظاهر که احدی را مجال اعراض نمانده جمیع کتب الهیه مشعر و مدل بر آن چنانچه چندی قبل یکی از دوستان که از ملل مختلفه بود عریضه عرض نموده و در آن عریضه دو روایت معروض داشته که در کتب قدیمه از لسان یونانی بلسان عربی ترجمه شده فقره اولی "سیظهر الشّیطان فی جزیرة قاف و یمنع الناّس عن الّرحمن اذا حان ذاک الحین توجهوا الی الارض المقدسة منها تمّر نسمة الله" انتهی وقاف قبرص است این مشهور است چنانچه جمیع ترک قبرص را شیطان جزیره سی میگویند و ارض مقدسه هم معلوم که حال مقّر عرش واقع شده و فقره ثانی "یظهر الحباب فی جزیره المنصوبة الیه انه قصیر القامة کثیر اللحیه ضیق الجبهة و الصدر اصفر العین و الشعر لظهره و برکالائل و یصدره شعر کالمعرُ اذ اتی ذالک الوقت تقربوا الی الکرمل ولو بالکل کل ثّم اقبلو الی الواد المقدس ارض المحشر بقعة البیضاء" انتهی .​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) If all the worlds become disbelievers, no speck will settle on His garment of Majesty.

One day, I was present at the court of the Throne, and I was addressed by the face of God. He said, "Have you heard that the sincere ones are in great danger? O servant present at the Throne, scholars of the apparent have disputed among the companions of the Messenger about who truly qualifies as a companion. Some have said that the companions are those souls who have spent a year or more in the service of His Holiness and have stood for jihad in the way of Allah. Others have said that anyone who has confessed to the word of unity and met the Messenger is considered a companion, even if it was just once. Some have said that this term truly applies to the souls that the Holy Messenger has specifically addressed by this name. And some have said they are souls that were trusted in the presence of His Holiness, present both in travel and in stay. However, most scholars have said that everyone who has embraced Islam, seen the Prophet, peace be upon him, and his companions, even for the briefest moment, is indeed from the companions. Thus, at the farewell pilgrimage, there were forty thousand souls with His Holiness, and on the day of His Holiness's death in Medina, one hundred and twenty-four thousand gathered. Yet, only a few of these souls have drunk from the pure wine of certainty and entered into the fountains of divine grace.

However, conversations like these arise from negligence, and we ask God to support everyone in what He loves and is pleased with. So, O friends of truth, do not be satisfied with mere listening and do not close your hearts to the old illusions. By God, today evil souls have prevented the weak from the divine law with their former illusions. Listen to the address of this servant, a servant at the Throne, and stand upright on the path of unity, and manifest the truth in a manner that leaves no room for turning away. All the divine books indicate this, as recently one of the friends, who belonged to various religions, presented a petition, and in that petition, he put forward two narratives that have been translated from the Greek tongue into Arabic in the old books. The first statement says, "Satan will appear on the island of Qaf and will prevent people from the Merciful. When that time comes, turn to the Holy Land from which the breath of God passes." The end. And it is known that Qaf, which is Cyprus, is famous as all Turks call Cyprus the devil's island. And the Holy Land is now known to have become the established Throne.

And the second statement says, "The bubble will appear on the appointed island. He is short-statured, with a lot of beard, a narrow forehead and chest, yellow eyes and hair, his hair reaching his back, and he will have disheveled hair like a lion. When that time comes, draw near to Mount Carmel, even crawling, then turn to the Holy Valley, the land of resurrection, the white spot." The end. (edit)

معلوم بوده که حُباب اسم شیطان وحیّه است میفرماید ظاهر میشود شیطان در جزیره که منسوب باوست که قبرص باشد چنانچه بجزیره شیطان معروفست و میفرماید اذا اتی ذالک الوقت تقربوا الی الکرمل و کرمل جبلیست مقابل عکا ولو بالکلک یعنی گر چه بسینه باشد ثّم اقبلوا الی الوادی المقدس ارض المحشر بقعة ارض المحشر بقعة البیضاء این سه لقب ارض عکا است چنانچه بین کل مشهور است و در کتب مذکور و کاش نفسی بقبرص میرفت و جمیع این صفات که مذکور است بعین ظاهر در آن شخص مشاهده مینمود باری ای عباد حق محتاج باین اذکار نیست و امثال این اذکار لاجل تفضل صرفه است که این بنده ذلیل گمان نموده که بامثال آن بعضی از خواب غفلت بیدار شوند و الاّ حق مقدس از ذکر این و آن لا یُعرفُ إلاّ بنفسه و لا ینعت إلاّ بما نُعتَ به ذاته لذاته ما سواه مخلوق بأمره و راجع الی أماکنه فی عوالم إبداعه و اختراعه امیدواریم که عرایض این عبد چون خالصا" لوجه الله معروض شده شفای قلوب واقع شود و ضیاء صدور تا کل بحّب الله بر شأنی قیام نمایند که احدی را مجال اعراض و اعتراض نماند و جمیع ما قاله المشرکون او یقولون را لا شيء محض انگارند

اذا اقول تبت الیک یا الهی بما اجترحت فی ساحتک فاغفر لی بسلطانک و فضلک إنّک أنت أکرم الأکرمین و الحمد لک یا إله العالمین

خادم الله​ (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) It is known that Hubbab is the name of a satanic serpent. It is said that the devil will appear on the island associated with him, which is to be Cyprus, as it is commonly known as the devil's island. And it is said, "When that time comes, draw near to Mount Carmel," and Mount Carmel is a mountain opposite Acre, even if it means crawling on your chest. "Then turn to the Holy Valley, the land of resurrection, the white spot." These three titles are the lands of Acre, as is famous among all and mentioned in the books. If only a soul would go to Cyprus and observe all these mentioned traits manifestly in that person. However, O servants of truth, there is no need for these recitations, and the likes of these recitations are purely for grace so that this humble servant hoped that with their likes, some might awaken from the sleep of negligence. Otherwise, the sacred truth is not known except by itself and cannot be described except by what has been attributed to His essence. Everything other than Him is a creation by His command and returns to its places in the worlds of His innovation and invention. We hope that the addresses of this servant, presented purely for the face of God, become the cure for hearts and the radiance of chests so that everyone stands firmly for the love of God, leaving no room for turning away or objection, and considering all that the polytheists say or are saying to be utterly nothing.

Thus, I say, I turn to You, O my God, for what I have committed in Your precinct. Forgive me by Your authority and grace, for You are the Most Generous of the Generous, and all praise is for You, O God of all the worlds.

Servant of God (edit)

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