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Latest revision as of 19:03, 17 April 2023

Paragraph Persian English GPT4_
در اوّل ظهور كلّ علما بر انكار قيام نمودند به نصّ خود نقطه بيان - روح ما سواه فداه - ،يعنی مجتهدينی كه در كلّ اطراف بودند آن طلعت احديّه به هر يك لوحی بِإسمه و رسمه نازل فرمود و در آن لوح ذكر اعراض او را به تفصيل فرموده اند و سواد آن الواح الان موجود. و به علمای نجف و كربلا واحداً بعد واحد مرقوم داشته اند، و همچنين به علمای فارس اسماً بعد اسم، و همچنين به علمای ارض صاد و ارض قاف و ساير بلاد. به شأنی ابواب انصاف مسدود بود كه يك نفر آن قوم، كه از معارف و به علم مشهور، به آن شجره علم الهی و منبع حكمت صمدانی و مطلع بيان رحمانی موقن نشده و فائز نگشته. و نفسي، كه قبل از كلّ نفوس به شرافت كبری فائز و باب رحمت و باب علم و باب هدايت و باب فضل شد از برای كلّ موجودات، جناب باب[۱۴۷] - بهاءالله عليه – بوده. (edit)
At the first appearance of all the scholars, they rose up against the denial of the point of expression in their own text - our soul except sacrifice - that is, the mujtahidin who were all around revealed that Talaat Ahadiya to each tablet with a name and a name, and in that tablet mentioned his symptoms in detail. They have said and the literacy of those tablets is now available. And to the scholars of Najaf and Karbala, they have had one name after the other, and also to the scholars of Fars by name after the name, and also to the scholars of the land of Sad, the land of Qaf, and other countries. The gates of justice were closed because one person of that people, who is famous for knowledge and knowledge, was not blessed with that tree of divine knowledge and the source of wisdom of Samadani and the informer of the merciful statement. And my soul, which before all the souls was given the great honor of victory, the chapter of mercy, the chapter of knowledge, the chapter of guidance, and the chapter of grace, has been the noble chapter [147] - Bahá'u'lláh alayhi wa sallam - for all beings. (edit) At the beginning of the Manifestation, all the scholars denied the advent, as explicitly stated by the Point of Expression - may our souls be sacrificed for Him. That is, the learned ones who were in all the surrounding areas, sent a Tablet to each of them by their name and title, and in that Tablet detailed their objections. The content of those Tablets still exists. They were sent one by one to the scholars of Najaf and Karbala, and likewise to the scholars of Persia by name after name, as well as to the scholars of the lands of Sad, the lands of Qaf, and other countries. The gates of justice were so closed that not a single person among those people, who were renowned for their knowledge and understanding, became convinced of and benefited from that divine Tree of Knowledge, that Source of Eternal Wisdom, and the Luminous Manifestation of God's Expression. The very soul that was the first among all souls to attain the highest nobility and become the Gate of Mercy, the Gate of Knowledge, the Gate of Guidance, and the Gate of Grace for all beings was the person of the Báb - may the Glory of God be upon him. (edit)
و البتّه تفصيل آن ذات مقدّس را هر نفسی شنيده كه مابين ناس اشتهار نداشته و صاحب منبر و محراب هم نبوده اند. يكی از تلامذه جناب حاجی سيّد كاظم - عليه رحمة الله و فيوضاته - بودند و اكثری از علمای ظاهره آن نفس مقدسّه را تكفير مي نمودند. و در تلاميذ سيّد مرحوم هم بعضی از نفوس بوده، كه از ايشان معروف تر بوده اند، چنانچه يومی از جناب ملّا مهدی خوئی، كه يكی از اصحاب جناب سيّد بود، از علم جناب باب استفسار شده. او چند نفوس متعدّده را اسم برده و جميع را در علم و فضل ظاهره ترجيح مي داد بر باب اعظم و كلمه اكرم. (edit)
And of course, every soul has heard the details of that holy essence, who have not been famous among people and have not owned a pulpit or an altar. One of his students was Haji Sayyed Kazem - may God's mercy and blessings be upon him - and most of the prominent scholars disbelieved in that holy soul. And among the disciples of the late Sayyid, there were some people who were more famous than him, as one day Molla Mahdi Khoi, who was one of the companions of the Sayyid, was asked about the knowledge of the Bab. He named several souls and preferred all of them in knowledge and outward virtues over the supreme chapter and the word of honor. (edit) Indeed, the details of that holy personage were known to everyone who was not famous among the people and was not the owner of the pulpit and the prayer niche. He was one of the students of the late Haji Seyyed Kazim - may God have mercy on him and his bounties. Most of the exoteric scholars declared that holy soul an unbeliever. Among the late Seyyed's students, there were also some souls who were more renowned than him, such as when Mulla Mehdi Khui, one of the companions of Seyyed, was asked about the knowledge of the Báb. He mentioned the names of several individuals and preferred them all in terms of exoteric knowledge and virtue over the Supreme Báb and the Most Generous Word. (edit)
و نفوس مشهوره معروفه هيچ كدام موقن نشدند، بلكه بر اعراض و اعتراض قيام نمودند. از جمله ملّا حسن گوهر و ميرزا محيط و ميرزا كريم خان و همچنين سايرين كه در آذربايجان و اطراف معروف بودند. باری جميع علمای معروفين، چه از فئه شيخيّه و چه از فئه ظاهره، در امرالله توقّف نمودند، بلكه معرض و منكر و نظر به اعراض سلب علم از آن نفوس غافله فرموده اند. (edit)
And the famous and famous people were not allowed, but they rose up against complaints and protests. Among them Molla Hasan Gohar, Mirza Meyath and Mirza Karim Khan, as well as others who were famous in Azerbaijan and the surrounding area. Once upon a time, all the famous scholars, whether from the Shaykhyyah or the Zahirah faction, stopped at the command of Allah, but they said that they were open and negative and looked at the symptoms of the deprivation of knowledge from those heedless souls. (edit) None of the well-known and famous souls were convinced; rather, they rose in opposition and objection. Among them were Mulla Hasan Gohar, Mirza Mohit, Mirza Karim Khan, and others who were well-known in Azerbaijan and its surroundings. Indeed, all the famous scholars, whether from the Shaykhi sect or the exoteric sect, hesitated in the Cause of God. Instead, they opposed, denied, and, heedless of those souls' objections, withheld knowledge from them. (edit)
ولكن جناب باب اعظم يعنی اوّل مَن آمن و سبعة عشر انفس كه با ايشان بودند چون به شرافت ايمان فائز شدند[۱۴۸] كلّ عند الله از ادلّای علم مذكور، چنانچه مي فرمايد اين نفوس در جميع اسماء حسنی ابواب رحمتند بر كلّ ناس، و در بيان پارسی به تفصيل مذكور و مسطور، ملاحظه نمايند. منتهی جدّ و جهد را نموده كه در يوم ظهور از هيچ امری محتجب نمانيد و ناظر به هيچ شیء عمّا خُلق و يُخلق نشويد، چه كه هر نفسی در آن يوم در اقلّ مِن آن بشیء غير حقّ ناظر شود به قدر همان از شريعه قرب بعيد خواهد بود. (edit)
But Mr. Bab Azam means the first man of faith and the seven and ten souls who were with him because they were blessed with the honor of faith[148]. Please see the Persian statement in detail. The end result is that you do not be afraid of anything on the Day of Resurrection and do not be a watcher of anything, whether created or created, because any soul that watches at least something other than the truth on that day will be as far away from the sharia of nearness. Was. (edit) However, the Bab al-Azam, meaning the first to believe, and the seventeen souls who were with him, became triumphant in the nobility of faith. All of them were considered the foremost in knowledge by God, as He says, "These souls are the gates of mercy for all people in all good names." In the detailed and recorded Persian exposition, observe this. Endeavor and strive so that on the Day of Appearance, you are not veiled from anything and do not look at anything created or to be created. For every soul on that day will be far from the divine law to the extent that it looks at something other than the truth. (edit)
قلب را از كلّ مطهّر داريد و نظر را از علامات و اشارات و قرب و بعد كه به عقل خود ادراك نموده ايد برداريد! چه كه احدی بر مشيّت مكنونه الهيّه و اراده مستوره اش اطلاع نداشته و ندارد، و در كلّ حين به شأن بديع ظاهر شده و خواهد شد. بسا است كه به شأنی ظاهر می شود كه ابداً احدی از قبل تعقّل ننموده. پناه به خدا برده و در ليل و نهار مسئلت نمائيد كه به امری ظاهر شود كه ادراك آن از برای خلق سهل باشد كه لعلّ از فيوضات آن بحر اعظم و اشراق انوار شمس معانی محروم نمانند. (edit)
Purify your heart from everything and remove the opinion from the signs and indications and near and far that you have perceived with your intellect! That no one knows about God's immutable will and hidden will, and it has always appeared and will be revealed in a new way. It is possible that it will appear in a way that no one has ever imagined before. Take refuge in God and pray day and night that something will appear that is easy for the people to understand, so that they will not be deprived of the abundance of the great sea and the light of the sun. (edit) Purify your heart from all impurities and lift your gaze from the signs, symbols, closeness, and distance that you have understood with your own intellect! For no one has had or will have knowledge of the hidden divine will and the concealed divine intention, and at all times, something wondrous appears and will appear. It is enough that something appears that no one has ever conceived before. Take refuge in God and pray day and night for a matter to manifest that is easy for creation to understand, so that perhaps they will not be deprived of the effusions from that greatest ocean and the illumination of the sun of meanings. (edit)
ظهور قبل - روحی و نفسی له الفداء - در اين امر بسيار نصيحت فرموده اند و به بيانات لايحصی ذكر نموده اند، علی شأنٍ لنْ يخطر ببال أحدٍ أمرٌ إلاّ و إنّه[۱۴۹]رقم مِن قلمه الأعلی. مثلاً اگر نفسی به بيان ناظر باشد می فرمايد: إيّاك أنْ تحتجبَ به عن مُنزله. و اگر كسی به حروف متمسّك باشد می فرمايد: إيّاك أنْ تحتجبَ بالحروف عن مُوجدهم و خالقهم. و اگر كسی به علم مفتخر باشد می فرمايد: لَم يَصدُقْ إسمُ العلم علی أحدٍ إلاّ بأنْ يكونَ عالِماً بنفس الظّهور. و اگر نفسی به علامات محدود باشد می فرمايد كه: إيّاكم أنْ تحتجبوا بها. چه كه احدی بر كيفيّت ظهور آن ذات قدم مطّلع نه. يُظهر نفسَهُ كيف يشاء. و اگر كسی به تكميل ناظر باشد می فرمايد: تصديق كلّ شیءمنوط به تصديق آن منبع صدق بوده و خواهد بود. اگر بفرمايد: "كلّ كاملند" ليس لأحدٍ أنْ يقول "لِمَ" و "بِمَ". و اگر بفرمايد: "كلّ ناقصند" ليس لأحدٍ أن يعترض عليه. و اگر نفسی به وقت محدود باشد چنانچه اين ايّام كلّ به آن محتجب می فرمايد: هر وقت ظاهر شود بايد كلّ تصديق به شجره حقيقت نمايند و شكر الهی به جا آورند. و اگر نفسی به رؤسا و مرايای عصر ناظر باشد مخاطباً إيّاهم می فرمايد كه شما به قول من حجّت شده ايد، زينهار كه از نفس من در ظهور آخر محتجب شويد. (edit)
The appearance of the past - spiritual and self-sacrificing - have given a lot of advice in this matter and have mentioned in countless statements, for the sake of one's head, there is only one thing, and this [149]. For example, if a person is watching the statement, he says: I'm not afraid of the place. And if someone clings to the letters, he says: Don't be afraid of the letters from their creator and creator. And if someone is proud of knowledge, he will say: He did not believe in the name of knowledge except that he is a scientist in his own appearance. And if a breath is limited to signs, he says: I'm sorry. Because no one is aware of the quality of the appearance of that step. You show your soul as you wish. And if someone observes the completion, he says: the confirmation of the whole object depends on the confirmation of that source of truth and will be. If he says: "All are perfect", then no one should say "Lem" and "Bem". And if he says: "They are all imperfect", no one can object to it. And if a soul is limited by time, as Muhtajj says to it these days, whenever it appears, all should acknowledge the genealogy of truth and give thanks to God. And if a soul watches over the leaders and mirrors of the age, it will address me and say that you have been justified by my word, Zinhar, that you should be protected from my soul in the last appearance. (edit) The previous Manifestation (may my spirit and soul be sacrificed for Him) has advised a great deal in this matter and has mentioned it in countless explanations, on a level that no one could ever imagine a matter that has not been inscribed by His Supreme Pen. For example, if someone looks at the explanations, He says: Beware lest you be veiled by them from the One who has revealed them. If someone adheres to the letters, He says: Beware lest you be veiled by the letters from the One who originated and created them. If someone takes pride in knowledge, He says: The title of knowledge is only true for someone who knows the essence of the Manifestation. If someone is limited to signs, He says: Beware lest you be veiled by them. No one is informed about the manner of the appearance of that Ancient Being. He manifests Himself as He wills. If someone looks at perfection, He says: The confirmation of everything is conditioned upon the confirmation of that Source of Truth. If He says, "All are perfect," no one has the right to ask "Why" and "How." If He says, "All are imperfect," no one has the right to object to it. If someone is limited to a specific time, as all are veiled by it in these days, He says: Whenever it appears, everyone must bear witness to the Tree of Truth and bring about divine gratitude. And if someone looks at the leaders and mirrors of the age, addressing them, He says: You have become a proof by My words, so be careful not to be veiled by Myself in the last Manifestation. (edit)
و لذلك الرّبّ يُليق تسبيحی و تسبيحُ كلِّ شیءٍ و تقديسی و تقديس كلّ شیءٍ و ذكری و ذكر كلّ شیء. لأنّه ما قصّر فی نصح عباده[۱۵۰]فی هذا النّبأ الأعظم العظيم، و أجاب مِن قبل كلَّ إعتراضات الّتی كانتْ فی أنفس عباده لِئلّا يرِدَ فی ظهوره مرّةً أخری ما يحزن به نفسه و يكدّر به فؤاده. حال ملاحظه امرالله نمائيد و ملاحظه شأن عباد كه چه قدر غافلند، و آن نفوسي، كه به قول او موجود شده، عوض آن که شكرش نمايند و به حمدش حامد و به ثنائش مثنی و به ذكرش ذاكر و به نعمتش شاكر، كلّ به اسياف كين ظاهر شده اند. نسئل الله بأنْ يحفظَ هذا المظلوم مِن هؤلاء المغلّين و المشركين و ينصرَ أمره و يظهرَ برهانه و يعلو حجّته بين السّموات و الأرضين. روحی له الفداء ونفسی له الفداء لأنّه ما بقی مِن نصح إلاّ و قد نصح به عباده. (edit)
Therefore, my praise and the praise of all things, my sanctification, the sanctification of everything, and my remembrance and remembrance of everything is worthy of the Lord. Because he did not fall short in advising his servants[150] in this great, great news, and he answered all the objections that were in the souls of his servants, lest he say in his appearance again what grieves himself and disturbs his heart. The state of observing the command of Allah is Namaid and observing the affair of His servants, such as the destiny of Ghafland, and that of my souls, such as saying or existent in intensity, instead of being shukrish namaand, and in it Hamdash Hamid, and in it two praises in praise, and in it Dhikrish Thakir, and in it Nimesh Shaker, each of them has mighty swords Apparently We ask God to protect this oppressed from those oppressors and polytheists, to support his cause, to show his proof, and to raise his argument between the heavens and the earth. My soul is his ransom, and my soul is his ransom, because there is no advice left except that he advised his servants. (edit) And for this reason, the praise and glorification of everything befits my Lord, and the sanctification and remembrance of everything. For He has not fallen short in advising His servants concerning this Greatest, Most Great News, and He has answered all the objections that were in the hearts of His servants so that He would not encounter, in His next Manifestation, what would sadden His soul and distress His heart. Now, observe the matter of God and the condition of His servants who are so heedless, and those souls who were created by His Word, instead of being grateful to Him and praising, glorifying, remembering, and thanking Him for His blessings, they all have appeared with the swords of hatred. We ask God to protect this oppressed One from these wrongdoers and polytheists and to support His cause, manifest His proof, and elevate His argument among the heavens and the earth. May my soul and spirit be sacrificed for Him, for there is no advice left that He has not given to His servants. (edit)
مخصوص چون از علما در ظهور قبل غرور و استكبار مشاهده فرموده اند اين فئه را بسيار نصيحت نموده و به مواعظ حسنه و بيانات شافيه ايشان را متذكّر داشته كه مباد به سنن قبل عمل نمايند و در حين مظهر ظهور از حقّ غافل شوند، چه كه به اعراض آن نفوس جميع ناس معرض إلاّ مَن شاء ربّك. چنانچه می فرمايند قوله - عزّ ذكره -: اين است كه در نزد هر ظهوری اهل آن ظهور به علمای آن ظهور محتجب می شوند. و حال آن که از ورای امر غافلند كه به يك قول "لا"ی او[۱۵۱]كلّ اينها غير صادق می گردند. مراقب باش ظهور حقّ را كه در يوم ظهور به تصديق اهل بيان تصديق او نكنی كه كلّ تصديق های ايشان در نزد او به يك "بلی" تصديق صرف می شود و به يك "لا" دون آن. (edit)
Especially since they have observed pride and arrogance from the scholars in the previous appearance, he advised them a lot and reminded them with good sermons and Shafia's statements that they should not follow the previous traditions and neglect the truth during the appearance of the appearance, which All people are exposed to the symptoms of those souls except by the will of the Lord. As Qulah - Ezz-e-Zakrah - says: This is that in the presence of every apparition, the people of that apparition object to the scholars of that apparition. And the fact that they are oblivious to the beyond, that with a word of his [151], all of these become untrue. Be careful not to confirm the emergence of the truth on the day of emergence with the confirmation of the people of Bayan, because all their confirmations in his eyes are reduced to a "yes" of confirmation and a "no" below it. (edit) In particular, since they have observed arrogance and pride among the scholars during the previous Manifestation, they have advised this group a great deal, reminding them with good admonitions and healing explanations so that they may not follow the ways of the past and become heedless of the truth during the time of the Manifestation. For, due to the objections of those souls, all people are veiled from the truth except those whom your Lord wills. As they say - exalted be His mention - at every Manifestation, the people of that Manifestation become veiled from the truth by the scholars of that Manifestation. And now, they are heedless of the fact that with just one "No" from Him, all of these become untrue. Be cautious of the true Manifestation, so that on the day of His appearance, you do not confirm His truth through the confirmation of the people of eloquence, for all their confirmations are transformed into a mere affirmation with just one "Yes" from Him and invalidated with just one "No". (edit)
و همچنين در اين مقام مخاطباً لعلماء البيان می فرمايند قوله - جلّ كبريائه -: أنْ يا علماءَ البيان، فلترحمنّ علی أنفسكم، ثمّ ترحمون بأنْ لا تحتجبنّ عن الّذی يظهر بالحقّ بشئون دينكم. فإنّ كلّ دينكم عنده بمثل يوم قد خلق الله ذلك الدّين، أنتم إلی نقطة البدءِ تنظرون. فإنّكم أنتم مثل كلّ أولی الظّهورات مبتلون. ربّما ليل راقدون و أنتم عندالله مؤمنون و فی نهاركم مَثَلكم كمثل العلماء من قبلكم لن يحكم الله عليكم بشیء. فلتتراقبنّ أنفسكم، ثمّ لتتراقبون! (edit)
And they are in a position to address the scholars of eloquence May Farmaynd saying - the glory of his pride -: O scholars of eloquence, let us have mercy on yourselves, then you will have mercy so that you do not veil yourself from Him who appears with the truth in the affairs of your religion. For all of your religion is with Him in the same day. God created that religion. You are looking at the starting point. For you, like all the first-borns, are afflicted. Perhaps at night you sleep while you are believers with God, and during the day your similitude is like that of the scholars before you. God will not judge you with anything. Watch yourselves, then watch! (edit) And likewise, in this station addressing the scholars of eloquence, they say - exalted be His greatness -: "O scholars of eloquence, have mercy upon yourselves, and then be merciful by not veiling yourselves from the one who appears with the truth through the affairs of your religion. For all of your religion is with Him like the day when God created that religion; you are looking at the starting point. Indeed, you are like all the people of previous Manifestations, tested. Perhaps at night, while you sleep, you are believers in the sight of God, and during your day, you are like the scholars before you, whom God will not judge based on anything. So, observe yourselves closely, and then be watchful!" (edit)
ای ملاء بيان، رحم بر خود و امرالله نموده سبب اختلاف مشويد و ارتكاب منمائيد امری را كه به آن كلمه جامعه متّحده تفريق شود! در امور وارده خالصاً لوجه الله تفكّر نمائيد! و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه حقّ در هر وقتی از اوقات و عصری از اعصار كه ظاهر شده به شأنی ظاهر كه بر متبصّرين و منصفين مجال توقّف و شبهه و ريب نبوده، مگر نفوسي كه خود برخود مشتبه نموده اند. فلتّتقنّ الله، يا ملاء البيان[۱۵۲]، و لتعتصمنّ بالله، يا ملاء البيان، و لترحمنّ علی أنفسكم، يا ملاء البيان، و لا تعترضنّ علی الّذی آمنتم به فی ظهور قبله و به ثبت إيمانُ كلّ مؤمن و إيقانُ كلّ موقن و توحيدُ كلّ موحّد و علمُ كلّ عالم و ذكرُ كلّ ذاكر. هذا خيرُ النّصح من لدی العبد لكم و عليكم إنْ أنتم من المنصفين. (edit)
O Mullah Bayan, have mercy on yourself and the command of Allah, you have caused the dissension and perpetrated a matter that is divided by the word of the united society! Think about the matters involved purely for the sake of Allah! And God, there is no god but He who has revealed the truth in every time and era of the ages, in such a way that there was no room for pause, doubt, or suspicion on the foresight and the just, except for the souls who were suspicious. Let us fear Allah, O Mola Bayan[152], and let us be steadfast in God, O Mola Bayan, and have mercy on yourselves, O Mola Bayan, and do not protest against Him Whom I believe in the appearance of the Qibla and the record of the faith of all believers, the certainty of all, and the unity of all. The unifier and the knowledge of the whole world and the remembrance of all remembrance. This is the best advice I have given to you and to you if you are the fair ones. (edit) "O assembly of eloquence, have mercy upon yourselves and do not cause discord and commit the act that would lead to the disintegration of the united community because of the Cause of God! Reflect on the matters that arise, purely for the sake of God! By God, the One Who there is no god but Him, the truth has always appeared at every time and age with such a state that it has left no room for doubt, suspicion, or uncertainty for the discerning and just, except for those souls that have brought confusion upon themselves. Fear God, O assembly of eloquence, and cling to God, O assembly of eloquence, and have mercy upon yourselves, O assembly of eloquence, and do not oppose the one in whom you believed during the previous Manifestation, and through whom the faith of every believer, the certainty of every certain one, the unity of every unifier, the knowledge of every knower, and the remembrance of every rememberer have been established. This is the best advice from the servant to you, if you are among the just." (edit)
و ديگر نوشته بودی: و اگر مدّعی آن است كه من خود آن نقطه بيان هستم خالی از اين نيست: يا آن که مرادش آن است كه او هستم بعينه و بشخصه كه واضح البطلان است، چه كه تكرّر تجلّيات جايز نيست و بالبديهة باطل، و اگر تجدّد امثال است كه واضح تر است بطلانش. بر علاوه بايد در اين صورت هم بعينه به همان احكام سابق بلا تفاوت امر نمايد. پس كجا تغييرجايز است؟ (edit)
And you had already written: And if the claimant is that I myself am that point of expression, it is not without this: or the one that means that I am him in a specific and personal way, which is clearly false, as the repetition of manifestations is not permissible and is obviously false, and If it is a repetition of parables, it is more clear that it is invalid. In addition, in this case, he should follow the previous provisions without any difference. So where is it permissible to change? (edit) You had also written: "And if the claimant claims to be the very Point of Revelation himself, it is not without these possibilities: either he means that he is the same in essence and person, which is clearly false, as the repetition of manifestations is not permissible and is evidently invalid; or if it is a renewal of the likes, its falsehood is even more evident. Moreover, in this case, he must also issue the same previous ordinances without any difference. So, where is the change permissible?" (edit)
از قراري كه معلوم می شود هنوز معنی تجلّی را هم ادراك ننموده، چه كه محلّش را ندانسته. اينجا محلّ مُجلّی است نه تجلّی. اگر به عين بصيرت ملاحظه نمائی به مبدأ تجلّيات لانهايه پی بری. و اين جواب از قبل ذكر شده كه بعينه می فرمايند آنچه را نقطه اولی فرموده. ذكر تجلّی و عدم تكرار تجلّی را بگذار و مُجلّی را ادراك كن و از دونش منقطع شو. چه می گوئيد در نقطه اولی[۱۵۳]- روح ما سواه فداه - كه می فرمايند نقطه بيان بعينه همان نقطه فرقان است از قبل. و همچنين در جميع بيان كه می فرمايند: مَن ظهر عينَ من يُظهِرُ و مَن يُظهر عينَ مَن ظهر. (edit)
As it turns out, he still didn't understand the meaning of manifestation, and he didn't know its place. This is the place of manifestation, not manifestation. If you observe with the eye of insight, you will realize the source of infinite manifestations. And this answer has already been mentioned that they say exactly what the first point said. Leave the mention of manifestation and the non-repetition of manifestation, and perceive the universe and be cut off from it. What do you say about the first point [153] - our soul is not a sacrifice - which says that the point of expression is the same as the point of separation from before. And also in all statements that say: I am the noon of my eyes, and I am the noon of my eyes. (edit) From what it seems, you have not yet understood the meaning of manifestation, nor have you recognized its place. This is a place for the Manifested, not the manifestation. If you observe with the eye of insight, you will trace the origin of the manifestations to the infinite. This answer has already been mentioned, as they say exactly what the first Point has said. Leave the mention of manifestation and the impossibility of repeating the manifestation, grasp the Manifested, and detach yourself from the knowledge of the two. What do you say about the first Point [153] - may our souls be sacrificed for Him - who says that the very Point of Revelation is the same as the previous Point of Distinction? Similarly, in all the statements where it is said: "He who appears is the same as the one who makes the appearance, and the one who makes the appearance is the same as the one who appears." (edit)
و همچنين می فرمايند: إنّنی أنا إيّاه و إنّه هو إيّای. (edit)
And they whispered to me Vermaind: I am him and he is me. (edit) And also, they say: "Indeed, I am He, and indeed, He is I." (edit)
از اين گذشته مظاهر احديّه از جهتی متّحد و از جهتی به ظهورات مختلفه ظاهر. از آن جهت كه كلّ از مَشرق امر مُشرق و مِن عندالله تكلّم نموده اند و كلّ به تبليغ ناس مأمور گشته اند، كلّ واحد بوده. اين است كه می فرمايد: (لا نُفَرِّقُ بَينَ أحدٍ مِنْهُم.) و در مقام ديگر كه مقام شرايع و اسم و جهات ملكيّه است هر كدام به اسمی و شريعتی و هيكل و هيئتی ظاهر شده اند. و اگر به ديده بصيرت ملاحظه نمائی فوالله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه كلّ را به حقيقت واحده و ظهور واحد و حركت واحده و فعل واحد و عمل واحد و شريعت واحده و اسم واحد و رسم واحد مشاهده نمائی. عجب است كه به اين بيان نرسيده، اطفالِ اين ظهور بر اين عارف شده اند - چه كه در الواح پارسيّه، كه در سنين توقّف در عراق از سماء عزّ احديّه نازل، جميع اين مراتب به تفصيل در آن الواح مذكور آمده، فطوبی للفائزين و العارفين - و تو هنوز مطّلع بر[۱۵۴] كيفيّت ظهور نشده و قدرت الهيّه را مثل قدرت خود فرض گرفته و امرش را منوط به امر خود. فبِئسَ ما ظننتَ. إنّه يظهر كيف يشاء كما ظهر بالحقّ رغماً لأنف المشركين. (edit)
From this past, the manifestations of a single entity appear from a unified direction and from a different direction to different appearances. Since all of them have spoken from the East about the East and from Allah and all of them have been assigned to preach to the people, the whole is one. This is what he says: (There is no difference between any one of them.) And in another position, which is the position of laws, the name and directions of the kingdom, each of them has appeared with a name, a law, a temple, and a body. And if you observe with the sight of insight, then by Allah, there is no god but Him, you will see the whole as one truth, one appearance, one movement, one action, one action, one law, one name, and one custom. It is a wonder that this statement has not been reached, the children of this advent have become mystics about this - what if in the Persian tablets, which were sent down from the sky of Ahadiya during the years of his stay in Iraq, all these levels are mentioned in detail in those mentioned tablets, Fatubi for the Faezin and the Arifin. - And you have not yet been informed about [154] the quality of revelation and you have assumed the power of God as your power and subordinated its command to your command. You think so. It shows how he wills like noon with the truth, despite the nose of the polytheists. (edit) Moving beyond this, the manifestations of divine unity appear as united in one aspect and as different manifestations in another aspect. In the sense that all have emanated from the source of divine command, and all have spoken on behalf of God, and all have been commissioned to proclaim the message to the people, they are all one. This is what they say: "We do not distinguish between any of them (the messengers)." And in another context, where the context is that of divine laws, names, and aspects of divine dominion, each has appeared with a specific name, law, structure, and form. And if you were to observe with the eye of insight, by Allah, there is no god but He, you would see all of them in truth as one manifestation, one emergence, one movement, one action, one deed, one law, one name, and one custom. It is astonishing that you have not reached this understanding, while the children of this manifestation have become aware of it – even in the Persian Tablets, which descended during the years of suspension in Iraq from the exalted heaven of divine unity, all these levels are detailed in those mentioned Tablets, so blessed are the successful and the knowledgeable – and you have not yet become aware of the manner of manifestation and have assumed divine power to be like your own power and have made His command contingent upon your command. What a terrible assumption you have made! Indeed, He manifests as He pleases, just as He has appeared with the truth, despite the disapproval of the polytheists. (edit)
همان قسم كه نقطه اولی - روح ما سواه فداه - فرموده است، اين ظهور بعينه همان قسم می فرمايد، تفكّر لِتعرف! و اين است همان ظهور موعودی كه كلّ به آن وعده داده شده اند در بيان. و اليوم عمل كلّ مَن أعرض عن هذا الظّهور عندالله مردود و غير مذكور. إنّه يقول حينئذٍ: "انّنی أنا الله لا إله إلاّ أنا" كما قال النّقطة من قبل و بعينه يقول مَن يأتی مِن بعد. آيا نديده كه می فرمايد اگر صد هزار مرتبه شمس طالع شود يك شمس بوده و خواهد بود؟ و می فرمايد همين قسم در مظاهر احديّه ملاحظه نمائيد. (edit)
The same oath that the first point - our soul except for sacrifice - has said, this apparition is saying the same oath, let's think! And this is the promised appearance that all have been promised in the statement. And today, all my actions are rejected and unmentioned. He said at that time: "I am not Allah, there is no god but me", as he said in the first point, and in the same way he said, "I am the one who comes after me." Didn't he see that he says that if the sun is cast a hundred thousand times, it is and will be one sun? And he says, observe the same oath in the manifestations of Ahadiya. (edit) As the Primal Point - may our souls be a sacrifice for Him - has stated, this Manifestation declares the same; reflect, so that you may understand! This is the Promised Manifestation to which all have been promised in the scriptures. And today, the deeds of anyone who turns away from this Manifestation are rejected and unmentioned before God. Indeed, He says at that moment: "Verily, I am God, there is no god but Me," just as the Primal Point said before, and the same will be said by those who come after. Have you not seen that it says, "If the sun were to rise a hundred thousand times, it would still be one sun and will always be"? And it says, observe the same in the manifestations of divine unity. (edit)
بدان كه در تجلّی دو نظر ملحوظ: به نظری مكرّر و به نظری غير مكرّر. و اين دو نظر منسوب به تجلّيات ظاهريّه ملكيّه است، ونفس تجلّی در مقرّ خود مقدّس از اين دو نظر بوده و خواهد بود. ولكن ادراك اين مقام قدری مشكل. هر نفسی بخواهد علی ما هو عليه ادراك نمايد بايد بين يدی الوجه حاضر شود لِيعرف ما لا عرفه من قبل و يطّلع بما هو المستور. (edit)
Know that in manifestation there are two important opinions: a repeated opinion and a non-repeated opinion. And these two views are attributed to the outward manifestations of the kingdom, and the soul of manifestation in its holy place was and will be. But understanding this position is somewhat difficult. Any soul that wants to understand Ali Ma Ho Alaih must be present in the presence of Yadi Al-Wajj, so that he knows Ma La Arafa Man Qabil and knows what he is doing. (edit) Know that in the manifestation, there are two notable perspectives: one is repetitive, and the other is non-repetitive. These two perspectives pertain to the outward, worldly manifestations, while the essence of manifestation itself is sanctified from these two perspectives and always will be. However, the understanding of this station is somewhat difficult. Whoever wants to comprehend this station as it truly is must come into the presence of the Manifestation to learn what was not known before and to discover what was hidden. (edit)
و ديگر تجدّد امثال را محال دانسته.[۱۵۵] اگر تجدّد امثال مظاهر الهيّه محال باشد، تجدّد امثال شيطانيّه كه موجود و مشهود است و مجال انكار نه. چنانچه ديده می شود كه در هر شهری مثالی از هياكل ظلمانيّه بعينه موجود و مشهود. فاعتبروا، يا أولو الألباب! باری تجلّی از مُجلّی مِن غير انقطاع بوده و خواهد بود، در صور مظاهر اختلاف ظاهر لو أنت من العارفين. و اگر قدری برتر خرامی و از كلمات مشركين قلب خود را مطهّر نمائی خود ادراك مي نمائی آنچه را كه حالّ من غير التفات انكار نموده. ذكر تكرار تجلّی نيست كه جايز باشد يا غير جايز. (edit)
And he considered the repetition of similes to be impossible. [155] If the repetition of similitudes of divine manifestations is impossible, the similitude of satanic similitudes exists and is evident and there is no room for denial. It can be seen that in every city there is an example of the same dark structures. Fatbarwa, O Olu al-Albab! It has been and will be a manifestation of my unbroken magazine, in the forms of the manifestations of the difference of appearance of those who know me. And if you purify your heart from the words of the polytheists, you will understand what my state has denied. Mentioning repetition is not a manifestation that is permissible or impermissible. (edit) And you have also considered the renewal of similar manifestations as impossible. If the renewal of similar divine manifestations is impossible, then the renewal of similar satanic manifestations, which are existent and observable, is not deniable. As it can be seen, in every city, there are examples of these dark structures that are clearly existent and observable. So, take heed, O people of understanding! The Manifestation has always been and will be continuous without interruption from the Manifested One, in the form of differing manifestations if you are among the knowledgeable. And if you could elevate yourself a little and purify your heart from the words of the polytheists, you would yourself perceive what is now denied without paying attention. The repetition of the manifestation is not a matter of whether it is permissible or impermissible. (edit)
بشنو كلمات اين عبد را و به قلب طاهر و بصر منير در كلمات الله و ظهوره ملاحظه نما و به دو كلمه مجعوله، كه شيطان القا نموده، افتخار منما! در امم قبل و علمای آنها مشاهده كن كه صدهزار كتب تأليف نموده اند و مقصودشان از جميع آن كتب اثبات حقيّت حقّ بوده، و بعد از ظهور كلّ به همان كتب محروم مانده. مع ذلك هنوز معرضين متنبّه نشده تازه دست به رساله نويسی گذاشته اند. فويلٌ لأناملهم و بصرهم و يدهم. در حين ظهور هيچ كلمه به مقرّ خود مستقرّ نه إلاّ باذن مظهر ظهور. (edit)
Listen to the words of this servant and look at the pure heart and enlightened sight in the words of Allah and the emergence of two false words, which the devil has instilled, the pride of the man! Look at the previous nations and their scholars that they wrote hundreds of thousands of books, and the purpose of all those books was to prove the truth of the truth, and after the appearance of the whole, they were deprived of those books. However, the unwarned victims have just begun to write treatises. Foils of Lanamelham and Basrah and Yadham. During the emergence, no word is established in its place, except with the permission of the manifestation. (edit) Listen to the words of this servant and observe the words of God and His manifestation with a pure heart and an enlightened vision, and do not take pride in the two false words that Satan has inspired! Look at the previous nations and their scholars who have written hundreds of thousands of books, and their purpose in all those books was to prove the truth of the truth, but after the manifestation, they were all deprived of those books. Yet, the heedless people have not awakened and have started writing new treatises. Woe to their fingers, their sight, and their hands! During the time of manifestation, no word is settled in its place except by the permission of the Manifestor of the manifestation. (edit)
نقطه بيان - جلّ و عزّ - فرموده كه در يوم[۱۵۶] ظهور به كلمات او بر او احتجاج منمائيد. به القای شيطان به مجعولات انفس معرضه احتجاج نموده و مي نمائيد و همين احتجاجات شما و امثال شما را خبر فرموده اند، صدّق الله العلیّ العظيم. نصّ بيانِ مُنزل بيان است كه می فرمايد قوله - عزّ ذكره-: منتهای جدّ و جهد خود را نموده كه در يوم ظهور حقّ از كلمات او بر او احتجاج نگردد، كه كلّ بيان كلام ظهور قبل او است و او است عالم تر از آنچه نازل فرموده از كلّ خلق. زيرا كه روح كلّ در قبضه او است و در نزد كلّ نيست إلاّ شبحی اگر بر حقّ مستقرّ باشند. و إلاّ كه لايق ذكر نيست. چنانچه نفسی اگر افلاطون زمان باشد در هر علمی، اگر تصديق نكند حقّ را، آيا ثمر خواهد بخشيد او را علم او؟ سبحان الله عن ذلك! بلكه از برای او علم اون است كه علم به خدا و رسول و مظاهر امر و مظاهر حكم آن باشد و مادون آن را اطلاق علمْ أولوالأفئده ننمايند. (edit)
The point of expression - Glory and Glory - He said that on the day of appearance [156] you will protest against him by his words. You are protesting and protesting against the indoctrination of the self by the indoctrination of the devil, and these protests of you and your likes have been reported, by God Almighty. The text of the statement of the house is the statement that says the saying - Ez-Zakrah-: He has put his best efforts so that on the day of the revelation of the truth, there will be no objection to his words, that the entire statement of the words of the revelation is before him, and he is more knowledgeable than what is revealed. He said from all creation. Because the soul of the whole is in his possession, and there is nothing but a ghost in the presence of the whole, if they are established on the truth. And it is not worth mentioning. If a soul, if Plato is the time in any science, if he does not confirm the truth, will his science give him fruit? Glory be to God for that! Rather, for him, knowledge is the knowledge of God and His Messenger, and the manifestations of His commands and His rulings, and other than that, they should not be applied to the first knowledge. (edit) The Point of Declaration - Exalted and Mighty - has commanded that on the Day of [156] Manifestation, you should not argue with His words against Him. You have been arguing and continue to argue with the insinuations of Satan and the fabrications of your own souls. These arguments of yours and those like you have been foretold, may God, the Most High, the Most Great, be truthful. The text of the Declaration is the revealed Declaration, which says - may His mention be exalted -: "Let one's utmost efforts be not to argue with His words against Him on the Day of the Manifestation of Truth, for all the statements are the words of the previous Manifestation and He is more knowledgeable than what He has revealed to all creation. For the spirit of all is in His grasp, and there is nothing among all but a specter if they are settled upon the truth. And otherwise, it is not worth mentioning. If a person, even if he is the Plato of his time, has knowledge in every field, but does not acknowledge the truth, will his knowledge bear fruit for him? Glory be to God, far from that! Rather, his true knowledge is the knowledge of God, the Messenger, the Manifestations of His Command, and the Manifestations of His Decree, and they do not call anything other than that knowledge among the possessors of hearts. (edit)
قل: فافتح بصرك، يا أيّها الغافل، ثمّ إسمع ماتغرّد الورقاء علی أفنان دوحة البيان بالله المقتدر العزيز المنّان. ملاحظه نما كه امر تا به چه مقام بلند و مرتفع است كه آن هيكل احديّه و ذات صمديّه كلمات خود را از آن[۱۵۷] ساحت اقدس اطهر اظهر انور منع فرموده اند. و به نصّ صريح می فرمايند كه در حين ظهور به كلمات بيان بر آن هيكل معانی و مظهر عزّ صمدانی احتجاج منمائيد، و مع ذلك اهل بيان شرم ننموده. و اي كاش به كلمات او احتجاج می نمودند، بلكه به كلمات مجعوله مردوده، كه از انفس خبيثه ظاهر شده، بر جواهر احديّه و ساذج قدميّه احتجاج نموده و می نمايند. زهی حسرت بر اين نفوس كه به دو كلمه الفاظ مجعوله از شاطی بحر علم الهی محروم مانده اند و به رايحه منتنه از نفحات قدس احديّه ممنوع گشته اند. و ای کاش كه به احتجاج كفايت می شد. لا فو الّذی دلع لسان الرّوح بثناء نفسه كه به احتجاج قانع نشده و نخواهند شد، بلكه به اسياف كين و رماح بغضا به شطر علیّ اعلی توجّه نموده و می نمايند. (edit)
Say: Open Basrak, O you who are unaware, then listen to the words of al-Warqa Ali Afnan, Duha al-Bayan, by Allah, the Mighty, the Almighty. Look at how high and lofty the command is, that the temple of Ahadiya and the nature of Samadiyya have prohibited their words from that [157] sacred space, the purest, the purest, the most enlightened. And they say in plain text that when appearing with the words of the statement, they protest against that structure of meanings and the embodiment of Samadani's dignity, and yet the people of the statement did not feel ashamed. And I wish they would protest against his words, but they protest against the fake words of the rejected, which appeared from the evil spirit, against the jewel of Ahadiya and the old-fashioned one. I feel sorry for these souls who have been deprived from the shore of the divine knowledge with two words of false words and they have been forbidden from the fragrance of the Holy One. And I wish it would be enough to protest. La Fu al-Zhi, the tongue of the spirit, praises his soul, that they are not satisfied with protest and will not be satisfied, but they pay attention to the camels of the Most High with the swords of Keen and the spears. (edit) Say: Open your eyes, O heedless one, then listen to what the warbler sings upon the branches of the Tree of Declaration, by God, the All-Powerful, the Mighty, the Bestower. Observe how high and exalted is the station to which that Temple of Divine Unity and Essence of the Eternal has forbidden its words from that [157] most sacred, most pure, most manifest, and most luminous realm. And in clear text, it commands not to argue with the words of the Declaration against that Temple of Meanings and the Manifestation of the Mighty, Eternal One during the Manifestation. Yet, the people of Declaration are not ashamed. If only they argued with His words, but rather, they argue with the fabricated, rejected words that have emerged from their own wicked souls against the essence of Divine Unity and the sincere primordial foundation. Alas for these souls who, because of the two fabricated phrases, have been deprived of the shore of the ocean of divine knowledge and have been denied the putrid scent of the divine unity's sanctified breezes. And if only argument would suffice. Alas for the one whose tongue of the Spirit has been loosened to praise himself, for he is not, nor will ever be, satisfied with argument, but rather has turned, and continues to turn, his attention to the swords of malice and the spears of hatred against the sublime and exalted Ali. (edit)

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