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Latest revision as of 19:39, 16 April 2023
Paragraph | Persian | English | GPT4_ |
201 | و بعد از دو يوم اسم مذكور بين يدی حاضر و آنچه از مفتريات كه نسبت به او داده بودند از خود سلب نموده و قسم ياد نمود كه "آنچه نسبت به اين عبد داده اند كذب صرف است." و جمال ابهی كمال ملاطفت به او فرمودند و به آنچه در لوح ثبت بود فائز شد و به منزل خود راجع گشت. بعد از چند يوم نفس مذكور او را فريب داده و از كاظمين آورده قرب خانه مرشدت آن بيچاره را شهيد نمود. فوالله در شهادت او غباری در عراق مرتفع گشت و به قسمی ظلمت فرو گرفت كه روز به شب تبديل شد. و در اسواق سراج برافروختند و جميع اهل عراق خائفاً مضطرباً متزلزلاً صيحه "ياالله!" برآوردند و ندا مي نمودند، چه از اناث و چه از ذكور، كه از سفك دم اين مظلوم است كه اين بليّه بر عراق نازل شده. و مرشد مستشعر نشد و از نوم غفلت بيدار نگشت. و الله به ظلمی او را شهيد نمودند كه آسمان ها به فزع و نوحه و ندبه درآمدند، مع ذلك متنبّه نشده. (edit)
And after two days, he renounced the mentioned name between the present hand and the slander that they had given him and swore that "what they have given about this servant is a lie." And Jamal Abhi Kamal said to him kindly, and he received what was in the record and returned to his home. After a few days, the said soul tricked him and brought him from Kazemin, and martyred that poor person near the house of Murshidat. For God's sake, after his martyrdom, a dust rose in Iraq and it became a kind of darkness that turned day into night. And in the markets of Saraj, all the people of Iraq were afraid, anxious, and trembling, shouting "Ya Allah!" They shouted and shouted, both from men and women, that it is because of the oppression of this oppressor that this calamity has descended on Iraq. And Murshid did not feel it and did not wake up from the sleep of neglect. And Allah made him a martyr with such cruelty that the heavens were filled with fear, lamentation and mourning, yet he was not warned. (edit) | And after two days, the mentioned name appeared in person and repudiated the false accusations that had been made against him, swearing that "what has been attributed to this servant is an absolute lie." The Abha Beauty showed utmost kindness to him and granted him what was recorded in the Tablet, and he returned to his home. A few days later, the mentioned person deceived him, brought him out of Kazimain, and martyred that unfortunate one near the house of your guide. By God, his martyrdom raised a dust in Iraq, and the darkness that descended was so intense that day turned into night. Lamps were lit in the markets, and all the people of Iraq, terrified and agitated, raised the cry of "Ya Allah!" Both men and women called out that it was because of the shedding of the blood of this oppressed one that this calamity had befallen Iraq. Yet the guide did not sense it and did not awaken from the sleep of heedlessness.
By Allah, they martyred him with such injustice that the heavens were filled with horror, lamentation, and wailing, yet he did not take heed. (edit) |
202 | نفسی را كه حضرت اعلی - روح ماسواه فداه - او را "فرد الأحد" ناميده و همچنين "مظهر الأحديّة" و "إسم الله الديّان" خطاب فرموده، در الواح ناريّه خود به حقارت او را مي نامند و تا حال[۱۰۵]احدی از مشركين او را نشناختند چه كه ستر رحمن حائل بود. قُل: يا قومَ، إتّقوا الله و لا تُسفكوا الدّماء! تُوبوا إليه، يا معشر الغافلين، لعلّ يُكفّر عنكم جريراتِكم و يغفر سيّئاتِكم الّتی ناحتْ بها سكّان الملك و الملكوت، ثمّ أهل ملاء العالّين. (edit)
The soul whom Hazrat Al-Ala - the spirit of self-sacrifice - called "Fard al-Ahad" and also addressed as "Mozhar al-Ahadiya" and "Ismail Allah Al-Diyan", they call him contemptuously in his Narayeh tablets and until now [105] he is one of The polytheists did not recognize him because Seter Rahman Hael was a barrier. Say: O people, fear Allah and do not pity the blood! Repent to Him, O community of the heedless, for He will expiate your sins and forgive your sins, which the inhabitants of the Kingdom and the Kingdom have complained about, then the people of the Most High. (edit) | The one whom the Most High - may His soul be sacrificed for all else - called "Fard al-Ahad," as well as "Mazhar al-Ahadiyya" and "Ism Allah al-Diyan," in His Tablets of Fire, they now refer to him with contempt and up until now, none of the polytheists have recognized him, for the veil of the Most Merciful was a barrier. Say: O people, fear God and do not shed blood! Repent to Him, O assembly of the heedless, so that perhaps He will atone for your grievous sins and forgive your misdeeds that have caused the inhabitants of the heavens and the celestial realms, then the dwellers of the highest ranks, to lament. (edit) |
203 | و مرشد شما در مقام استحقار آن شهيد بی معين ذكر مي نمود كه نقطه اولی به او مرقوم فرموده اند و سفارش نموده كه كاغذ و قلم خوب از برای من تحصيل نمايد كه من بر او بنويسم. بگو: سلّمنا كه اين قول مقبول، از همين معلوم است كه تو در ظلّ او بوده چه كه اين گونه تلطّف از آباء ظاهر مي شود نسبت به اطفال. و كاش همين قدر مستشعر مي شد. لا والله، لنْ يستشعرَ فی نفسه و لو يأتی اللهُ بكلّ آيةٍ أو بقبيل مِن أهل السّموات أو بجنودِ الرّوح أو بصحف الأوّلين و الآخرين. فوالله از ظلم آن انفس مشركه هياكل احديّه در نوحه و ندبه و نقطه اولی به حنين و ناله مشغول. فيا ليتَ يكون من ذی سمعٍ و ذی بصر و ذی قلب لِيشهدَ و يسمعَ و يفقَهَ. غشّتْ قلوبهم و أفئدتهم شُواظٌ مِن النّار و مارج مِن النّيران و منعتْهم عن التّوجّه إلی أفعالهم و أعمالهم و ما ظهر من أنفسهم و مايخرج من أفواههم. (edit)
And your mentor, in the position of contempt for that martyr, mentioned that the first point was given to him and he ordered that he should get a good pen and paper from me so that I could write on him. Say: Salamna, this saying is accepted, it is clear from this that you were in his shadow, because this kind of kindness is shown by fathers towards children. And I wish it could be felt as much. No, by God, let him not feel sorry for himself, even if God comes with every verse, or like one of the people of the heavens, or with the army of the soul, or with the first pages and others. By Allah, because of the cruelty of that polytheist soul, the structures of Ahadiya are in mourning and mourning, and the first point is engaged in longing and lamentation. I wish I had a hearing, a sight, and a heart to witness, hear, and judge. The darkness of their hearts and the benefits of them are the light of the fire and the fire of the fire, and they are prevented from paying attention to their actions and deeds, and we are the source of their souls and the expense of their rumors. (edit) | And your guide, in a position of contempt for that unnamed martyr, mentioned what the Primal Point had inscribed to him and advised him to obtain good paper and pen for himself so that he could write for him. Say: We submit that this statement is acceptable, it is evident from this that you were under his shadow, for such kindness appears from parents towards their children. If only this much was perceived. No, by God, he will not perceive it in himself even if God brings forth every sign or a group of people from the heavens or the armies of the spirit or the scriptures of the former and latter people. By God, due to the injustice of those polytheistic souls, the temples of divine unity are mourning and lamenting, and the Primal Point is occupied with longing and wailing. Oh, would that there were someone with hearing, sight, and heart to witness, listen, and understand. Their hearts and souls are enveloped in sparks of fire and flames of inferno, preventing them from turning towards their deeds, actions, and what has emerged from themselves and what comes out of their mouths. (edit) |
204 | بگو: ای غافل جاهل، سلّمنا كه مجعولات تو قبول[۱۰۶]شد، نصّ نقطه بيان است در كلّ بيان كه در حين ظهور به بيان و ماخُلق فيه از نفس ظهور محتجب نشويد. حمد خدا را كه آن مشرك و امثال او از تصريح كلمات محكمه متقنه الهيّه محروم مانده تا چه رسد به تلويح اشارات مالك اسماء و صفات. بگو: از خدا شرم كنيد و ذيل دين قويم الهی را به طين ظنون و اوهام ميالائيد و شمس مشرقه سماء احديّه را به حجبات نفسيّه مپوشانيد! قل: تالله إنّ هذه لشمسٌ ما أخذها الكسوف و قمرٌ لا يخسف أبداً. إذاً مُوتوا بغيظكم، ثمّ بنار حسدكم، يا ملاء الأشرار. هنوز آن قدر ادراك ننموده ايد كه در حين اشراق شمسِ مدلول دليل لا يُسمن و لا يُغنی بوده چه كه مقصود از دليل عرفان نفس مدلول بوده. إذاً فافتح بصراك لِتراها مشرقةً عن أفق العزّ و المجد و الجلال. (edit)
Say: Oh ignorant ignorant, peace be upon you that your falsehoods have been accepted [106], half of the point of the statement is that in the whole statement, do not be afraid of the self-appearance of the statement and the creature in it. Praise be to God that the polytheist and his ilk have been deprived of expressing the words of the divine court, let alone implying the hints of the owner of names and attributes. Say: Be ashamed of God and cover the bottom of the divine religion with the mud of doubts and illusions and cover the rising sun of the sky with psychological veils! Say: By Allah, this is our sun, and the moon will never be eclipsed. If you hate me, then you will hate me, or you will be jealous of me. You have not yet realized that during the shining of the sun, the sign of the sign was the reason for lack of knowledge and ignorance, which is what was meant by the sign of the signification of the sign of the self. So open the basrak letters eastward from the horizon of glory and glory and glory. (edit) | Say: O heedless, ignorant one, we concede that your fabrications are accepted; the decree of the Primal Point is in every expression, so that during the Manifestation, it does not become veiled from the essence of the Manifestation and what is created therein. Praise be to God that such a polytheist and his ilk have remained deprived of the explicit, well-founded divine words, let alone the allusions and signs of the Master of Names and Attributes. Say: Be ashamed before God and do not bend the strong divine faith with the clay of conjectures and illusions, and do not cover the sun of the heavenly unity with the veils of self! Say: By God, this is a sun that will never be eclipsed and a moon that will never be darkened. So die in your rage, and then in the fire of your envy, O assembly of evildoers. You have not yet realized that during the dawn of the Sun of the intended, the proof was neither nourishing nor enriching, let alone the purpose of the proof being the knowledge of the essence of the intended. So open your eyes to see it rising from the horizon of glory, majesty, and splendor. (edit) |
205 | قوله كبر غفلته: پس اگر ديگری برآيد مدّعی مقامی بعد از نقطه بيان شود خالی از اين نيست: يا مدّعی آن بايد باشد كه در ظلّ نقطه بيان است و دوره نقطه بيان هنوز منقضی نگشته و تكميل اين دوره نشده. بايد در اين صورت كمال عبوديّت نسبت به ربّ اعلی نمايد و غايت اطاعت به فرمايش او نمايد و ابداً به قدر جوی از فرمايش ربّ اعلی[۱۰۷]بايد تخلّف ننمايد، چونكه دوره دوره او است و خود مدّعی در ظلّ افتاده. (edit)
It is a big mistake: So, if someone else claims the position after the period, it is not without this: or the claimant must be the one who is under the period of the period and the period of the period has not yet expired and this period has not been completed. In this case, he should be completely obedient to the Almighty God and obey his commands and never violate the commands of the Almighty God [107], because the period is his period and the claimant himself is in the dark. (edit) | His saying, the greatest heedlessness: So, if another person arises claiming a position after the Primal Point, it is not impossible that he must be one who is under the shadow of the Primal Point, and the era of the Primal Point has not yet expired, and the completion of this era has not occurred. In this case, he must show the utmost servitude to the Supreme Lord and the utmost obedience to His command, and he must never deviate from the command of the Supreme Lord, because the era belongs to Him, and the claimant himself has fallen under His shadow. (edit) |
206 | حال قدری انصاف ده و چشم بگشا كه در چه مقام واقعی و در چه رتبه قائم! چه فرق ما بين خود و ملل قبل مشاهده مي كنی؟ چه كه آن قوم، كه از زلال سلسال معارف عزّ صمدانی و كوثر افضال سلطان لايزالی محروم مانده اند، سبب اين شده كه به دلائل مثبته نزد خود مستدلّ و معتكف و به آن دلائل بر سلطان قبائل اعتراض نموده و از شريعه قدس احديّه محروم گشته اند. (edit)
Now, be fair and open your eyes to see in what real position and in what rank! What difference do you see between us and previous nations? What is the reason that those people, who have been forever deprived of the clearness of the teachings of Ezz Samdani and Kawsar Afzal Sultan, have reasoned that they have reasoned and retreated with positive reasons and they have protested against the Sultan of the tribes and they have been deprived of the Holy Sharia of Ahadiya. . (edit) | Now, be fair for a moment and open your eyes to see in which real position and rank you stand! What difference do you see between us and the nations before us? It is because those people, who have been deprived of the crystal-clear waters of the knowledge of the Mighty, Self-subsistent One, and the abundance of the everlasting favors of the Sovereign, have relied on and clung to their own positive reasons, objecting to the Ruler of the tribes, and have thus become deprived of the sacred law of Divine Unity. (edit) |
207 | مثلاً اهل تورات به آن استدلال نموده كه بعد از موسی نفسی صاحب شريعت نخواهد آمد و هر نفسی هم بيايد بايد شريعت او را ترويج نمايد. و همچنين علاماتی معيّن نموده اند كه نفس ظهور بايد به آن علامات ظاهر شود و لذا ممنوع شدند از عرفان مظاهر ظهور. چه كه نفس ظهور يَظهَرُ كيف يُظهِرُهُ الله و أراد، لا بما عند النّاس. و همچنين اهل انجيل برآنند كه خود عيسی از آسمان نازل مي شود بعد از ظلمت شمس و تاريكی قمر و سقوط كواكب. و همچنين ملّت فرقان كه ابداً قائل بر اين که صاحب شريعتی ظاهر شود نبوده و نيستند و مي گويند نفسی هزار سنه قبل از نرجس خاتون متولّد شده[۱۰۸] و در جابلقا و جابلسا الآن موجود است و منتظر اذن الهی است كه ظاهر شود، و او مي آيد و شريعت رسول الله را يعنی همين شريعت كه در دست هست ترويج مي دهد. و علاماتی هم در اين مقام ذكر نموده اند كه اگر تفصيل ذكر شود كتابی بايد تأليف نمود. (edit)
For example, the people of Torah have argued that after Moses, there will not be a soul with the Sharia, and any soul who comes must promote his Sharia. And also they have specified signs that the soul of the emergence should appear with those signs and therefore they were prohibited from the mysticism of the manifestations of the emergence. What is the appearance of the soul of the manifestation of Allah and will, but not with the people. And also the people of Anjil believe that Jesus himself descends from the sky after the darkness of the sun and the darkness of the moon and the fall of the planets. And also the Furqan nation, who never believed in the appearance of a Shariat and they say that a soul was born a thousand years before Narjes Khatun [108] and is now present in Jabalqa and Jabalsa and is waiting for God's permission to appear, and He comes and promotes the law of the Messenger of God, that is, the same law that is in hand. And signs have been mentioned in this position that if the details are mentioned, a book should be written. (edit) | For example, the people of the Torah have argued that after Moses, no one will bring a new divine law, and whoever comes must promote his law. They have also specified certain signs that the Promised One must manifest with, and therefore, they have been prevented from recognizing the manifestations of His appearance. The Promised One appears as God wishes and intends, not according to people's expectations. Similarly, the people of the Gospel believe that Jesus himself will descend from the heavens after the darkness of the sun, the dimming of the moon, and the falling of the stars.
Likewise, the followers of the Criterion (Quran) have never claimed that a new lawgiver will appear, and they say that a person was born a thousand years before Narjis Khatun [108], is currently in Jabulqa and Jabulsa, and is waiting for God's permission to appear. He will come and promote the law of the Messenger of God, that is, the very law that exists now. They have mentioned certain signs in this regard, which, if detailed, would require the writing of an entire book. (edit) |
208 | جميع اين مطالب را به براهين متقنه و نصوص محكمه و دلائل محقّقه نزد خود چنان ثابت نموده اند كه منكرينِ آن را كافر و باطل و مشرك دانسته و مي دانند. و در حين اشراق شموس عزّ تقديس چون بر خلاف آراء اين نفوس بوده، لذا كلّ محجوب و محروم مانده اند. مع ذلك تازه استدلال مي نمائيد كه اين نفسي كه ظاهر است يا بايد فوق آن باشد يا در ظلّ او، اگر در ظلّ او است بايد به اعمال او عامل شود و اگر فوق او رتبه را ادّعا نمايد محال بوده، چه كه هنوز دوره دوره او است و تكميل نشده. حال انصاف ده، فرق شما با اين فئه چه چيز است؟ بلی، فرق لا يُحصی، چه كه در كتب آن قوم به اشارات معضله و آيات مقنّعه مستوره تلويحاً مِن غير تصريح ذكر ظهور بعد شده، و لذا محتجب مانده اند، چه كه ادراك ننموده اند معانی كلمات الهيّه را. ولكن شما و امثال شما مع آن که نقطه بيان - روح ماسواه فداه – تصريحاً[۱۰۹]مِن غير تلويح مي فرمايند به آنچه مابين سموات و ارض خلق شده، چه از كلمات و چه از اشارات، از آن سلطان وجود و مليك شهود خود را منع ننمائيد، دلائل ذكر مي كنيد كه حقّ جايز نيست ظاهر شود. (edit)
They have proved all these things with convincing proofs, court texts and authentic proofs in such a way that the deniers of it are infidels, invalid and idolaters and they are. And during the shining of the holy sun, because it was against the opinions of these people, therefore they all remained hidden and deprived. However, you are just arguing that this soul which is visible must be above it or under him, if it is under him then it must be responsible for his actions and if it claims rank above him, it would be impossible, because it is still his period. It is not completed. Now be fair, what is the difference between you and this fae? Yes, there is an incalculable difference, because in the books of that people, the references to the problem and persuasive verses are implicitly hidden from the explicit mention of the coming of the future, and therefore they have remained silent, because they have not understood the meanings of God's words. But you and your ilk, even though the point of expression - the spirit of self-sacrifice - is explicitly [109] not implying what is created between the heavens and the earth, whether from words or gestures, from that king of existence and owner of your intuition. Do not forbid, you mention reasons that it is not allowed to appear. (edit) | All these points have been proven to them with such perfected proofs, firm texts, and verified arguments that they consider those who deny them as disbelievers, false, and polytheists. Since the shining of the suns of divine glory was contrary to the opinions of these souls, they have all been veiled and deprived. Yet, you are now making a new argument that the Promised One, who has appeared, must either be above or under the previous one. If he is under the previous one, he should follow his actions, and if he claims a higher rank, it is impossible since the previous one's era is not yet complete. Now, be fair, what is the difference between you and these groups? Yes, the difference is innumerable, as in the books of those groups, the appearance of the Promised One has been mentioned implicitly without explicitness through enigmatic allusions and convincing verses, and therefore they have been veiled, as they have not understood the meanings of the divine words.
However, you and people like you, while the Point of Declaration - may my soul be a sacrifice for Him - explicitly [109], without implying, commands not to deny the sovereignty of existence and the witnessing of the King for everything created between the heavens and the earth, whether it is through words or allusions. You present arguments that it is not possible for the truth to appear. (edit) |
209 | صد هزار آفرين بر فهم و كمال شما و مرشدين شما. از اين كلمات كبريّه غروريه كه به شما القا نموده اند معلوم شد كه خود را مختار مي دانند، نه حقّ را. بگو: ای متوهّم، هرگز حقّ در هيچ ظهوری به خيال ناس ظاهر نشده و بر خلاف آنچه در دست جميع ناس بوده ظاهر شده، چه كه مقدّس بوده ذات امنع اقدسش از جميع ظنون و اوهام و اشارات و دلالات و احدی بر نفس ظهور و كيفيّت او مطّلع نه إلاّ نفسه العليم الخبير. آنقدر كرده اند كه روی يهود و جميع محتجبين ارض را سفيد كرده اند. يهود يدالله را مغلول دانسته، ديگر دستور العمل از برای حقّ ذكر نكرده كه اگر همچه ادّعا نمايد جايز نيست و اگر فلان ادّعا نمايد بايد به شئون محدوده معيّنه ظاهر شود. قد كبُر قولُك، يا غافل! (edit)
A hundred thousand blessings on your understanding and perfection and your mentors. From these arrogant words that they have instilled in you, it is clear that they consider themselves free, not right. Say: O delusional person, the truth has never appeared in any apparition to anyone's imagination, and it has appeared contrary to what was in the hands of all people, as it was holy, the essence of the Holy One is protected from all suspicions, illusions, signs, and signs, and one is above the self of appearance and quality. He is informed only by himself. They have done so much that they have whitewashed the face of the Jews and all the protestors of the land. The Jews considered Yadullah to be isolated, and did not mention the instructions for the right that if he claims everything, it is not permissible, and if he claims something, he must appear in the affairs of a certain area. The height of Qoluk, or heedless! (edit) | A hundred thousand blessings upon your understanding and perfection, and your guides. From these lofty, prideful words that have been inspired in you, it is clear that you consider yourselves to be the determiners, not the truth. Say: O deluded one, never has the truth appeared in any manifestation according to the whims of people, but it has always appeared contrary to what is in the hands of all people. The Holy Essence is the most sanctified and exalted, beyond all conjectures, illusions, allusions, and indications, and no one is informed of the Promised One's essence and reality except the All-Knowing, the All-Aware Himself. They have gone so far as to whiten the faces of the Jews and all those veiled from the truth on earth. The Jews considered the hand of God to be chained, and they did not mention any divine instruction that if someone claims such a thing, it is not permissible, and if someone else claims, they must appear in certain limited conditions. How great is your statement, O heedless one! (edit) |
210 | آنقدر ادراك ننموده كه تكميل هر ظهور قبلی به ظهور بعد شده و خواهد شد، چنانچه در اين ظهور بدع قدس رحمانی در سنه تسع در سرّ سرّ نفوس[۱۱۰] مقدّسه مطهّره زكيّه در همان حين تكميل شدند، ولكن أنتَ لا تشعر و لا تفقه و لا تعرف. چه كه شِكَر مصر عرفان الهی قسمت طوطی معانی بوده، نه قسمت زاغ ظلمانی. و معرض بالله چون توقّف نمود و از صراط لغزيد در همان حين هيكلش از قميص انسانی خارج و به جلود بهائم ظاهر و مشهود گشت. فسبحان مَن يُبدّل الوجود كيف يشاء و يُقدّر الأمور كيف يريد. لا رادّ لِأمره و لا مردّ لِمشيّته. كلُّ شیءمنقادٌ لسلطنته و مشفق مِن خشيته و مرتعش مِن سطوته. و لذلك الرّبّ يُليق تهليلُ اهل ملاء الأعلی، ثمّ تسبيح أهل مداين البقاء. (edit)
He did not realize that the completion of every previous apparition has been and will be the next apparition, as in this apparition of the Holy Quds Rahmani in the ninth year in the head of the souls [110] of the holy holy Zakiyah, they were completed at the same time, but you have no understanding and no understanding and no definition What if the Egyptian sugar of divine mysticism was the part of the parrot of meanings, not the part of the dark raven. And when he stopped and slipped from the road, his body came out of the human shirt and appeared in the skin of the beasts. My Glory changes the existence as He wills and values things as He wants. There is no way for it and no man for it. All things are a sign of His Majesty, and His grace is His grace, and His pasture is His glory. And because of this, the Lord is worthy of the praise of the people of Mullah Al-Aali, then the glorification of the people of Madain al-Barqat. (edit) | They have not realized that the completion of each prior manifestation is through the subsequent one, just as in this manifestation, the divine favors of the Merciful were completed in the ninth year in the innermost sanctified, purified, and pure souls. Yet, you do not perceive, understand, or recognize it. The sugar of Egypt's divine knowledge has been the share of the parrot of meanings, not the share of the crow of darkness. When one turns away from God and slips from the straight path, their temple emerges from the human garment and appears as the skins of animals, manifest and visible. So, glory be to Him who changes existence as He wills and determines matters as He desires. There is no repeller of His command and no resister of His will. Everything is submissive to His sovereignty, fearful of His awe, and trembling from His might. Thus, it befits the praise of the dwellers of the Supreme Realm and then the glorification of the inhabitants of the everlasting cities. (edit) |
211 | ولكن تو از آن نفوسی به نظر مي آئی كه اراده ادراك امری و يا تفقّه در شيئی نداشته و نداری. مقصود اثبات رياستی است كه از برای مرشد خود محقّق نمايند و خود هم در ظلّش معروف وموسوم باشند. تالله، إنّ ظلّه بَرَهُوت و إنّ مائه مِلحٌ أُجاج لو أنتم تفقهون. (edit)
But you seem to be one of those people who do not have and do not have the will to understand something or understand anything. The purpose is to prove the leadership that they can achieve for their mentor and be famous in his shadow. By Allah, if you know the truth of the darkness and the truth of the truth. (edit) | However, it seems that you are among those souls who have neither the desire to understand a matter nor the comprehension of anything. Your purpose is to prove a leadership that you can establish for your guide and be known and labeled under their shadow. By Allah, their shadow is astray, and their water is bitter salt if only you would understand. (edit) |
212 | بگو: ای أصمّ باطنی، احدی بر علم حقّ احاطه ننموده و نخواهد نمود. عِلمُهُ مكنونٌ مخزونٌ مصونٌ مِن إطّلاعكم. اگر اراده فرمايد در يك حين خلق اوّلين و آخرين را تكميل مي فرمايد، ولكن تو هنوز تكميل را نفهميده. كاش استعداد ادراك هم در تو مشاهده مي شد[۱۱۱] و اين عبد، كه يكی از خدّام درگاه است، تو را مستعدّ مي يافت و بر تو كلماتی القا مي نمود كه از آن ادراك نمائی بعضی امور مستوره را. اقلّاً آن قدر مي شد كه اگر بر تكميل ظهور اطّلاع نمي يافتی به بغض خود مطّلع مي شدی. فاستحی عن الله و لا تُقنّن له قوانينَ نفسك و هويك. إنّه يظهر كيف يشاء، لا بما أنت تشاء. (edit)
Say: O inner ear, no one has surrounded the knowledge of truth and will not. Science is a storehouse that is protected from your knowledge. If He wills, He will complete the first and the last creation at the same time, but you have not yet understood the completion. I wish you had the ability to understand [111] and this slave, who is one of the servants of the gate, found you capable and inspired you with words from which you could understand some hidden things. At least it would be so much that if you were not informed about the completion of the emergence, you would be informed about your hatred. So be proud of Allah and do not be bound by the laws of your own will and self. It shows how he wills, no matter what you want. (edit) | Say: O deaf inner self, no one has ever encompassed the knowledge of the Truth nor will they ever. His knowledge is hidden, treasured, and protected from your grasp. If He wills, He can complete the creation of the first and the last in an instant, but you have not yet understood completion. I wish that the ability to understand could be observed in you[111], and this servant, who is one of the attendants of the divine court, would find you capable and inspire you with words that would enable you to understand some of the hidden matters. At the very least, you would become aware of your own resentment if you did not gain knowledge of the completion of the Manifestation. So, be ashamed before Allah and do not impose the rules of your ego and desires upon Him. Indeed, He manifests as He wills, not as you will. (edit) |
213 | چه مقدار جسور شده اند كه از برای حقّ - جلّ ذكره - قواعد ذكر مي نمايند و شرايط مذكور مي دارند. حال شما انصاف ده: آن حقّي كه به دستورالعمل مشركين ظاهر شود مثل خود آن انفس مشركه خواهد بود. كلّما عرفتم و إستدركتم هو (مخلوقٌ مثلكم و مردودٌ إليكم). و الله پست ترين خلق او و عباد او ننگ مي دارند كه به آدابي، كه آن نفوس مشركه به شما القا نموده اند، حركت نمايند. لِأنّهم يعبدُون العجلَ و لا يشعرون و يتّبعون الشّيطان و لا يعرفون و يعقّبون الجبتَ و لا يفقهون و يشربون فضلة ما شربه الطاغوت و لا يعلمون. (edit)
How bold have they been to mention the rules for the right - Jal Dhikrah - and have the mentioned conditions. Now, be fair: the right that appears according to the instructions of the polytheists will be like the self of the polytheist. I know all of you and I understand you (a creature like you and rejected by you). And Allah, the lowest of His creatures and His servants, are ashamed to follow the manners that those polytheist souls have instilled in you. Because they worship Al-Ajla and do not feel, and they follow the devil, and they do not know, and they follow Al-Jabat, and they do not understand, and they drink our bounty, the drink of Al-Taghut, and they do not know. (edit) | How audacious they have become, setting rules and conditions for the Truth - exalted be His mention. Now, be fair: the truth that appears according to the rules of the polytheists will be like those polytheistic souls themselves. As soon as you recognize and understand it, it will be a created being like you and will be rejected by you. By Allah, even the lowliest of His creation and His servants feel ashamed to move according to the manners that these polytheistic souls have inspired in you. For they worship the calf without realizing, follow Satan without knowing, pursue superstition without understanding, and drink the dregs of what the tyrant has drunk without being aware. (edit) |
214 | و آنقدر ادراك ننموده اند كه در هر ظهور اگر حقّ - جلّ كبريائه –به آداب و شرايط و اعمالي، كه ما بين ناس بر حسب ظاهر بوده، ظاهر مي شد هرگز احدی اعراض و اعتراض نمي نمود و جميع به كوثر معانی حضرت لا يزالی فائز مي شدند و به لقاءالله مرزوق[۱۱۲]مي گشتند. آنان كه در هواء روح طايرند و به بصر حديد الهی در اشياء ناظرْ صد هزار امثال آن نفوس را در غرقاب فنا مشاهده مي نمايند، كه هر يك به حشيش منبته متشبّث، ولكن از برای آن حشيش قرار و استقراری نبوده و نخواهد بود و بالاخره غرق خواهد شد، اگر چه حال هم نزد جالسين فلك ابهی لا شیء محض و غريق و فانی و معدوم مشاهده مي شوند. (edit)
And they haven't realized that in every apparition, if the right - the majesty of it - was revealed to the manners, conditions and actions that were among us according to appearances, no one would ever complain and protest, and all of them would still be blessed with the meaning of the Holy Prophet. They used to go to meet Allah Marzouq [112]. Those who are flying in the air of the soul, and with the vision of God's iron watcher in things, they see a hundred thousand souls like those in the water of death, each of them clinging to the hashish of Manbeteh, but for that hashish, there is no place and will not be established, and finally drowned. It will happen, even though they are seen by those who are sitting in the cloudy sky as pure, drowning, mortal and perishable objects. (edit) | They have not understood that in every appearance, if the Truth - exalted be His majesty - appeared according to the manners, conditions, and actions that were apparent among the people, no one would ever object or protest, and everyone would attain the fountain of everlasting meanings and be blessed with the presence of God. Those who soar in the atmosphere of the spirit and observe things with the divine insight, see a hundred thousand examples of such souls drowning in the abyss of annihilation, each clinging to a growing weed, but that weed has never had and will never have any stability or permanence, and eventually, they will drown. Although they now seem insignificant, drowned, transient, and non-existent in the eyes of the inhabitants of the sublime heavens. (edit) |
215 | سمع را از قطن تقليد پاك كن! بشنو كلمه حقّ را از پست ترين خلق او و بدان كه حقّ - جلّ شأنه – به هيچ حجابی محجوب نه و به هيچ حدودی محدود نخواهد بود. ظاهر مي شود به هر قسم كه اراده فرمايد، چه كه لم يزل مقتدر بوده و خواهد بود و هرگز قدرت كلّيّه اش سلب نشده و نخواهد شد. حال به وهم شما اگر حقّ به دستور العمل معرضين ظاهر شود قدرتش را چه تأويل مي نمائی؟ چه كه از بيان شما چنان مستفاد مي شود كه لا بدّ بايد به اين قسم ظاهر شود، و قادر نيست به غير آنچه شما نوشته ايد مظهری از مظاهر امر خود را در ارض بفرستد. فبئس ما ظنّنتم و تظنّون، و قد حبطتْ أعمالكم بما خرجتْ مِن أفواهكم، ولكن أنتم لا تستشعرون فی أنفسكم و تكوننّ من الغافلين. (edit)
Clean the hearing from imitation cotton! Hear the word of truth from the lowest of his creatures and know that the truth is not hidden by any veil and will not be limited by any limits. It will appear in any way it wants, that Lam Yazel has been and will be powerful, and his total power has never been and will never be taken away. Now, if the right appears according to your illusion, how do you interpret its power? Because your statement is being used so much that it has to appear like this, and it is not able to send any manifestation of its command in the land other than what you have written. Woe betide you and your suspicions, and your deeds have been ruined by what you have spent from your rumours, but you do not feel in my soul and are oblivious to me. (edit) | Cleanse your hearing from the cotton of imitation! Listen to the word of Truth from His humblest creation, and know that the Truth - exalted be His glory - is not veiled by any barrier and will never be confined to any limits. He appears in any way He wills, for He has always been and will always be omnipotent, and His absolute power has never been and will never be taken away. Now, according to your imagination, if the Truth appears according to the instructions of those who turn away, how do you interpret His power? It seems from your statement that He must necessarily appear in this way, and He is not capable of sending a manifestation of His command in the earth other than what you have written. Wretched is what you have thought and continue to think, and your deeds have been invalidated by what has come out of your mouths, but you do not feel it within yourselves and remain among the heedless. (edit) |
216 | فوالله روايح منتنه كثيفه از اشارات كلمات آن انفس[۱۱۳]مشركه بر عالم و اهل آن مرور نموده. از خدا مي طلبيم كه صرصر عنايتی بفرستد و اين ارياح را معدوم نمايد. خود آن مشركين خمسين الف سنه يوم قيامت را مستدلّند كه به يك ساعت منقضی شد. بگو: ای بی بصران، همان معنی در اينجا جاری، پنجاه هزار سنه در ساعتی منقضی شود حرفی نداريد، ولكن اگر دو هزار سال به وهم شما در سنين معدوده منقضی شود اعتراض مي نمائيد. فوالله يُكذّبكم كلُّ الأشياء، و يَضْحَكُ لِقلّةِ عقولكم و عرفانِكم كلُّ ما خُلِقَ بين السّموات و الأرضين. (edit)
By God, the records of the dirty mantana have reviewed the words of that polytheist [113] on the world and its people. We ask God to send mercy and destroy these places. Those polytheists themselves argue that the Day of Judgment is fifty thousand years, which expired in one hour. Say: O blind people, the same meaning applies here, if fifty thousand years expire in an hour, you have nothing to say, but if two thousand years expire in a few years, you will protest. God will deny you all the things, and laugh at your lack of intelligence and wisdom, all of us created between the heavens and the earth. (edit) | By God, the foul and filthy odors of the signs of the words of those polytheistic souls have spread throughout the world and its people. We ask God to send a whirlwind of His grace and annihilate these winds. Those polytheists themselves use the Day of Resurrection, which is fifty thousand years, as evidence that it will end in just one hour. Say: O blind ones, the same meaning applies here; you have no objection if fifty thousand years are concluded in one hour, but if two thousand years, according to your imagination, are concluded in a few limited years, you object. By God, all things belie you, and everything created between the heavens and the earth laughs at the deficiency of your intellects and your understanding. (edit) |
217 | بشنو از اين عبد و سبحات اوهام را خرق كن و به حقّ بنفسه ناظر باش! چه كه دون او مخلوق اويند و به كلمةٍ من عند او ظاهر. و ابداً بدون خود معروف نگشته، بلكه ماسوايش به او معروف بوده و خواهد بود. چشم به نفس ظهور و بما يظهر من عنده داشته باش و شكر كن پروردگار را كه ظاهر فرمود مظهر نفس خود را بغتةً! چنانچه نقطه بيان مي فرمايد: و لقد قرب الزّوال و أنتم راقدون. شمس در قطب زوال مشرق و مضیء و اين مقام شكر است نه شكايت. رحمت را نقمت مدان و نعمت را غضب مشمر! اگرچه لم يزل ظهور مظاهر احديّه نعمت ابرار و نقمت فجّار بوده و خواهد بود[۱۱۴]فجّار و اشرار لازال نعمت را نقمت انگاشته اند و عنايت صرفه را غضب دانسته اند. (edit)
Listen to this slave and break his delusions and watch over the right of your soul! What is created under him and visible to him by my word. And he never became famous without himself, but his counterpart was and will be famous for him. Keep an eye on the self-appearance and what appears, and give thanks to the Lord who revealed the manifestation of his self suddenly! As the point says: And the end is near and you are sleeping. Shams is at the waning pole of the east and west, and this position is thanksgiving, not complaint. Revenge mercy and wrath! Even though the appearance of one of the manifestations of the blessing and the punishment of the wicked has been and will be [114], the wicked and the wicked have still considered the blessing to be a punishment and considered the care of the economy to be wrath. (edit) | Listen to this servant and tear apart the illusions of your fancies, and look at the truth with your own eyes! For both the Creator and the creation are the words from Him. He has never been known by Himself, but rather, everything besides Him has been and will be known by Him. Keep your eye on the manifestation of His essence and what appears from Him, and be grateful to your Lord for suddenly revealing the manifestation of His essence! As the saying goes: "And verily, the decline is near while you are heedless." The sun is rising and shining at its zenith, and this is a place for gratitude, not complaint. Do not consider mercy as punishment, or blessings as wrath! Although the manifestation of His unity has always been a blessing for the righteous and a punishment for the wicked, the wicked and the evildoers have always considered blessings as punishment and pure grace as wrath. (edit) |
218 | در تكميل دوره ذكر نموده بودی، بشنو بيان مٌنزل بيان - روح من فی حقائق الأكوان فداه - را كه به نصّ صريح مي فرمايند قوله - جلّ كبريائه -: مِن أوّل ذلك الأمر إلی قبل أن يكملَ تسعةُ كينونات الخلق لم تظهرْ. و إنّ كلّما قد رأيتَ مِن النطفة إلی ما كسوناه لحماً، ثمّ إصبر حتّی تشهد خلقَ الآخر. إذاً قل: "فتبارك الله أحسن الخالقين!" و أشهد أنّ فرقَ القائم و القيّوم عدد تسعة. ذلك ما تكملنّ الكينونيات فی مقاعدهنّ. ذلك فرق بين كلّ أعظم و عظيم. و در مقام ديگر: و لَتُراقبنّ فرق القائم و القيّوم، ثمّ فی سنة التّسع كلَّ خير تُدركون. و در اين مقام نازل: هذا ما وعدناك قبل حين الّذی أجبنا: إصبر حتّی يقضی عن البيان تسعة، إذاً قل: "فتبارك الله أحسن المبدعين." (edit)
In the completion of his role, he mentioned his example of Bodhi, about the statement of the revealed statement - the spirit of the one who is in the realities of the universes, so he sacrificed it - see it with an explicit text May Farmand said - the glory of his pride -: From the beginning of that matter until before it completes the nine entities of creation did not appear. And that everything you have seen, from semen to what we clothed in flesh, then be patient until you witness the creation of the other. Then say: “May God be blessed, the best of creators!” And I bear witness that the difference between the Qaim and the Qayyum is nine. That is what completes the entities in their seats. That is a difference between every greater and greater. And in the position of Diger: And watch the difference between the Qaim and the Qayyum, then in the year of the ninth, you will realize all the best. And where is the descending station: This is what we promised you a while ago to which we answered: Be patient until the statement finishes nine, then say: “Blessed be God, the best of innovators.” (edit) | In the completion of the cycle, you had mentioned, listen to the statement of the one who is the place of expression - may my spirit be sacrificed for the truth of the worlds - who explicitly says in His sublime words: "From the beginning of that matter until before the completion of the nine cycles of creation, it has not appeared. And indeed, whatever you see from the sperm to what we have clothed in flesh, then be patient until you witness the creation of the end. Then say: 'Blessed is Allah, the best of creators!' and bear witness that the difference between the Self-Subsistent and the Self-Existing is nine. This is the number by which the cycles of existence will be completed in their positions. This is the difference between every greater and great." And in another position: "And you shall surely observe the difference between the Self-Subsistent and the Self-Existing, then in the year of the nine, you shall attain all goodness." And in this position, it is revealed: "This is what We promised you before the time when We answered: 'Be patient until the expression is completed in nine, then say: 'Blessed is Allah, the best of creators.'" (edit) |
219 | ای صاحب بصر و انصاف دار، علی زعم خود چشم بگشا و از "ظهور تسع" تا حين "خلق آخر" مشاهده كن و به "تبارك الله احسن الخالقين" و "تبارك الله احسن المبدعين" ناطق شو! ملاحظه كن كه در تكميل خلق و اعظميّت ظهور بعد در فرق قائم و قيّوم و همچنين اعظم و عظيم تصريحاً من غير تلويح[۱۱۵]مي فرمايند. و چون مدّت منقضی شد و ميقات الله به آخر رسيد ظَهَرَ جمالُ التّسع بسلطانٍ مبين. إذاً فزع كل ُّ مَن فی السّموات و الأرض إلاّ مَن أتی اللهَ بقلبٍ سليم. إتّقوا الله، يا قوم، و لا تتّخذوا القيّومَ مهجوراً بينكم! خافوا عن الله و كونوا من المتّقين! إيّاكم أنْ تُحرّفوا كلماتِ الله عن مواضعها، لأنّ ذلك خطأ عظيم فی ألواح عزّ حفيظ. ولكن نطفه مقام بلوغ را ادراك ننمايد، چنانچه اليوم ادراك بيانات الهی را احدی ننموده إلاّ مَن شاء ربُّك. اگرچه اين كلمات را به ظنونات باطله خود تأويل نموده تحريف خواهند نمود، چنانچه نقطه اولی - جلّت عظمته - خبر داده. (edit)
He who has insight and fairness, who claims to have good faith and when “the appearance of nine” comes when “another creation” is seen and with him “Blessed be God, the best of creators” and “Blessed be God, the best of creators” is speaking! Observing that it was the perfecting of creation and the greatness of appearance after the difference of standing and standing, and they are greater and great, explicitly without hinting[115] May Farmind. And when a period of time has elapsed and God's appointed time is the last of the rest, the beauty of the nine appeared with a clear authority. Then everyone in the heavens and the earth panicked except those who came to God with a healthy heart. Fear God, O people, and do not take the Qayyum for desert among you! Fear Allah and be of the righteous! Beware of altering the words of God from their proper places, because that is a grave mistake in the Tablets of Ezz Hafeez. But his drop is in the position of attaining the realization of Nnamid, which today comprehends the statements of God, and no one can educate him except for what your Lord wills. What are the words of a ra with false assumptions, the interpretation of which is the distortion of Khawahand Namud, the first point - glory be to Him - is the news of Dada. (edit) | O possessor of insight and justice, open your eyes according to your claim, and observe from the "appearance of the nine" until the time of the "creation of the end," and become a speaker of "Blessed is Allah, the best of creators" and "Blessed is Allah, the best of originators!" Observe that in the completion of creation and the greatness of the appearance, it is explicitly stated without any hint, regarding the difference between the Self-Subsistent and the Self-Existing and also between the greater and the great. And when the appointed time came to an end and the divine decree reached its conclusion, the beauty of the nine appeared with a manifest authority. Then all who were in the heavens and the earth were alarmed, except for those who came to Allah with a sound heart. Fear Allah, O people, and do not abandon the Self-Existing among you! Be in awe of Allah and be among the righteous! Beware of distorting the words of Allah from their places, for that is a great error in the tablets of the Almighty's protection. However, the sperm does not perceive the station of maturity, just as today no one has perceived the divine revelations except for those whom your Lord wills. Although they will interpret and distort these words according to their false assumptions, just as the first point - may His greatness be glorified - has informed. (edit) |
220 | حال از اينها گذشته يك ذكر مي نمايم، لعلّ به آن مستشعر شويد و به شعور آئيد. اگر نفسی مذكور دارد كه شجره از حين إلی انقضاء دوهزار سنه به اوراد لطيفه حمريّه معطّره ظاهر خواهد شد، با كمال طراوت و نضارت و عطر و روايح محبوبه، و حصر نمايد كه شما ناظر به خود آن شجره و ظهور آن باشيد نه دون او، و بعد صبح از خواب برخيزيد و بغتةً ملاحظه نمائيد كه آن شجره طيّبه مباركه به اوراد حمريّه لطيفه منيعه ظاهر شده، حال چه مي كنی؟ انكار خواهی نمود آنچه به بصر مشاهده مي كنی[۱۱۶]و به شامّه مي يابی، يا به آنچه ديده موقن خواهی شد؟ لا والله شما و امثال شما از آن نفوسی مشاهده مي شويد كه آن اوراد مشهوده ظاهره را به احجار ظنون و هوی در هم ريزند،كه اين زود به ثمر آمده بايد دوهزار سنه بعد از اين اوراد ظاهر شود و از اين شجره مشهود آيد. أفّ لكم، يا ملاء المتوهّمين! (edit)
Now, past these, I will mention one thing, maybe you will feel it and come to your senses. If he has the aforesaid breath that the tree will appear from the time until the end of two thousand years with the fragrance of Latifah Hamria, with the perfection of freshness and freshness, and the fragrance and scent of the beloved, and it is limited that you watch over that tree itself and its appearance, not under him. And then you wake up in the morning and you suddenly notice that the blessed tree has appeared to Hamriya Latifah Mania, what are you doing now? Will you deny what you see with your eyes[116] and find with your eyes, or will you believe what you have seen? By God, you and your ilk are seen as one of those people who destroy those apparent deeds with suspicion and lust, that this early fruition must appear two thousand years after these deeds and it is evident from this family tree. Forgive me, you delusional mullahs! (edit) | Now, moving past these matters, I will mention a reminder, so that perhaps you will become aware and gain insight. If there is a mentioned soul from which a tree will appear, adorned with delicate red invocations from the beginning until the completion of two thousand years, with perfect freshness, brightness, fragrance, and beloved scents, and you are instructed to observe the tree itself and its appearance, not what is below it, and then you wake up in the morning and suddenly notice that the blessed and fragrant tree has appeared with strong, delicate red invocations, what would you do? Will you deny what you observe with your sight [116] and what you smell, or will you become certain of what you have seen? No, by Allah, you and those like you are among those souls who observe the apparent invocations and crumble them with the stones of assumptions and desires, thinking that these results have come too quickly and that these invocations should appear two thousand years after this tree is seen. Woe to you, O assembly of the deluded! (edit) |