Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 475: Difference between revisions

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So this mortal servant was content with what has been revealed of the shining verses that have emanated from the mouth of the Sultan of expression. However, today, it is necessary for everyone with insight to purify their hearts from all allusions, indications, and sacred names and to gaze upon the manifestation itself and what appears from it. Everyone has been commanded to do this in expression, for it is the names and remembrances of all His creation, past and future. Today, most of the people of expression are preoccupied with the names, but in the sight of God, it is observed and mentioned by His servants. The most esteemed souls in the sight of God are those who have grasped and partaken of the fruits of the divine tree during this spring of eternal glory. Those who cling to anything other than this tree are rejected in the sight of God and are considered among the people of negation and fire.

Revision as of 05:58, 16 May 2023