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Paragraph Persian English {{{4}}}
اگر نفسی اليوم اين شئونات الهيّه و ظهورات ربوبيّه و آيات منزله ای، كه در اين ظهور امنع اقدس ظاهر شده و به مثل غيثِ هاطل جاری، انكار نمايد انكار حقّ و كلّ رسل را نموده. و إنّه مِن المشركين قد كان فی أمّ الألواح مِن قلم الأمر مرقوماً. (edit)
If a soul today denies these divine affairs, divine apparitions, and noble verses, which have appeared in this apparition of the Holy One and are like the flow of a current, he has denied the truth and the whole of the Messenger. And indeed, among the polytheists, he was tall in the Umm al-Hawhal from the pen of the decree. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
يك نغمه از نغمات ورقاء بيان در ذكر ميزان مخصوص قاصدان حرم رحمن ذكر می شود، لعلّ به معرفت آن فائز شده از مظاهر شيطانيّه به كلّيه منقطع شوند و حجبات اوهام را شقّ نمايند، علی شأنٍ[۴۱] يسمعنّ أهلُ ملاء الأعلی صوتَ خرقِها و يشهدنّ أنفسَهُم فوقَ ملاء البيان كلّها، مِن الّذينهم كفروا و أشركوا و يفرّنّ مِن غصنٍ إلی غصنٍ ليُدخِلنّ الشّكَّ و الرّيبَ فی قلوبِ الّذين قلّبتْهم نسماتُ الرّحمن عن شمالِ الظّنّ إلی يمينِ اليقين. قوله - عزّ ذكرُهُ و عزّ ثنائُهُ و عزّ كلمتُهُ و أُعظِمَ إحسانُهُ -: او است ميزان و امرِ او است ميزان و احوال او است ميزان و دلالات او است ميزان. ما يُنسَب إلی الميزان ميزان. (edit)
One of the songs of Warqa Bayan is mentioned in the mention of the special measure of the messengers of the Rahman's Shrine, so that by knowing it, they will be completely cut off from satanic manifestations and their veils will be torn. Their souls are above the fullness of the statement of all, among them are the disbelievers and polytheists, and they run from branch to branch, so that doubt and suspicion enter the hearts of those whose hearts are filled with the names of the Most Merciful, from the north of the thought to the right of the righteous. Qula - The glory of remembrance and the glory of thanksgiving and the glory of His words and the greatness of His kindness -: He is the measure and His command is the measure and His condition is the measure and His signs are the measure. We are related to Al Mizan Mizan. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
باری ميزان نفس ظهور بوده و خواهد بود، و آنچه از بحر جود وكرم ظاهر فرمايد و به آنچه اليوم عاملند و به آنچه ناطقند و به آنچه آمرند، ميزان كلّ از قبل و بعد بوده و خواهد بود. و اليوم هر نفسی را از اين ميزان قدس رحمانی خارج مشاهده نمائی باطل دان و مردود شمر، و نعوذُ بالله به اصل ميزان جسارت منماَ! خَف عن الله الّذی خلقكَ مِن قطرةِ ماءٍ مُهين. (edit)
Again, the measure of self-appearance has been and will be, and what appears from the sea of existence and karma, and what they are doing today, what they speak, and what they command, has been and will be the measure of the whole before and after. And today, count every soul out of this measure of the holy and merciful view as a false and rejected sight, and seek refuge in God by the principle of Manma's courage! Be afraid of Allah, who created you from a drop of offensive water. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قول ديگر آن مبغض: اوّلاً آن که در اصل مدّعی و مطلب عرض نمايم، همان حضرت باب، كه شما ربّ اعلی می گوئيد، در حقيّت خود آيات خود را مقرّر فرموده اند و به آيات اثبات حقيّت خود فرموده، و هيچ كسی را از معتقدين انكار بر اين نيست. و يقين است [۴۲]كه شما هم نمی توانيد انكار نمائيد، بلكه تصديق شما و ديگران حضرت باب را به آيات بوده. (edit)
The other saying of that hater: First of all, let me state the main claimant and content, the same Prophet Báb, whom you call the Most High Lord, has established his verses in his truth, and he has said the proof of his truth with the verses, and no one of the believers There is no denying this. And it is certain [42] that you cannot deny it either, but you and others have confirmed the Prophet's message with the verses. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
فو الّذی نفسی بيده كه هيچ ذی شمّی از اين كلمات كه مرقوم داشته رايحه حقّ استشمام ننمايد. زهی حسرت و ندامت كه در اين ربيع روحانی به طراز بديع مزيّن نشدی و از نفحات خوش رضوان معانی استشمام ننمودی. كلماتت مثل كلمات محتجبين، بل احقر. فوالله، لو تتفكّر فيها لَتكونُ خجلاً فی نفسك و تمحو كلَّها. قدر و شأن انسان از كلماتش ظاهر و فی الحقيقة كلمهْ مرآت نفس است لو أنت مِن العارفين. (edit)
Fu Al-Zhi, give breath so that no living being will smell the scent of truth from these words that have been written. You regret that you were not decorated in a new style in this spiritual spring and did not smell the pleasant scents of meanings. Your words are like the words of protestors, even worse. By Allah, if you think about it, you will be ashamed of yourself and erase everything. The value and dignity of a person is apparent from his words, and in fact, the word is the reward of the soul. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
لم يزل به اين كلمات غير متقنه هياكل ظنونيّه ناس را از شطر احديّه منع نموده اند. چه مقام مشاهده می شود تقديس امر، و چه مقام مشاهده می شود انفس محتجبه. إسْمَعْ قولی، ثمّ دَعْهَا عن ورائك، فاقبِل إلی الله بكلّك لعلّ يجری مِن قلبك بحورُ المعانی و البيان فی ذكر ربّك المقتدر العزيز المنّان! (edit)
He still has unprofessional words, structures of people's assumptions. What is the position of witnessing that is required to sanctify a matter, and what is the position of what is seen is what is hidden. Hear what I say, then leave it behind you, so turn to God with all of you, so that perhaps oceans of meanings and clarification will flow from your heart in the remembrance of your Lord, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Beneficent! (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اگر چه قلم خجلت می كشد در ذكر جواب چنين كلمات، ولكن نظر به آن که جواب را واجب دانسته اند مذكور می دارم كه همين كلمات شما ردّ بر شما است، و اثبات امرالله نوشته و ملتفت نشده. كذلك يجری الله مِن القلم ما يكون غافلاً عنه[۴۳]كاتبُِهُ. فويلٌ للمحتجبين مِن عذابِ يومٍ عظيم. (edit)
Although the pen is ashamed to mention the answer to such words, but I am of the opinion that they considered the answer to be obligatory, that your very words are a rejection of you, and the proof of God's will has not been written and interpreted. In the same way, God runs from our pen, even if the writer is oblivious to him [43]. A foil for those who protest against the punishment of a great day. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای برادر، مرئه عقيمه در كلّ ملل بی قدر بوده، چه كه محروم گشته از نسل ظاهره. فوالله، نفوسی كه قلوبشان عقيم گشته از ظهور ابكار معارف الهيّه، اين نفوس اشدّ محروماً به نظر آيند. و حال مشاهده می شود اكثری از محتجبين قلب و فؤاد و بصرشان عقيم گشته، به شأنی كه آنچه خود می نويسند به ادراك آن قادر نيستند، تا چه رسد به اشارات كلمات الهيّه و جواهر حِكَم بالغه ربّانيّه. تالله، اولائک عقيمٌ مِن رحمةِ الله و مِن الصّدق و الإنصاف، و لم يظهرْ منهم إلاّ ما يشتدُّ به غضبُ الله و سُخْطُهُ عليهم، ولكنّهم لا يفقهون. (edit)
O brother, barrenness has been unappreciated in all nations, which is deprived of the generation of Zahir. God willing, those souls whose hearts have become sterile from the appearance of the beginnings of divine knowledge, these souls will seem severely deprived. And now it can be seen that most of the protestors have become sterile in their heart, mind, and vision, to the extent that they are not able to understand what they are writing, let alone the hints of God's words and the jewels of divine wisdom. By God, the people are barren of God's mercy and of righteousness and justice, and none of them appeared except for us, the anger of God and His wrath against them, but they do not understand. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اين که نوشته همان حضرت باب كه شما ربّ اعلی می دانيد، از اين كلمه معلوم می شود كه شما ربّ اعلی نمی دانيد. و يا تقيّه نموده ايد، مثل مرشدين شما كه در بعضی مواضع انكار می نمايند و تبرّی می جويند و به اطراف پشته پشته كتب مجعوله در اثبات حقيّت خود می فرستند. شما و كلّ مَن فی السّموات و الأرض جميعاً بدانيد بأنّا كُنّا موقناً معترفاً مذعناً ناطقاً ذاكراً قائلاً منادياً مضجّاً مصرخاً مصحّاً متكلّماً مبلّغاً معجّاً بأعلی الصّوتِ بأنّه هو ربُّ الأعلی و سدرةُ المنتهی[۴۴] و شجرةُ القُصوی و ملكوتُ العُلی و جبروتُ العماء و لاهوت البقاء و روح البهاء و سرّ الأعظم و كلمة الأتمّ و مظهر القِدَم و هيكلُ الأكرم و رمزُ المُنَمْنَم و ربُّ الأُمم و البحرُ المُلْتَطَم و كلمةُ العليا و درّة الأولی و صحيفة المكنون و كتاب المخزون و جمال الأحديّه و مظهر الهوّيّة و مطلع الصّمديّة. لولاهُ ما ظهر الوجودُ و ما عُرِفَ المقصودُ و ما بُرِزَ جمالُ المعبود. تالله، بِاسمه قد خُلِقَت السّماءُ و ما فيها و الأرضُ و مَن عليها. و به موّجتْ البِحارُ و جرتْ الأنهار و أثمرتْ الأشجار. و به حُقّقتْ الأديان و ظهر جمالُ الرّحمن. فوالله، لو نَصِفُهُ إلی آخِرِ الّذی لا آخِرَ لهُ لن يسكنَ فؤادی مِن عطشِ حبِّ ذكرِ أسمائه و صفاته، فكيف نفسِهِ المقدَّسِ العزيزِ الجميل. (edit)
Where is the name of His Holiness, the presence of Bab Ke Shamma, Lord of the Most High, is Danid? And O Taqiyya, we will support him, like the two guides in Shamka, in some of the places of denial and disapproval of me, and in which there are many parties to the books made in proving the truth of my soul. Shamma and all who are in the heavens and the earth are all united that we were certain, acknowledging, submitting, speaking, remembering, saying, calling, clamoring, shouting, correcting, speaking, informing, shouting with the loudest voice that he is the Lord of the Most High, the Sidrat of the End[44], the Tree of Power, the Tree of Power, the Kingdom of the Most High, the Kingdom of the Most High, and the Kingdom of the Most High. The Spirit of Splendor, the Secret of the Greatest, the Word of the Most Complete, the Manifestation of Antiquity, the Temple of the Noblest, the Symbol of the Minimized, the Lord of Nations, the Shattered Sea, the Word of the Most High, the Pearl of the First, the Book of the Hidden, the Book of Stores, the Beauty of Oneness, the Manifestation of Identity, and the Beginning of Samadiya. Without him, existence would not have appeared, the meaning would not have been known, and the beauty of the deity would not have emerged. By God, in His name the heavens and what is in it and the earth and whoever is on it were created. With it, the seas undulated, rivers flowed, and trees bore fruit. And with it the religions were fulfilled and the beauty of the Most Merciful appeared. By God, if we describe him to the end of Him who has no other, my heart will not be satisfied from the thirst of love for the remembrance of His Names and Attributes, so how is His Holy, Mighty, Beautiful Self? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و شما شاهد و گواه باشيد، همين لوح را به هر نفسی از نفوس معرضه كه بخواهيد بنمائيد، مرخّصيد. چنانچه مرشدت الواح الهيه به خطّ غصن ربّانيّه اخذ نموده و به بعضی نشان داده و خود تبرّی جسته. هذا ما فَعَلَ فی السّرّ، ولكن فی الجهر يخضَعُ رأسَهُ و يُطوِّل نَفَسَهُ بين ملاءِ البيانِ الّذين إتّخذوه ربّاً لأنفسهم و يستدلُّ لهم إثباتَ نفسِهِ المجعولة المكذوبة و يفرَحُ برياستِهِ عليهم. قل[۴۵]: فويلٌ لك، يا أيّها الخائف الخائن الخائب الخاسر، ما يُغنيك اليومَ شیءٌ و لو تتمسّكُ بكلّ ما خُلِقَ بين السّموات و الأرضين. (edit)
And Shama Shahid and his guise are basheed. Chanancheh guides divine tablets with the handwriting of a divine branch that took its growth and in it some parts of its body and its body. This is what he did in secret, but in public he lowered his head and lengthened himself among the plethora of eloquence who took him as their own lord and evidenced for them the proof of his false self and rejoiced in his leadership over them. Say [45]: So woe to you, O you who are afraid, traitors, disappointed, losers! Nothing will avail you today, even if you cling to everything that was created between the heavens and the earth. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و ای كاش به همين كفايت می نمودند، بلكه كلماتی شبه آن نوشته و به اسم حقّ به بعضی نموده. إنّ الله يعلم ما فی سرّه و أحصی كلَّ شیءٍ فی إمامٍ مبين. حال شما هم اگر اراده نمائيد اين لوح را به هر نفسی كه اراده كنيد بنمائيد. فو الله، إنَّ ربّی ما حفِظ نفسَهَ و ما يحفَظ أبداً و ينتظرُ الصّليبَ مِن اليهودِ و السَّنانَ من السَّنَّانِ لو أنت مِن العارفين. بدان كه حقّ منتظر است آنچه را كه به ظهور قبلش وارد شده، و همچنين آنچه را كه به رسول الله از قبل وارد شده، و همچنين از قبل او به روح، ثمّ مِن قبلِهِ بالخليل. ما خاف مِن أحدٍ و لن يخافَ بفضلِ الله و عنايته. إذاً فاجتمعوا لِسفكِ دمِهِ المطهَّرِ العزيزِ المنيع. (edit)
And I wish they would be satisfied with this, instead, he wrote words similar to it and did it to some people in the name of truth. Indeed, Allah knows us in the head and the bottom of everything in the clear Imam. Now, if you want, you can make this tablet to any breath you want. God forbid, our Lord protects his soul and us forever and waits for the cross from the Jews and the teeth from the teeth if you are from the knowledgeable. Know that the truth is waiting for what happened to the appearance before it, and also what happened to the Messenger of God before, and also before him in the soul, then from the Qiblah of Khalil. Ma khaf min uhd and lan yakhafa thanks to Allah and his care. So, gather together for the sake of the Holy One, the Most Pure, the Most Merciful. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که نوشته بودی: در حقيّت خود آيات خود را مقرّر فرموده اند و به آيات اثبات حقيّت خود فرموده، همين كلمه لو تعرفُ در اثبات اين امر از قلم جاری شده و شما ادراك ننموده ايد. چه كه اين آياتی كه ذكر نموده شما به آن موقنيد، يا نه؟ اگر نيستيد جميع اين كلمات كه ذكر نموده ايد لغو بوده و خواهد بود. و اگر موقنيد[۴۶] چرا به اين آيات منزله، كه به مثابه غيثِ هاطله در كلّ حين نازل است، منكر و معرضيد؟ يقين بدان كه اهل بصر و فؤاد فرصتت نمی دهند كه از كلمه اوّل تجاوز نمائی. در همين يك كلمه تو برهان الهی و حجّت او را بر تو ثابت و مسجّل می نمايند. (edit)
And the fact that you had written: They have established their verses in their truth, and they have said the verses to prove their truth, this very word has been used to prove this, and you have not understood. Do you believe in the verses he mentioned or not? If you are not, all these words that you have mentioned have been and will be canceled. And if you believe [46], why do you deny these verses, which are revealed like the Ghaith of Hatla in all time? Be sure that the people of Basr and Fouad will not give you a chance to violate the first word. In this one word, they prove and record God's proof and His authority for you. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
به همان نحو كه آن شجره احديّه اثبات امر خود فرموده و ما عارف شده ايم، حال هم به همان قسم امر الله ظاهر و آيات الله نازل و اين عباد موقن شده اند. اهل انكار اين عباد نبوده و نخواهند بود. منكر نفوسی هستند كه (آمَنُوا بِبعضِ الكتابِ و كَفَرُوا بِبعضٍ). لا والله، بل كَفَرُوا بكلِّ الكتب. چه كه اليوم اگر نفسی از حرفی از اين آيات اعراض نمايد اعراضش بر كلّ ثابت و محقّق است. إنّا آمنّا بما نزّل مِن قبلُ و حينئذٍ و يشهدُ بذلك كلُّ شیء إنْ أنت مِن الموقنين.خوب استدلال مي نمائی و به محبوب نقطه اولی به اعتراض و جدال مشغولی. و می نويسی كه به آياتْ حقّ او ثابت شده. به گمان خود به تنزيل ناظری، ولكن از مُنْزِل بسی بعيد. (edit)
In the same way that the tree of Ahadiya proved its command and we have become mystics, in the same way the command of Allah and the revelations of Allah have been revealed and these servants have become trustworthy. People who deny these worshipers are not and will not be. The deniers are those who believe in some parts of the book and disbelieve in others. No, by God, but disbelievers in all the books. Today, if a person complains about a letter from these verses, his complaints are consistent and true. We believe in what was revealed before and then, and everything bears witness to that, that you are one of the trustworthy. And you write that his truth is proved by the verses. According to his own opinion, he is a watcher, but he is very far from home. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که نوشته بودی كه: يقين است شما هم نمی توانيد انكار نمائيد، يشهدُ بآياته سرُّنا و كينونتُنا و لسانُنا و قلبُنا و جوارِحُنا إنْ أنت مِن العارفين. قسم به آفتاب عزّ توحيد كه حرفی[۴۷] از كلمات آن مظهر اسماء و صفات نزد جمال ابهی احبّ و اعزّ است از كلّ آنچه در آسمان ها و زمين ها است، ديگر تا چه رسد به اين عباد كه معدوميم نزد حرفی از او و خاضعيم نزد آنچه ظاهر شده از آن شجره حقيقت و شمس عنايت و قمر عطوفت. فرق ما بين اين عباد و شما اين است كه شما لفظاً از وراء هزار ستر و حجاب موقنيد و از نفس و كينونت و روح و ذات او معرض. و كاش به اعراض هم كفايت می رفت. لا فو نفسِهِ الرّحمنِ الرّحيمِ، بلكه در ليالی و ايّام در تدبير سفك دم طيّب طاهر مشغوليد، چنانچه از مكری كه در آن ارض نموده واضح شد. و اين عباد به آيات او و كلمات او و ظهور او و نفس او و روح او به جميع موقن و مذعن و معترفيم. إذاً فاعرَفْ شأنَ المعرضين و شأنَ اللهِ العلیِّ العظيم و شأنَ هؤلاء الفقراء و المساكين. (edit)
And the fact that you wrote that: It is certain that you cannot deny it either, it bears witness with the verses of our heads, our hearts, our tongues, our hearts, and our neighbors that you are among those who know. I swear by the sun of the glory of monotheism, that one letter[47] of its words is the manifestation of the names and attributes of the most beloved and dearest of all that is in the heavens and the earth. In the presence of that which has appeared, the tree of truth, the sun of kindness, and the moon of mercy. The difference between these worshipers and you is that you are literally protected from behind a thousand veils and hijabs, and you are exposed from his soul and essence. And if only the symptoms were enough. La fu nafseh el-rahman-el-raheem, but you are busy during the nights and days in the preparation of the safak tail of Tayyab Tahir, as it was clear from the trick that he made in it. And these worshipers, we believe in his verses, his words, his apparition, his soul, and his spirit. If so, know the status of the poor and the status of Allah Almighty and the status of those who are poor and needy. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و ديگر نوشته: و خودش هم آيات را از غير آيات از ديگران بهتر تميز خواهد داد، بلكه امتياز واقعی را او بايد بدهد. و البتّه چنين شخصی دروغ گو هم نخواهد بود و به هوای نفس حركت نخواهد نمود. (edit)
And he also wrote: And he himself will purify verses better than others, but he should give the real distinction. And of course, such a person will not be a liar and will not act on his own whims. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اگر شما به ظنّ و گمان نوشته ايد، اين عباد موقناً بين سموات[۴۸] و ارض ناطقند بأنّه لا إله إلاّ هو، و أنَّ نقطةَ البيان لميزانُهُ و ظهورُهُ، و كلّما نزّل مِن عنده لحقٌّ لا ريبَ فيه، و أنّهُ لَمُميِّزُ الحقِّ عنِ الباطل و الشّكِّ عن اليقين. حال اين مميّزی كه ذكر نموده به كلّ آيات او موقن و مذعنی، يا به آنچه به نفس و هوای خود تفسير نموده و مطابق ديده؟ اگر به جميع ما نزّل مِن عنده موقنی كه می فرمايند قوله - عزّ ذكره -: كلّ آنچه در بيان است تحفه ای است از خدا از برای آن ظهور عزّ صمدانی. و بعد می فرمايند: سبحانك ألّلهمّ، يا إلهی، ما أصغر ذكری و مايُنسب إلیّ. إذاً أريد أن أنسبَهُ إليك، فلتقبلنّنی و ما يُنسب إلیّ بفضلك، و إنّك أنت خيرُ الفاضلين. (edit)
اگر شما بزنّ و گمان نوشته ايد، ئين اباد بين بين Smowa[48] and the irregularities of La ilaha illa h, and ana nqtay al-Ban iban lemizanmu wa zahor, and klima nzal mِnn lib haqqah fiye, u unah لَمُمِ الحقِ الحق و الشّكِّ عن اليقين. Is it such a distinction that the mention is exemplified by all the verses of the present and the future, or is the interpretation exemplified by the self and the air itself? If all of us descend from him in a small position, He will say: Everything in the expression is a gift from God for its appearance. Then he said: Subhanall Allah, O Allah, what is the smallest of mention and what is attributable to Him. If he wishes to attribute it to you, accept it and do not attribute it to you by grace, and you are the best of the doers of good. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای غافلين از ملاء بيان، مع اين خضوع نقطه اولی عند ظهوره الآخَر مرَّةً أخری متنبّه نشده، به اين اذكار مشغول گشته ايد. فو الله اگر فی الجملة تفكّر نمائيد از برای انفس خود نوحه كنيد، چه كه در اين مقام آن وجود مبارك خود را به كمال خشوع و فنای محض ذكر فرموده اند، ديگر كجا مقام مرايا و ما يُنسبُ إليهنّ مذكور می شود؟ آيا سطری از بيان مشاهده شده كه منتهی به اين ذكر ابدع بديع نشده؟ لا فونفسه الحقّ، ولكن أنتم لا تعرفون. والله در مقامی افتاده ايد كه گويا[۴۹] به هزار سلاسل حركت ننمائيد. آخر يك نَفَس از مفازه اشارات بيرون خرام و در فضای خوش تجريد وارد شو، تا حقّ منيع را به نفس مقدّسش بشناسی و از دونش منقطع شوی. (edit)
O you who are oblivious to the fullness of the statement, with this submission of the first point at the appearance of the latter, you have not been warned one last time, you have engaged in this remembrance. By Allah, if you think about the whole sentence, lament for yourself, what if in this position they have mentioned their blessed existence with complete humility and pure destruction, where else is the position of the Marayas and our attribute to them mentioned? Has there been a line of the statement that did not lead to this mention of innovation? La funfse al-Haq, but you don't know. By God, you have fallen into a position where you cannot move with a thousand chains. Finally, take a breath from the silence of allusions and enter into a beautiful abstract space, so that you can recognize the right of the forbidden by its holy breath and be cut off from it. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که آن طلعت احديّه را "مميِّز" ذكر نموده به چه دليل؟ اگر به آيات بوده، پس چرا از اين مميّز معرضی كه به آياتی ظاهر شده كه كلّ ذی آيه خاضع است لدی حضرته، إلاّ الّذينهم تُحَرِّكُهُم أرياح الرّياسة كيف تشاء؟ مرّةً يَضْرِبُهُم علی قُلل الجبال و مرّة علی تيه الضّلال، و مرّة يَطْرَحُهُم إلی غَمَراتِ الفناء و مرّة يَدَعُهم تحت ذِئَابِ النّفس و الهوی. قل: مُوتوا بغيظكم. تالله قد ظهر مَن ثبت بِقوله حجّةُ الأوّلين و الآخِرين، و به تثبت إلی آخِر الّذی لا آخِرَ له و لا يُنكر ذلك إلاّ كلُّ كفَّارٍ أثيم. (edit)
And where did one of them arise, a “distinguished” one, who mentioned his example with any evidence? Respect the verses of God, but why do you distinguish between my verses, so do you like all those who have a submissive verse with His Holiness, except for those who are moved by the winds of power, how do you want? Sometimes he strikes them on the peaks of the mountains, and once on the abyss of misguidance, and on another occasion he throws them into the depths of annihilation, and on another occasion he leaves them under the wolves of the soul and passion. Say: Die in your anger. By Allah, the proof of the ancients and the later ones has been proven by His saying, and through Him is confirmed to the Last One who has no end, and none denies that except every sinful disbeliever. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که نوشته: دروغ گو هم نخواهد بود، اگر چه به ظاهر تصديق صدق حضرت نموده، ولكن اين تصديق شبحی بوده و اخذ شد. چه كه اگر موقن به صدق نقطه اولی بودی منبع صدق را، كه به اراده از او حقيقت صدق مخلوق و ممدوح، تكذيب نمی نمودی. و تصديق صدق حضرت در اين مقام نظر به آن بوده كه به اين تصديق ظاهره كينونت و حقيقتش را تكذيب نمائی. چنانچه علمای قبل حين ظهور نقطه بيان[۵۰] - جلّتْ عظمتُهُ - همين قسم متكلّم كه: "يقين ائمّه هدی صادقند، احاديث متواتره از ايشان موجود كه هر نفسی قائل شود كه بايد قائم متولّد شود كاذب و منافق و مفتری است و قتلش واجب." و همچنين استدلال می نمودند كه" (خاتَمُ النَّبِيِّينَ) قول خدا است و در قرآن به نصّ صريح نازل، و يقين است كه خدا صادق است و نبیّ او صادق." و بعد اعتراضاً علی الله و مظهر نفسه به اين كلمات ناطق كه: "اين شخصِ مدّعیْ قولش باطل و از درجه اعتبار ساقط، چه كه مخالف كتاب الله و سننه و نبیّ صادق تكلّم نموده. چنانچه در كتاب او است كه نبیّ از اوّل لا اوّل آمده و إلی آخر لا آخر خواهد آمد." (edit)
And the fact that he wrote: He will not be a liar, even though he apparently confirmed the truth of the Holy Prophet, but this confirmation was ghostly and was taken. What if you were sure of the truth of the first point, you would not deny the source of truth, from whom the truth of truth was created and praised at will. And confirming the truth of the Holy Prophet in this position is to deny the appearance of his identity and reality. If the previous scholars at the time of the emergence of the point of expression [50] - Jalat-e-Azmathu - the same theologian swears that: "I am sure that the imams of Hoda are truthful, the hadiths are more frequent than those existing that any soul who believes that one should be born righteous is a liar, a hypocrite, and a blasphemer, and killing him is obligatory. " And they also argued that "(Khatamu al-Nabbaiyyin) is the word of God and revealed in the Qur'an in a clear text, and it is certain that God is truthful and His Prophet is truthful." And then, in protest against Allah and the Manifestation of His Self, these words of the speaker: "This person's claim is invalid and discredited, because he has spoken against the Book of God, the Sunnah, and the truthful Prophet. As it is in his book that he was a prophet from the beginning, not the first." It has come and it will come until the end. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بعينه همين قسم، كه شما اعتراض نموده ايد، اولائك إعترضوا، بل أنتم أشدّ إعتراضاً لو أنتم تعرفون. حال ملاحظه كن كه چه قدر متوهّمند آن معرضين كه اين كلمات را به شما القا نموده اند! گويا به حرفی از معانی كلمات الهيّه فائز نشده اند و به غرفه از قلزم عزّ صمدانيه مرزوق نگشته اند. فَوَيلٌ لهم و بما أَمَرَهُم نفسُهُم و هواهُم. آنچه از بيان ذكر نمائيد، و تسليم هم نمائيم كه جميع را فهميده ايد - و حال آن که اين محال بوده، چه كه احدی به معانی آن مطّلع نه إلاّ الله - و همچنين به جميع اعمال آن[۵۱] عامل، در حين ظهور نفع نمی بخشد تو را إلاّ به تصديق ظهور. چه كه به نصّ صريح می فرمايد: بما نزّل فی البيان از آن طلعت رحمن محتجب نشويد، تا چه رسد به اين چهار كلمه كه شما ذكر نموده ايد. (edit)
It is exactly the same oath that you have protested, you protesters, but you are more protestant if you know it. Now see how deluded those people are who have inspired you with these words! It seems that they have not gained a single word of the meanings of God's words, and they have not approached the pavilion of Qulzam Ezz Samdanieh Marzouq. My soul and my air are with me. What you mention from the statement, and we submit that you have understood all of it - and this was impossible, because no one knows its meanings except Allah - and also all the actions of its [51] agent, when the benefit appears. He will not forgive you except to confirm the appearance. What he says in plain text: Do not be dismayed by the revelation of the Most Merciful, until it comes to these four words that you have mentioned. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)

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