Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 615: Difference between revisions

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And you yourself have considered the soul's heedlessness to such an extent that if a Jew entered upon them, they would not be denied the fleeting adornments to the best of their ability. [327] Yet you wrote what you wrote and made Fadak filthy. However, be assured that in every land you have a lady of the women and many of those strings of perfect mirrors, one after another, are present in every land. The glorious beauty was in Iraq for twelve years, and no one saw anything in them that would be contrary and opposed to it. Ask all the people of Iraq! Now, from that string of perfect mirrors, one after another, there is one in Iraq; you should ask the people of Iraq about her condition. It is written to her: "Indeed, We have made you a shining light upon the worlds" and similarly: "He is the light within the light, and indeed the likeness of His light is like the light of the light of God."

And to the mother of indecencies, this blessed verse of the Qur'an has been written verbatim: "O Mary! Be devout to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow. Indeed, Allah has purified you and chosen you over the women of the worlds." Now, seize the fortune of that lady of the women and those perfect mirrors. If only you had gone there and performed a prostration! May God curse those who distort the word of God from its place, turn away from His beauty, and take a calf for themselves instead of Him. Why do these people hardly understand a mention from Allah, the Most High, the Great?

Revision as of 19:37, 15 May 2023