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Paragraph Persian English GPT4_
و امّا آن تأويلی كه تو ذكر نموده تأويلات انفس مشركه بوده كه لازال مردود بوده و خواهد بود. چنانچه اليوم تصريح را گذاشته اند و از نفس ظهور محتجب و به ظنون و اوهام در تفسير و تأويل كلمات قبلش مشغولند. فويلٌ لهُم و بِما هُم يعملون. مقصود از جميع تأويلات و تفاسير و معانی كلمات و آيات آن بوده كه معرفت حقّ حاصل شود. و بعد از آن كه از نفس حقّ محتجب شده اند كلّ به مقام خود راجع، و آن نفوس به اسفل السّافلين مستقرّ. (edit)
But the interpretation you mentioned was the interpretation of the polytheist soul, which has been and will be rejected. If today they have left the statement and are worried about the self-appearance and are busy with doubts and illusions in the interpretation and interpretation of the previous words. We also work with foil. The purpose of all interpretations and interpretations and meanings of words and verses is to achieve the knowledge of the truth. And after they have rejected the soul of truth, all of them return to their position, and those souls are settled in the lower part of the world. (edit) As for the interpretation you mentioned, it has been the interpretation of the idolatrous souls, which has always been rejected and will continue to be rejected. Just as today, they have abandoned clarification and are veiled from the Manifestation, being preoccupied with their own delusions and illusions in interpreting and explaining the words and verses that came before. Woe to them for what they do. The purpose of all interpretations, explanations, and meanings of words and verses was to achieve the knowledge of the truth. But once they have become veiled from the truth itself, everything returns to its own place, and those souls are situated in the lowest of the low. (edit)
و اين که نوشته بودی كه خون جگر می خوريم و به خيال اين که آسوده شده از دين تأويلی زوركی فارغ شده، نه والله! خون جگر نخورده، چه كه اگر خون جگر خورده بودی البتّه به مقرّ اطهر وارد می شدی و منظر اكبر را از مطلع بقر تميز می دادی. اگر چه چنان معلوم و مستفاد می شود كه بعضی از شياطين انسيّه اراده نموده اند كه ما بين تو و اين پست ترين بريّه فساد[22]نمايند. ولكن حقّ شاهد و گواه است كه اين عبد از كلمات تو اگر مخصوص به اين عبد بود ولو هرچه بود نمی رنجيدم. ولكن إحترقتْ أكبادُ العالمين مِن إشاراتِ كلماتِكَ و تصريحاتِ ألفاظِكَU لأنّ كلَّها تَرْجِعُ بِظنونِكُم إلی مقرّ الّذی، فوالله الذی لا إله إلاّ هو، لو يطيرُنَّ هؤلاء الّذين إتّخذتَهُم لنفسِكَ محبوباً مِن دون الله بِدوام الله، لنْ يَبْلُغَنَّ إلی هواء الّذی فيه تَهُبُّ نسائمُ إسمٍ مِن أسمائه الّتی خُلِقَتْ بِقَولِهِ، فكيف نفسِهِ المقتدر العلیِّ الحكيم. ولكنَّ اللهَ قد جعل ذَيلَهُ مقدَّساً عن نُِباحِ هؤلاء و قُِباعِهِم و عن مَسِّ أيدی هؤلاء المشركين. (edit)
And the fact that you wrote that we eat the blood of the liver and thought that he was relieved and got rid of the forced interpretation religion, no, I swear! You have not eaten liver blood, if you had eaten liver blood, you would have entered Athar's residence and would have cleansed the great sight from the sight of the cow. Although it is known and used that some of the devils of Ansia have decided to stand between you and this lowest corruption [22]. But it is the right of witness and witness that this servant would not be offended by your words, even if they were specific to this servant. ولكن إحترقتْ أكبادُ العالمين مِن إشاراتِ كلماتِكَ و تصريحاتِ ألفاظِكَU لأنّ كلَّها تَرْجِعُ بِظنونِكُم إلی مقرّ الّذی، فوالله الذی لا إله إلاّ هو، لو يطيرُنَّ هؤلاء الّذين إتّخذتَهُم لنفسِكَ محبوباً مِن دون الله بِدوام الله، لنْ يَبْلُغَنَّ إلی هواء الّذی فيه تَهُبُّ نسائمُ إسمٍ مِن أسمائه الّتی Your creation is by His words, so is the soul of the Almighty, the Almighty, the Wise. But Allah has made the following sacred from the worshipers of these people and their clothing and from the support of these polytheists. (edit) And you wrote that you were drinking your own heart's blood, thinking that you had been relieved from the forcibly imposed religion of interpretation; No, by God! You have not drunk your heart's blood, for if you had, you would have undoubtedly entered the purest abode and discerned the greatest vision from the observation of the cow. It seems evident, though, that some of the human devils have intended to create discord and corruption between you and the most despicable creature. However, God is the witness and the guarantor that I would not have suffered from your words if they were specifically for me, no matter what they were. But the hearts of the worlds have burned because of the hints of your words and the explanations of your expressions, for all of them return with your suspicions to the abode of Him who is beyond all. By God, who there is no god but Him, if those whom you have taken for yourselves as beloved instead of God were to fly with the permanence of God, they would not reach the air in which the breezes of a name from His names, which were created by His word, blow. So how can they reach His omnipotent, exalted, wise self? However, God has made His tail sanctified from the touch of these violators, their filth, and the touch of the hands of these idolaters. (edit)
بشنو ذكر اين عبد را و احتراز كن از آن نفوس! فو الله، بِهِم يَتَغَيَّرُ هواءُ كلِّ مدينةٍ و إنّهم يَدَّعُونَ الإيمانَ بِعلیّ مِن قبلُ بِما نُزِّلَتْ عليه آياتُ اللهِ العزيزِ الكريم. فلمّا نُزِّلَتْ مرّةً أُخرَی كَفَرُوا بِها. ألا لَعْنَةُ اللهِ علی الكاذبين و الظّالمين. از روايح كلمات تو جز اعراض و اعتراض چيزی استشمام نشده و نمی شود. لذا بسيار بر اين عبد صعب است تحرير در اين مقام، و إلاّ فی الحقيقة اگر نفسی يافت شود و از اشارات مشركين شبهه نمايد البتّه محبوب است شبهات خود را مذكور دارد. و اين عباد در اين ارض شغلی نداريم و منتظريم اگر بر نفسی شبهه وارد شود جواب آن را علی قدر شأنِنا و استطاعتِنا و شأنِهِ[23]مذكور داريم، كه شايد به عنايت الهی قلبش از شبهات افكيّه و ظنونات وهميّه مقدّس شود. و از تو همين قدر متوقّعيم كه به بصر مقدّس در آنچه ذكر می شود ملاحظه نمائی. (edit)
Hear the mention of this servant and beware of those souls! By Allah, with them the air of the whole city will change, and they call for faith in Ali from before in what was revealed to him by the verses of Allah, the Most Merciful. So it was sent down one last time, and the disbelievers paid it. Except the curse of Allah on the liars and the oppressors. Nothing but complaints and objections have been smelled from the scents of your words and will not be. Therefore, it is very difficult for this Abd to be written in this position, and unless, in fact, if there is a person who doubts the statements of polytheists, of course, he is popular, he will mention his doubts. And these servants have no job in this land, and we are waiting for the answer if a doubt enters into a person, we have the answer to the extent of our dignity, our ability and the dignity of the mentioned[23], that maybe, by divine grace, his heart will be sanctified from false doubts and imaginary superstitions. And we expect as much from you that you look at what is mentioned with a holy eye. (edit) Listen to the mention of this servant and be cautious of those souls! By God, the air of every city changes because of them, and they claim to have faith in Ali, based on the verses of Allah, the Mighty, the Generous, that were revealed to him before. But when they were revealed another time, they disbelieved in them. Surely, the curse of God is upon the liars and the wrongdoers. From the fragrances of your words, nothing but deviation and objection can be smelled and perceived. Thus, it is very difficult for this servant to write in this position. However, in truth, if someone is found and raises doubts from the insinuations of the polytheists, it is indeed desirable that they mention their own doubts. And we have no occupation in this land and are waiting for the response to the doubts that may arise for someone, and we will mention it according to our dignity, capability, and the dignity of the person [23], so that, perhaps by divine guidance, their heart may be purified from the doubts of falsehood and illusory suspicions. And from you, we expect that you observe with a sacred eye what is mentioned. (edit)
از كلمات حضرت ابهی است - روح ما سواه فداه - كه می فرمايند**: مَن لم يُطَهِّرْ قلبَه و فؤادَهُ و بصرَهُ و أُذُنَهُ عمّا عنده لم يَقْدِرْ أنْ يَعْرِفَ ما نُزِّلَ بالحقِّ فی ألواح عزٍّ مبينٍ**. لذا از خدا آمليم كه نسيمی از نسائم خوش رضوان بر اهل امكان بفرستد تا جميع را از غبار عصيان پاك و مقدّس نموده به شطر قدس رحمن متوجّه سازد، و إنّه لِمَن دَعاه قريبٌ مجيبٌ. (edit)
It is from the words of Hazrat Abhi - our soul is nothing but sacrifice - that they say**: He who does not purify his heart, his mind, his eyes, and his ears, but he does not have the ability to know that we have been sent down with the truth in the tablets of clear glory. Therefore, I pray to God to send a breeze of pleasant breezes to the people of the possible, to purify and sanctify all of them from the dust of disobedience and to pay attention to the Most Merciful, and this is the lemon of supplication that is close to being answered. (edit) From the words of His Holiness, the Most Exalted - may our souls be sacrificed for Him - He says**: "Whoever does not purify their heart, innermost being, sight, and hearing from what is with them, will not be able to recognize what has been revealed by the truth in the clear and mighty Tablets**. Therefore, we hope from God that He sends a breeze from the pleasant winds of His approval upon those who are capable so that He purifies and sanctifies everyone from the dust of disobedience and directs them towards the shore of the Divine Mercy, and indeed, He is near and responsive to whoever calls upon Him. (edit)
ای برادر من، اين طيور هوای حبّ مظهر تفريد از خرمن های قدس توحيد دانه برداشته و از نغمات قدس معنوی استماع نموده اند، مشكل به دام اهل دنيا درآيند و يا از وساوس كلمات معرضين و مشركين از ربّ العالمين ممنوع شوند ومحروم گردند. قاصدين اين مطلب را جز حسرت نيفزايد و جز زحمت و كسالت نصيب نداشته و نخواهند داشت. چه كه به فضل الله در رياض مكاشفه سايريم و در انجمن مشاهده حاضر. از وهم و تقليد گذشته ايم و در مقرّ شهود و مشاهده آراميده ايم. به دنيا و اهل آن كاری نداشته ونداريم، چنانچه فعل ما بر دين ما گواه است. از برای شهريّه و لقمه نان[24]به درها ندويده ايم، و زن به سرايه نفرستاده ايم، و به حقّ افترا نبسته ايم. فواللهِ الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه اگر به همان كذبهائی، كه در آن ارض به شما گفته و مفترياتی كه به حقّ نسبت داده، مطّلع شوی البتّه سر به صحرا گذاری و از كلّ مَن علی الأرض منقطع شوی، لو تكون مِن المنصفين. (edit)
O my brother, these birds of the air of love, the manifestation of separation, have taken seeds from the threshing floor of the holy place of monotheism and have listened to the songs of the spiritual place of the holy place. The messengers of this matter do not add anything but regret, and they have not and will not have anything but trouble and boredom. By the grace of God, we are walking in Riyadh Makashfeh and present in the observation forum. We have gone beyond illusion and imitation and have settled down in the seat of intuition and observation. We have nothing to do with the world and its people, if our actions are proof of our religion. We have not run to the doors for a fee or a morsel of bread, and we have not sent a woman to an inn, and we are not bound by the right of defamation. By Allah, there is no god but Him, if you were informed of the same lies that the earth told you and the slanders that it attributed to the truth, you would certainly go to the desert and be cut off from all of me on earth, if only you were one of the righteous. (edit) My brother, these birds of the atmosphere of love for the Manifestation of Singularity have gathered grains from the fields of the sanctity of Unity and have listened to the spiritual melodies of the Holy. It is difficult for them to fall into the trap of worldly people or be prohibited and deprived of the Lord of the Worlds by the insinuations of evasive and polytheistic words. Those who seek this matter will only gain disappointment and will not have anything but hardship and fatigue. Indeed, by the grace of God, we are in the gardens of unveiling and present in the assembly of observation. We have passed beyond illusion and imitation, and we rest in the abode of witnessing and observation. We have no business with the world and its people, as our actions testify to our faith. We have not gone door-to-door for wages and morsels of bread [24], nor have we sent a woman as capital, and we have not tied falsehood to the truth. By the Almighty God, there is no deity but Him, if you were informed of the same lies that were told to you in that land and the fabrications attributed to the truth, you would certainly go to the desert and sever yourself from everyone on earth if you are fair-minded. (edit)
و ديگر نوشته: اوّل پياله و دُرد. اين كلمه را ذكر نموده، ولكن ندانسته در چه محلّ بايد ذكر نمود. نقطه بيان - روح ما سواه فداه - در جميع بيان تصريحاً می فرمايند: به آنچه خلق شده ما بين سموات و ارض، چه از كتب منزله و چه از صحف قيّمه و چه از آيات بديعه و چه مظاهر تكوينيّه و چه مظاهر تشريعيّه، از نفس ظهور محتجب نمانيد. و مع آن كه اخذ عهد ولايت اين ظهور امنع اقدس را از كلّ فرموده، بقوله - عزّ ذكره -: سبحانك الّلهمَّ! فاشهد علیّ بأنّی بذلك الكتاب قد أخذتُ عهدَ ولايةِ مَن تُظهرنّه عن كلِّ شیءٍ قبلَ عهدِ ولايتی، و كفی بك و بِمَن آمن بآياتك علیّ شُهَداء. و إنّك أنت حسبی، عليك توكّلتُ. و إنّك كنتَ علی كلِّ شیءٍ حسيباً، كلّ از جمالش معرض و به قاتلش متمسّك. (edit)
And another writing: first bowl and pain. He mentioned this word, but did not know where it should be mentioned. The point of the statement - our soul except sacrifice - in all the statements they clearly say: to what we have created between the heavens and the earth, whether it is from the books of dignity, or from the pages of Qiyam, or from the verses of innovation, or the manifestations of creation, or the manifestations of Shari'i, from the soul. Do not be surprised by the appearance. And despite the fact that he took the oath of governorship of this manifestation of the most holy of all, he said - Ezz-e-Zakrah -: Glory be to God! Fashahed Ali, that in this book, you have taken the oath of my guardianship, it is a proof of everything before the oath of guardianship, and you are the only one who believes in your verses against the martyrs. And indeed, you are Hasbi, you are my trust. And indeed, you were above the whole thing, exposed to all its beauty and clinging to its killer. (edit) And another thing written: the first cup and the second. This phrase has been mentioned, but it is not known where it should be mentioned. The Point of Expression - may our souls be a sacrifice for Him - explicitly states in all His expressions: Do not be veiled from the Self of the Manifestation in anything created between the heavens and the earth, whether it be from the revealed Books, the upright Scrolls, the wondrous verses, the manifestations of creation, or the manifestations of legislation. And although He has taken the covenant of allegiance to this Manifestation as the most sacred and supreme of all, He says - exalted be His mention -: Glory be to You, O God! So bear witness upon me that by that Book I have taken the covenant of allegiance to whoever You will make manifest before the covenant of my allegiance, and You and those who believe in Your verses are sufficient witnesses for me. Indeed, You are sufficient for me; I have relied upon You. And indeed, You are the Reckoner of all things, everyone turns away from His beauty and clings to His killer. (edit)
فواللهِ الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه مشهود بود كه بر اين جمال مبارك چه وارد می آورند. ملاحظه كن كه در همين فقره نقطه بيان - روح ما سواه فداه - چه مقدار از نوحه و ندبه و حنين[25] مستور است. حقّ و جميع عباد را در اخذ عهد اين ظهور مبارك شاهد و گواه گرفته، كه شايد اهل بيان در ظهور نفس رحمن طغيان ننمايند و عمّا نُزِّلَ فی البيان حيا كنند. مع ذلك وارد شده آنچه مشاهده می شود. و هنوز ايّامی نگذشته و در آذان كلّ كلمات مُنزل بيان بوده و هنوز اثر دم مطهّر آن شهيد مظلوم بر ارض باقی، كه به نفس او و كينونت او و روح او وارد آورده اند آنچه را كه هيچ ملّتی وارد نياورده. اينجا است مقام آن كه بگوئی اوّل پياله و درد. (edit)
For God's sake, there is no god but God, it was obvious what they are doing to this blessed beauty. Notice how much mourning, mourning, and longing [25] is hidden in the point of expression in this paragraph - our soul is not a sacrifice. He has taken the right and all the servants as witnesses and witnesses in taking the oath of this blessed appearance, so that the people of Bayan may not rebel at the appearance of the Most Merciful and shame the people who revealed it in the Bayan. However, what is observed is entered. And not a few days have passed and all the words of the house of prayer were in the call to prayer, and the traces of the purified breath of that oppressed martyr still remain on the earth, which brought to his soul, his being, and his soul what no other nation has ever brought. This is the position of saying that the cup and the pain are the first. (edit) By God, there is no god but He, it was evident what they brought upon this blessed Beauty. Observe that in this very passage, the Point of Expression - may our souls be a sacrifice for Him - conceals so much lamentation, mourning, and longing. He has taken the truth and all the servants as witnesses in the covenant of this blessed Manifestation, so that the people of expression may not rebel during the Manifestation of the Self of the Merciful and revive what has been revealed in the explanation. Nevertheless, what is being observed has occurred. And still, not many days have passed, and in the ears of all the revealed words, it has been said, and still, the traces of the breath of that oppressed martyr remain on the earth, to which they have brought upon his breath, his existence, and his soul what no nation has ever brought. This is the place where you say the first cup and the pain. (edit)
حال ملاحظه نمائيد كه چه مقدار كلمات را مغاير و مخالف و غير موقع ذكر مي نمائيد. نفسی را كه می فرمايد اخذ ولايت او را قبل از اخذ عهد ولايت خود نموده ام، مع ذلك معرضين بيانيّه نفوس مقبله به اين نفس رحمانيّه را اهل تأويل شمرده اند. نَشكُو بثَّنا و حُزنَنَا إلی اللهِ فيما ورد عليه مِن عبادِهِ الّذين خُلِقُوا بِقولِهِ "كُنْ" فَيكونُ. (edit)
Now, notice how many contradictory and inappropriate words you mention. The person who says that I have taken his guardianship before taking the pledge of my guardianship, however, those who are exposed to the statement of the people who are close to this merciful person have been considered as ahl al-taweel. Don't complain to Allah about the worship of those who were created by the word "Do" and let it be. (edit) Now observe how many words you mention inappropriately, contrary, and out of place. The soul that says, "I have accepted His guardianship before the covenant of my own guardianship," nonetheless, those who oppose have considered the declaration of the receptive souls towards this Divine Self as subject to interpretation. We complain of our grief and sorrow to God concerning what has befallen Him from His servants, who were created by His command "Be," and it is. (edit)
و ديگر مذكور نموده بودی كه: هنوز محكمات بيان رواج نگرفته و ظاهر نشده، به دُم متشابهات بايد چسبيد. هيچ ذی عقل و درايتی چنين كلمه از لسانش جاری نمی شود. متحيّرم چگونه راضی شده كلمات مشركين را به اسم خود ذكر نمود. شأن اهل حقّ نبوده كه از مقام ادب تجاوز نمايند. لذا اين[26] عباد جواب بعضی از فقرات مذكوره ات را به خدا وامی گذاريم. چه كه مظلوميّتْ محبوب حقّ بوده. (edit)
And you have already mentioned that: the courts of expression have not spread and appeared yet, you should stick to the tail of similarities. No intelligent and tactful person can say such a word. I wonder how he was satisfied to mention the words of polytheists in his name. It is not the dignity of the righteous to violate the dignity of politeness. Therefore, we leave these[26] servants to God to answer some of your mentioned paragraphs. What the oppressor has been the favorite of the right. (edit) And you had also mentioned that: The firm verses have not yet become widespread and apparent, so we must adhere to the allegorical ones. No intelligent and knowledgeable person would utter such a word. I am astonished how you have consented to mention the words of the polytheists in your name. It is not the way of the people of truth to transgress the bounds of propriety. Therefore, we entrust the response to some of the mentioned passages to God. For the beloved of truth has been wronged. (edit)
و امّا در محكم و متشابه كه ذكر نموده، از اين بيان همچه مستفاد می شود كه فرق ميانه محكم و متشابه درست در نظرت نبوده. و إلاّ موقن می شدی به آن كه محكمات ما نُزّل فی البيان بأتمّها و أكملها ظاهر شده. لذا مجملی در اين مقام ذكر می شود. (edit)
But in the case of strong and similar that you mentioned, this statement can be used that the difference between strong and similar is not correct in your opinion. And you would only believe that our judgments have been revealed in the revelation in full and perfect form. Therefore, a summary is mentioned in this position. (edit) As for the firm and allegorical verses that you mentioned, it can be inferred from this statement that you have not had a proper understanding of the difference between the firm and allegorical verses. Otherwise, you would have been certain that our firm verses have been revealed in the most complete and perfect form. Therefore, a summary is mentioned in this regard. (edit)
بدان كه از محكم و متشابه ما بين هر حزبی ذكری مذكور و تفصيلی موجود، چنانچه در كتب ثبت است و تفصيل آن موجب تطويل خواهد شد. ولكن عند الحقّ آيات محكمات آن است كه مقصود الهی از نفس آيه مستفاد شود و در اثبات آن محتاج به برهان و ذكر ديگر نباشد. حال انصاف دهيد، در حقيقت اوّليّه آن آيه كدام است؟ نزد هر ذی بصری مبرهن و واضح است كه آن آيه اعظم، كه در اثبات خود محتاج به دونش نبوده و نخواهد بود، در حقيقت اوّليّه نفس ظهور بوده. چه كه مادونش هر چه باشد و هر كه باشد محتاج به امرش، و لا يُنكِرُ ذلك إلاّ كلّ جاهلٍ مردودٍ. (edit)
Know that from our firmness and similarity between each party, the mentioned mention and the existing details, if it is recorded in the books, and its details will cause prolongation. However, in the case of al-Haq verses, the judgments are that the divine intention is used from the essence of the verse and does not require any other proof or reference to prove it. Now be fair, which is the first verse of that verse? It is obvious and clear to every visual person that that great verse, which did not and will not need to be known in order to prove itself, was in fact the first manifestation of the soul. Whatever is beneath him and whoever is in need of his command, and no one can deny that except the rejected ignorant. (edit) Know that there are mentions and detailed accounts of our firm and allegorical verses among every group, as recorded in the books, and detailing them would result in prolongation. However, in the sight of truth, the firm verses are those from which the divine intent can be derived directly from the verse itself, without the need for further evidence or mention. Now, be fair, in truth, which verse is the foremost? It is evident to every discerning observer that the greatest verse, which does not and will not need secondary evidence for its establishment, is in fact the foremost essence of the Manifestation. Whatever or whoever is below it, is in need of its command, and none deny this except every ignorant and rejected one. (edit)
و اگر بگوئيد آيات محكمات اوامر الهيّه است كه در الواح نازل، لا شكَّ فی ذلك، إنّا كلٌّ بها موقنون و مؤمنون و مِن فضله آملون. و اين محكمات بنسبتها إلی حكم الحاكمين[27] محكم بوده. چنانچه مشهود است كه اگر نفسی به جميع آيات محكمات عارف شود و در تصديق آن آيه اعظم اقلّ مِن آن توقّف نمايد، كلّ اعمال او او را ثمری نبخشد و هباء بوده و خواهد بود. و آن نفسی كه آيات او محكمات بوده و خواهد بود می فرمايد: جميع بيان ورقی است از اوراق جنّت نزد آن ساذج وجود. و در مقام ديگر می فرمايد: ما نُزّل فی البيان منوطٌ بأمره و معلَّق بإذنه و مشيّته. و در مقام ديگر می فرمايد مخاطِباً لِملاءِ البيان كه مباد به بيان و ما نزّل فيه از ظهور موعود محروم شويد. و امثال اين بيانات محكمات زياده از حدّ احصا نازل، و مع ذلك نفسی را كه جميع محكمات به اراده اش ظاهر و جميع انهار معارف و بيان از اصبعی از اصابع مشيّتش جاری، از او معرض و به گمان خود محكمات فهميده و ادراك نموده اند. (edit)
And if you say that the verses of the judgments are the commands of God, which are revealed in the tablets, there is no doubt about that. And these courts are strict compared to the ruling of al-Hakim[27]. As it is evident that if a person becomes knowledgeable about all the verses of the mystics and stops at confirming the greatest verse or the least of it, all his actions will not bear fruit and will be and will be in vain. And that soul, whose verses have been and will be judgments, says: All statements are a sheet from the papers of Paradise in the eyes of that naive being. And in another position, he says: We have sent down the statement subject to the order and suspended by permission and will. And in another position, he says, addressing Lamla Al-Bayan, that you should not be deprived of the promised appearance by the Bayan and our revelation in it. And the likes of these statements of the courts are more than the limit of numbers, and yet the soul that all the courts have appeared by his will and all the streams of knowledge and expression flowing from one of the fingers of his providence, have been exposed and understood and perceived by the courts in their own opinion. (edit) And if you say that the firm verses are the divine commands revealed in the tablets, there is no doubt in that; indeed, we are all certain and believers in them and hopeful of their grace. These firm verses have been firm in relation to the decree of the rulers. As it is evident, if someone becomes knowledgeable of all the firm verses but hesitates even slightly in acknowledging the greatest verse, none of his actions would bear fruit and will be in vain. And that person, whose verses have been and will be firm, says: "All expressions are like pages from the heavenly gardens compared to that naïve existence." In another place, he says: "What is revealed in the expression is conditional upon His command and is dependent on His permission and will." In another place, addressing the assembly of expression, he says: "Do not be deprived of the promised manifestation by the expression and what has been revealed therein." Numerous firm verses like these have been revealed beyond counting, and yet there are those who, despite the fact that all firm verses manifest by his will and all rivers of knowledge and expression flow from one of his fingers of will, have turned away from him and have mistakenly understood and comprehended the firm verses. (edit)
حال چشم انصاف بگشا و اهل التباس و مظاهر خنّاس را بشناس! يعنی نفوسی كه امثال آن كلمات را بر تو القا نموده اند. بلی، لا زال نفوسی خود را به اسم حقّ ناميده و ضعفای بيچاره را در تيه ظنون و اوهام مبتلا نموده و خود به رياست مشغول شده اند. ليس هذا أوّلَ سهمٍ ورد علينا و لا أوّلَ رمحٍ ورد علی محبوبِ العالمين. (edit)
Now open the eyes of justice and know the people of Al-Tabas and the manifestations of Khannas! That is, souls who have inspired you with words like those. Yes, Nafousi has always called himself the name of truth and afflicted poor weaklings with suspicions and illusions, and they have taken over the presidency. This is not the first share of war against us, nor the first spear of war against the beloved of the worlds. (edit) Now open the eye of fairness and recognize those who are confused and manifest the hypocritical traits! That is, the souls who have whispered such words into you. Indeed, there are still souls who call themselves by the name of truth, but have inflicted their pitiful weaknesses on the wilderness of suspicions and illusions, and have engaged themselves in leadership. This is not the first share that has befallen us, nor the first spear that has been thrown at the beloved of the worlds. (edit)
و اگر بگوئی محكمات اوصاف منزله [28] در بيان است كه مخصوص بعضی نفوس نازل شده، اوّلاً آن اوصاف را تو عارف نبوده كه مقصود كی است. و ثانی فَوَنفسِهِ الحقّ، كه كلّ اشياء را به منتهی وصف وصف فرموده اند، به شأنی كه جميع اسماء و صفات را به كلّ شیء راجع نموده اند. و اين مقام (ما تَرَی فِی خَلْقِ الرَّحْمَنِ مِنْ تَفَاوُتٍ) بوده. ما سوايش خلق او و كلّ در اوصاف شريك، چه كه در منظر اكبر كلّ در صقع واحد بوده و خواهند بود. (edit)
And if you say that the judgments of the attributes of status [28] are in the statement that they were revealed specifically to some souls, first of all, you do not know who those attributes are meant by. And secondly, Fawanfse-e-Haq, who have described all the things to the end of the description, in such a way that they have referred all the names and attributes to the whole thing. And this position was (we are more in the creation of the Most Merciful than the difference). We belong to his creation and the whole in the attributes of a partner, as they are and will be one in the greatest view of the whole. (edit) And if you say that the precise descriptions [28] in the statements are the specific attributes revealed for certain souls, firstly, you haven't known those attributes to understand their purpose. Secondly, it is the truth of the soul, which has described all things in the utmost detail and has related all names and attributes to every object. And this is the station (you see no inconsistency in the creation of the Most Merciful). Apart from that, all creation shares the attributes, as in the grandest perspective, everything has been and will be in a single plain. (edit)
و اين كه درباره بعضی آيات الهيّه بر حسب ظاهر نازل، مقصود تشويق آن نفوس بوده. و از آن گذشته جميع به آيه تجلّی حقّ راجع. مادامی كه آن آيه تجلّی در هر شیء موجود، به كلّ اسماء و صفات موصوف و مذكور، و بعد از اخذ آن معدوم بوده. تَفَكَّرْ فی ذلك لِتَكُونَ مِنَ العارفين. (edit)
And the fact that about some verses of God, according to the appearance of revelation, the intention was to encourage those souls. And after that, all refer to the verse of manifestation of truth. As long as that verse is manifested in every existing object, with all the names and attributes described and mentioned, and after its acquisition, it is extinct. Think about that to be among the knowledgeable. (edit) And as for some divine verses revealed according to their apparent meaning, the purpose was to encourage those souls. Beyond that, everything is related to the manifestation of the truth in the verse. As long as that verse of manifestation exists in every object, it is described and mentioned with all names and attributes, and after obtaining it, it ceases to exist. Reflect upon this to become one of those who possess knowledge. (edit)
و سلّمنا كه بعضی اوصاف مخصوص نفسی كه ذكر نموده نازل، آيا نشنيده كه می فرمايد به حروفات بيان از نفس ظهور در حين ظهور محتجب مشويد؟ و حروفات بيان اوّل نفوسی هستند كه به كلّ اوصاف موصوف گشته اند و به كلّ اسماء موسوم. و همين قول سلطان قدم دليلی است واضح بر احتجاب بعضی از حروفات. چنانچه مشاهده می شود كه نفسی خود را از حروف و مرايا محسوب می دارد، از ذيل تقديس منقطع و به حبل نفس و هوی متمسّك. (edit)
And Salamana, that some special attributes of the soul that he mentioned are revealed, have you not heard that it is said that the letters of expression of the self appear during the appearance of the soul? And the letters of the first expression are souls that have been described by all attributes and known by all names. And this saying of Sultan Qadm is a clear proof of the retention of some letters. If it can be seen that a soul considers itself from letters and mirrors, it is cut off from the bottom of sanctification and clings to the rope of the soul and spirit. (edit) And we agree that some attributes are specifically revealed for the soul that you have mentioned. Haven't you heard it said that one should not be veiled from the manifestation of the essence by the letters of expression during the time of appearance? The letters of expression are initially the souls that have been described with all attributes and designated with all names. This very saying of the ancient sovereign is a clear evidence of the veiling of some letters. As can be observed, a soul considers itself part of the letters and mirrors, detached from the sanctity and clinging to the rope of self and desire. (edit)
و همچنين می فرمايد كه در ظهور نيّر اعظم در كرّه اخری[29] طوريّون معدوم و لا شیء می شوند. قدری تأمّل نمائيد كه شايد به علوّ امر اطّلاع يابيد! بعد از اين که عظمت امر به شأنی است كه می فرمايند طوريّون ميّت و لا شیء می شوند، حروفات و مرايا در آن مقرّ ذكر نداشته و ندارند إلاّ بعد حُبِّهِنَّ. و همچنين در مقام ديگر می فرمايند قوله - جلّ و عزّ -: حِلٌّ لِمَنْ يَظهَرُ أنْ يَرُدَّ مَن لمْ يَكُنْ فوقَ الأرضِ أعلی مِنه إذ ذلك خلقٌ فی قبضتِهِ. (edit)
And he also says that in the appearance of the great yoke in the last sphere[29], they will be annihilated. Think about it for a while and maybe you will find out about it! After this, the greatness of the matter is such that they say that they become dead and nothing, the letters and the mirrors did not and do not have a place to be mentioned in it except after their love. And also in another position, they say the saying - Jalll wa Azz -: The solution to whom it appears is that it is not above the upper ground of me, because it is a creation in its grasp. (edit) And similarly, it is said that during the appearance of the greatest power in the last cycle, the touriyouns (mystical beings) will become nonexistent and nothing. Reflect a little, so that you may perhaps gain knowledge of the loftiness of the matter! After this, the greatness of the matter is such that it is said the touriyouns will become dead and nothing, the letters and mirrors have no mention and existence in that place except after their love. And likewise, in another position, it is said, quoting the Almighty and Exalted: It is permissible for whoever appears to repel those who were not above the earth higher than him, for that is a creation in his grasp. (edit)
اين بيانات موجد اسماء و صفات، و آن كلمات انفس محتجبه مغلّه. تاللهِ إذاً قد أشرقتْ شموسٌ محكمات و آياتٌ واضحات و دلالاتٌ متقنات و كلماتٌ تامّات. و مع ذلك می نويسيد ميرزا يحيی نمی شود مردود شود. مع آن كه منتهی شأن او اين بوده كه بين يدیّ جمال ابهی حاضر می شد و كلمات الهی بر او القا می گشت. فوالله مع افعال او احدی متعرّض او نشده. خود خود را مردود نمود به اعراض از حقّ الّذی خُلِقَ بِقولِهِ. كذلك فُصِّلَ لكَ الأمرُ لِتكونَ مِن العالمين. (edit)
These statements are the originator of names and attributes, and those words of Mohtajba Moghlah's soul. God is the sun of judgments and clear signs and clear signs and perfect words. And yet he writes that Mirza Yahya cannot be rejected. However, the end of his dignity was that he would appear in front of Jamal Abhi and divine words would be inspired on him. By Allah, no one has objected to his actions. He rejected himself because of the right of the creator. अध्यु फुस्ِّل لَك عمر لتكون معلامين (edit) These statements create names and attributes, and those words are the hidden and veiled souls. By Allah, then, the suns of decisive verses, clear signs, perfected indications, and complete words have risen. And yet, you write that Mirza Yahya cannot be rejected. Although his ultimate status was to be present before the glorious beauty and divine words were cast upon him. By Allah, no one has become exposed due to his actions. He himself made himself rejected by turning away from the truth which was created by His Word. Thus, the matter is explained to you, so that you may be among the knowledgeable. (edit)
حال تفكّر نمائيد كه محكَمات آيات الهی كدام بوده و متشابهات كدام، و تعرف الّذين أَخَذُوا المتشابهات و تَرَكُوا المحكمات عن ورائهم و كانوا مِن المشركين. در اين مقام محبوب است كه از آيات محكمات كه از سماء مشيّت ابهی[30] - جلّتْ عظمتُهُ - نازل شده ذكر نمايم. فوالله يكفِی الخلائقَ أجمعين. تا هر صاحب ايمانی كه ذرّه از حبّ الهی در قلب او باشد به آن تمسّك جسته، خود را از ظنونات اهل ارض و مؤتفكات مظاهر شيطان نجات دهد، و ديگر در ايمان خود ثابت ماند و تزلزل مشاهده نكند. و اين بعض آيات منزله است كه در لوح يكی از احبّا لِأحدٍ مِن الأشقياء نازل شده قوله عزّ بهائه: و إنْ رأيتَ إسمَ الهاء ذكِّره بآاياتِ ربِّكَ لعلّ يكون مِن المقبلين إلی شطرِ الّذی مَن أقبل إليه فقد نجی و مَن أعرض فقد هلك. كذلك نطق الرّوح حينئذٍ بين السّموات و الأرضين. قل: أنْ يا عبدُ، إسمَعْ قولی! تاللهِ الحقّ، لن تجدَ لِنفسك ناصِحاً أَنْصَحَ منّی. لا توقّفْ علی الصّراط، ثمّ مُرّ عنه كَمَرِّ السِّحاب! كذلك أمرناك مِن قبل و نأمُرُكَ حينئذٍ. و إن لن تقبَلَ منّی فسوف نأمرك بذلك مِن بعد و مِن بعدِ بعد إلی أن تَمُرَّ عنه بسلطانی الغالبِ المقتدرِ الحكيم. (edit)
When you think about the utterances of the divine verses, as they are clear, and the ambiguities are continual, and you know those who took the ambiguities and left the ambiguities behind, and they were of the polytheists. Where is the station of a loved one who is seizing from the verses of the Qur’an like the sky of Mashit Abhi [30] - His greatness is glorified - He descends with a heavy mention of gossip. God is sufficient for all creatures. A man of faith like an atom of divine love in his heart or as strong as his body clings to it, fear of the thoughts of the people of the earth and their conspiracies, manifestations of a devil that escaped, and a dirder of faith that is firm and unshakable, and the witness of which trembles. And where are some of the verses of His House, written in a tablet of love for one of the wretched, descending into distress, His saying, Glory be to Him: And if you see the name of Al-Haa, remind him of the signs of your Lord, perhaps he will be among those who approach the part of that. The spirit then spoke between the heavens and the earth. Say: O slave, listen to my words! By God, the Truth, you will not find a mentor more sincere than me. Do not stop on the Sirat, then pass by it like the passing of the clouds! Thus We commanded you before and we commanded you then. And if you will not accept it from me, then we will command you to do so after and after until you pass through my authority, the victorious, the powerful, the wise. (edit) Now contemplate which of the divine verses were decisive and which were ambiguous, and recognize those who took the ambiguous and left the decisive behind, and were among the polytheists. In this position, it is preferable to mention some of the decisive verses that have descended from the glorious heaven of His Will - May His Greatness be glorified. By Allah, it is sufficient for all creation. So that every believer who has a particle of divine love in his heart may cling to it, save himself from the suspicions of the people of the earth and the intrigues of the devil's manifestations, and remain firm in his faith without experiencing any wavering. And these are some of the verses of rank that have descended in the Tablet of one of the beloved for one of the wretched ones, His exalted word: "And if you see the name of the letter 'ha', remind him of the verses of your Lord, so that he may be among those who turn to the direction in which whoever turns to it has been saved, and whoever turns away has perished. Thus did the Spirit speak at that time between the heavens and the earth. Say: O servant, hear my word! By Allah, the Truth, you will not find a more sincere adviser than me. Do not hesitate on the path, then pass over it like the passing of clouds! Thus We commanded you before and command you now. And if you do not accept it from me, We will command you to do so after and after, until you pass over it with My prevailing, capable, and wise authority." (edit)
شقّ حجباتِ الأوهام بذكری، ثمّ إسمی و دَعْ كلَّ ما يمنعك عن ورائك! ثمّ أظهَرْ بغتةً بظهورِ ربّك و لا تكُنْ مِن الصّابرين! إيّاك أنْ تمنعَكَ الرّياسة عن ذكرِ ربّك. تاللهِ الحقّ، لو يسجدك كلُّ مَن فی السّموات و الأرض و لم تكُنْ فی ظلّی لا ينفعك، و بذلك يشهد روحُك لو تكون مِن السّامعين. أَتُحِبُّ بأنْ تكونَ مِن الّذين منعتْهم**[31]** الرّياسةُ فی أيّام الّتی شقّتْ فيها سماءُ الأمر و أتی علی ظُللِ القدس شمسُ جمالِ ربّك العلیّ العظيم، و إشتغلوا برياساتهم و كفروا بالله خالقهم و مُبدِعِهِم إلی أن أفتوا علی قتله بعد الّذی جائهم بحجّةٍ مِن لدی الله و برهانٍ عظيم؟ (edit)
Break the veils of illusions with my remembrance, then my name and leave everything that prevents you from behind! Then appear suddenly with the appearance of your Lord, and do not be of those who are patient! Don't let politics prevent you from remembering your Lord. By God, the Truth, if everyone in the heavens and the earth prostrates to you and you were not in my shade, it would not benefit you, and by this your soul testifies if you were of the listeners. Would you like that you be among those whom you prevented **[31]** leadership in the days when the sky of the matter was cleaved and the sun of the beauty of your Lord, the Most High, the Great, came upon the shadows of Jerusalem, and they preoccupied themselves with their leadership and disbelieved in God, their Creator and creator, until they issued a fatwa to kill him after he came to them with an excuse Who has God and a great proof? (edit) Tear the veils of illusions with My remembrance, then with My name, and leave behind everything that prevents you! Then suddenly manifest with the appearance of your Lord, and do not be among the patient! Beware lest leadership prevent you from the remembrance of your Lord. By Allah, the Truth, if everyone in the heavens and the earth prostrated to you and you were not in My shade, it would not benefit you, and your spirit would bear witness to that if you were among the listeners. Do you wish to be among those who were prevented by leadership in the days when the heaven of the Cause was torn, and the sun of the beauty of your exalted, great Lord came upon the shadows of holiness, and they were preoccupied with their leadership, disbelieved in Allah, their Creator and Originator, until they decided to kill the one who came to them with a proof from Allah and a great argument? (edit)

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