Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 615: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "And beyond all these matters, until now in this manifestation, worldly means have not been provided so that you or anyone else could object. At all times, we have been in tribulation and severe hardship, if only you were fair-minded. As for what was written by the instigation of that slanderer, claiming that the Beauty of Oneness had been in the company of criminals and wicked people, and had been preoccupied with futile conversations, your later words contradict your pr...")
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And beyond all these matters, until now in this manifestation, worldly means have not been provided so that you or anyone else could object. At all times, we have been in tribulation and severe hardship, if only you were fair-minded. As for what was written by the instigation of that slanderer, claiming that the Beauty of Oneness had been in the company of criminals and wicked people, and had been preoccupied with futile conversations, your later words contradict your previous ones. You write that they spent twenty years in the gatherings and company of mystics, and then you write that they were with criminals and wicked people. Die of your envy, O heedless one! Indeed, you are the one mentioned in the prior scripture, as He says - exalted is He -: "Like the example of a dog: if you burden it, it pants; if you leave it, it pants." In all circumstances, they speak according to their desires and tread the paths of their ego. Indeed, by God, if they had not been in the company of criminals, they certainly would not have been in the company of Sayyid Muhammad and his guide. Criminals and wicked people are like these souls. Otherwise, who were those criminals and wicked people?
Now, be fair and compare the action of the truth and the action of this group; from which can the fragrance of truth be sensed? By Allah, such leaders are very good for the likes of you. And don't think that the Iranian ambassador is unaware. No, by Allah, a day will come when they themselves will confirm the action of truth and deny the actions of those souls. And even if it becomes doubtful for you, it will not be doubtful for them.

Latest revision as of 20:42, 16 May 2023

Now, be fair and compare the action of the truth and the action of this group; from which can the fragrance of truth be sensed? By Allah, such leaders are very good for the likes of you. And don't think that the Iranian ambassador is unaware. No, by Allah, a day will come when they themselves will confirm the action of truth and deny the actions of those souls. And even if it becomes doubtful for you, it will not be doubtful for them.