Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 770: Difference between revisions

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Indeed, We have advised you in most of the Tablets not to oppose anyone, and you have done what has caused harm to revert to the Lote Tree of Exalted Majesty. O people, fear God and do not transgress what you have been commanded in the Tablets! And indeed, this is better for you than what you possess if you are among those who know. Keep away from those who disbelieve and associate partners with God, argue with His signs, and fight against His exalted and great Self. Then be patient as We have been patient and do not fight with any of the polytheists! Rely on God in all matters, and indeed, He will support Me as He supported Me the first time when I was in prison, under chains and shackles, and He supported Me with truth through the hosts of the heavens and the earth until He brought Me out with manifest authority. In His grasp is the dominion of all things, He supports whom He wills, how He wills, and indeed, He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

Revision as of 15:57, 16 May 2023