هُوالناطق بالحقّ فی ملکوُت البيان
He is the One Who speaketh through the power of Truth in the Kingdom of Utterance
يا مشارق العدل و الانصاف و مطالع الصّدق و الالطاف انّ المظلوم يبکی و يقول ينوح و ينادی الهی الهی زيّن رؤوس اوليائک باکليل الانقطاع و هياکلهم بطراز التّقوی
O YE the embodiments of justice and equity and the manifestations of uprightness and of heavenly bounties! In tears and lamenting, this Wronged One calleth aloud and saith: O God, my God! Adorn the heads of Thy loved ones with the crown of detachment and attire their temples with the raiment of righteousness.
ينبغی لاهل البهآء ان ينصروا الرّب ببيانهم و يعظوا النّاس باعمالهم و اخلاقهم اثر الاعمال انفذ من اثر الاقوال
It behoveth the people of Bahá to render the Lord victorious through the power of their utterance and to admonish the people by their goodly deeds and character, inasmuch as deeds exert greater influence than words.
يا حيدر قبل علی عليک ثناء اللّه و بهآئه قل انّ الانسان يرتفع بامانته و عفته و عقله و اخلاقه و يهبط بخيانته و کذبه و جهله و نفاقه لعمری لايسمو الانسان بالزّينة و الثّروة بل بالآداب و المعرفة اهل ايران اکثری بکذب و ظنون تربيت شدهاند کجاست مقام آن نفوس و مقام رجالی که از خليج اسماء گذشتهاند و بر شاطی بحر تقديس خرگاه افراشتهاند . باری نفوس موجوده لايق اصغاء تغرّدات حمامات فردوس اعلی نبوده و نيستند مگر قليلی و قليل من عبادی الشّکور اکثری از عباد باوهام انس دارند يک قطره از دريای وهم را بر بحر ايقان ترجيح ميدهند از معنی محروم باسم متمسّکند و از مشرق آيات الهی ممنوع و بظنون متشبّث انشاء اللّه آن جناب در جميع احوال مؤيّد باشند بر کسر اصنام اوهام و خرق سبحات انام الامر بيد اللّه مظهر الوحی و الالهام و مالک يوم القيام
O Ḥaydar-‘Alí! Upon thee be the praise of God and His glory. Say: Honesty, virtue, wisdom and a saintly character redound to the exaltation of man, while dishonesty, imposture, ignorance and hypocrisy lead to his abasement. By My life! Man’s distinction lieth not in ornaments or wealth, but rather in virtuous behaviour and true understanding. Most of the people in Persia are steeped in deception and idle fancy. How great the difference between the condition of these people and the station of such valiant souls as have passed beyond the sea of names and pitched their tents upon the shores of the ocean of detachment. Indeed none but a few of the existing generation hath yet earned the merit of hearkening unto the warblings of the doves of the all-highest Paradise. ‘Few of My servants are truly thankful.’ People for the most part delight in superstitions. They regard a single drop of the sea of delusion as preferable to an ocean of certitude. By holding fast unto names they deprive themselves of the inner reality and by clinging to vain imaginings they are kept back from the Dayspring of heavenly signs. God grant you may be graciously aided under all conditions to shatter the idols of superstition and to tear away the veils of the imaginations of men. Authority lieth in the grasp of God, the Fountainhead of revelation and inspiration and the Lord of the Day of Resurrection.
آنچه جناب مذکور درباره بعضی از مبلّغين ذکر نموده اصغا شد قد نطق بالحقّ بعضی از نفوس غافله در بلاد باسم حق سائرند و بتضييع امرش مشغول و اسم آن را نصرت و تبليغ گذاشتهاند مع آنکه انجم شرائط مبلّغين از آفاق سموات الواح الهی مشرق و لائح هر منصفی گواه و هر بصيری آگاه که حقّ جلّ جلاله در ليالی و ايّام به آنچه سبب ارتفاع مقامات و مراتب انسان است تکلّم فرموده و تعليم نموده
We heard that which the person in question hath mentioned regarding certain teachers of the Faith. Indeed he hath spoken truly. Some heedless souls roam the lands in the name of God, actively engaged in ruining His Cause, and call it promoting and teaching the Word of God; and this notwithstanding that the qualifications of the teachers of the Faith, like unto stars, shine resplendent throughout the heavens of the divine Tablets. Every fair-minded person testifieth and every man of insight is well aware that the One true God—exalted be His glory—hath unceasingly set forth and expounded that which will elevate the station and will exalt the rank of the children of men.
اهل بها چون شمع مابين جمع مشرق و لائحند و بارادة اللّه متمسّک اين مقام مالک مقامهاست طوبی لمن نبذ ما عند العالم رجاء ما عند اللّه مالک القدم
The people of Bahá burn brightly amidst the gatherings even as a candle and hold fast unto that which God hath purposed. This station standeth supreme above all stations. Well is it with him who hath cast away the things that the people of the world possess, yearning for that which pertaineth unto God, the Sovereign Lord of eternity.
قل الهی الهی ترانی طائفاً حول ارادتک و ناظراً اِلی افق جودک و منتظراً تجلّيات انوار نيّر عطائک اسئلک يا محبوب افئدة العارفين و مقصود المقرّبين ان تجعل اوليائک منقطعين عن اراداتهم متمسّکين بارادتک ای ربّ زيّنهم بطراز التّقوی و نوّرهم بنور الانقطاع ثمّ ايّدهم بجنود الحکمة و البيان لاعلاء کلمتک بين خلقک و اظهار امرک بين عبادک انّک انت المقتدر علی ماتشاء و فی قبضتک زمام الامور لا اله الّا انت العزيز الغفور
Say: O God, my God! Thou beholdest me circling round Thy Will with mine eyes turned towards the horizon of Thy bounty, eagerly awaiting the revelation of the effulgent splendours of the sun of Thy favours. I beg of Thee, O Beloved of every understanding heart and the Desire of such as have near access unto Thee, to grant that Thy loved ones may become wholly detached from their own inclinations, holding fast unto that which pleaseth Thee. Attire them, O Lord, with the robe of righteousness and illumine them with the splendours of the light of detachment. Summon then to their assistance the hosts of wisdom and utterance that they may exalt Thy Word amongst Thy creatures and proclaim Thy Cause amidst Thy servants. Verily, potent art Thou to do what Thou willest, and within Thy grasp lie the reins of all affairs. No God is there but Thee, the Mighty, the Ever-Forgiving.
يا ايّها النّاظر اِلی الوجه اين ايّام وارد شد آنچه که سبب حزن اکبر گشت از بعضی از ظالمين که خود را بحق نسبت ميدهند ظاهر شد آنچه که فرائص صدق و امانت و عدل و انصاف مرتعد مع آنکه کمال عنايت و عطا درباره شخص معلوم ظاهر و مجری گشت عمل نمود آنچه را که عين اللّه گريست و از قبل ذکر شد آنچه که سبب آگاهی و انتباه است چند سنه ستر نموديم که شايد متنبّه شود و راجع گردد اثری ظاهر نه بالاخره امام وجوه خلق بر تضييع امر اللّه قيام نمود ستر انصاف را دريد نه رحم بر خود و نه بر امر اللّه نمود حال حزن اعمال بعض ديگر بر حزن اعمال او غلبه نمود از حق بطلب نفوس غافله را تأييد فرمايد بر رجوع و انابه انّه هو الغفّار و هو الفضّال الکريم
O thou who hast turned thy gaze towards My face! In these days there occurred that which hath plunged Me into dire sadness. Certain wrong-doers who profess allegiance to the Cause of God committed such deeds as have caused the limbs of sincerity, of honesty, of justice, of equity to quake. One known individual to whom the utmost kindness and favour had been extended perpetrated such acts as have brought tears to the eye of God. Formerly We uttered words of warning and premonition, then for a number of years We kept the matter secret that haply he might take heed and repent. But all to no purpose. In the end he bent his energies upon vilifying the Cause of God before the eyes of all men. He tore the veil of fairness asunder and felt sympathy neither for himself nor for the Cause of God. Now, however, the deeds of certain individuals have brought sorrows far more grievous than those which the deeds of the former had caused. Beseech thou God, the True One, that He may graciously enable the heedless to retract and repent. Verily He is the Forgiving, the Bountiful, the Most Generous.
اين ايّام بايد کلّ باتّحاد و اتفاق تمسّک نمايند و بنصرت امر اللّه مشغول گردند که شايد نفوس غافله فائز شوند به آنچه که سبب رستگاری ابديست
In these days it is incumbent upon everyone to adhere tenaciously unto unity and concord and to labour diligently in promoting the Cause of God, that perchance the wayward souls may attain that which will lead unto abiding prosperity.
باری اختلاف احزاب سبب و علّت ضعف شده هر حزبی راهی اخذ نموده وبحبلی تمسّک جسته مع کوری و نادانی خود را صاحب بصر و علم ميدانند از جمله عرفای ملّت اسلام بعضی از آن نفوس متشبّثند به آنچه که سبب کسالت و انزواست لعمر اللّه از مقام بکاهد و بر غرور بيفزايد از انسان بايد ثمری پديد آيد انسان بی ثمر بفرموده حضرت روح بمثابه شجر بی ثمر است و شجر بی ثمر لايق نار
In brief, dissensions among various sects have opened the way to weakness. Each sect hath picked out a way for itself and is clinging to a certain cord. Despite manifest blindness and ignorance they pride themselves on their insight and knowledge. Among them are mystics who bear allegiance to the Faith of Islám, some of whom indulge in that which leadeth to idleness and seclusion. I swear by God! It lowereth man’s station and maketh him swell with pride. Man must bring forth fruit. One who yieldeth no fruit is, in the words of the Spirit, like unto a fruitless tree, and a fruitless tree is fit but for the fire.
آن نفوس در مقامات توحيد ذکر نمودهاند آنچه را که سبب اعظم است از برای ظهور کسالت و اوهام عباد فی الحقيقه فرق را برداشتهاند و خود را حقّ پنداشتهاند حقّ مقدّس است از کلّ در کلّ آيات او ظاهر آيات از اوست نه او در دفتر دنيا کلّ مذکور و مشهود نقش عالم کتابی است اعظم هر صاحب بصری ادراک مينمايد آنچه را که سبب وصول بصراط مستقيم و نبأ عظيم است در تجلّيات آفتاب مشاهده نمائيد انوارش عالم را احاطه نموده ولکن تجلّيات از او و ظهور اوست بنفس او نه نفس او آنچه در ارض مشاهده ميشود حاکی از قدرت و علم و فضل اوست واو مقدّس از کلّ
That which the aforesaid persons have mentioned concerning the stations of Divine Unity will conduce in no small measure to idleness and vain imaginings. These mortal men have evidently set aside the differences of station and have come to regard themselves as God, while God is immeasurably exalted above all things. Every created being however revealeth His signs which are but emanations from Him and not His Own Self. All these signs are reflected and can be seen in the book of existence, and the scrolls that depict the shape and pattern of the universe are indeed a most great book. Therein every man of insight can perceive that which would lead to the Straight Path and would enable him to attain the Great Announcement. Consider the rays of the sun whose light hath encompassed the world. The rays emanate from the sun and reveal its nature, but are not the sun itself. Whatsoever can be discerned on earth amply demonstrateth the power of God, His knowledge and the outpourings of His bounty, while He Himself is immeasurably exalted above all creatures.
حضرت مسيح ميفرمايد باطفال عطا فرمودی آنچه را که علما و حکما از آن محرومند حکيم سبزواری گفته اذن واعيه يافت نميشود و الّا زمزمه سدره طور در هر شجر موجود در لوح يکی از حکما که از بسيطة الحقيقه سؤال نموده بحکيم مذکور مشهور خطاب نموديم اگر اين کلمه فی الحقيقه از تو بوده چرا ندای سدره انسان را که از اعلی مقام عالم مرتفع است نشنيدی اگر شنيدی و حفظ جان و خوف تو را از جواب منع نمود چنين شخصی قابل ذکر نبوده و نيست و اگر نشنيدی از سمع محروم بوده باری در قول فخر عالمند و در عمل ننگ امم
Christ saith: ‘Thou hast granted to children that whereof the learned and the wise are deprived.’ The sage of Sabzívar hath said: ‘Alas! Attentive ears are lacking, otherwise the whisperings of the Sinaic Bush could be heard from every tree.’ In a Tablet to a man of wisdom who had made enquiry as to the meaning of Elementary Reality, We addressed this famous sage in these words: ‘If this saying is truly thine, how is it that thou hast failed to hearken unto the Call which the Tree of Man hath raised from the loftiest heights of the world? If thou didst hear the Call yet fear and the desire to preserve thy life prompted thee to remain heedless to it, thou art such a person as hath never been nor is worthy of mention; if thou hast not heard it, then thou art bereft of the sense of hearing.’ In brief, such men are they whose words are the pride of the world, and whose deeds are the shame of the nations.
انّا نفخنا فی الصّور و هو قلمی الأعلی و انصعق منه العباد الّا من حفظه اللّه فضلاً من عنده و هو الفضّال القديم
Verily We have sounded the Trumpet which is none other than My Pen of Glory, and lo, mankind hath swooned away before it, save them whom God pleaseth to deliver as a token of His grace. He is the Lord of bounty, the Ancient of Days.
قل يا معشرالعلماء هل تعترضون علی قلم اذ ارتفع صريره استعدّ ملکوت البيان لاصغائه وخضع کلّ ذکر عند ذکره العزيز العظيم اتّقوا اللّه ولاتتّبعوا الظّنون و الاوهام اتّبعوا من اتيکم بعلم مبين و يقين متين
Say: O concourse of divines! Pronounce ye censure against this Pen unto which, as soon as it raised its shrill voice, the kingdom of utterance prepared itself to hearken, and before whose mighty and glorious theme every other theme hath paled into insignificance? Fear ye God and follow not your idle fancies and corrupt imaginings, but rather follow Him Who is come unto you invested with undeniable knowledge and unshakeable certitude.
سبحان اللّه کنز انسان بيان اوست اين مظلوم از اظهار آن توقّف نموده چه که منکران در کمينگاهان مترصّدند الحفظ من اللّه ربّ العالمين انّا توکّلنا عليه وفوّضنا الامور اليه و هو حسبنا و حسب کلّ شیء هو الّذی باذنه و امره اشرق نيّر الاقتدار من افق العالم طوبی لمن شهد و عرف و ويلٌ للمعرضين والمنکرين
Glorified be God! Man’s treasure is his utterance, yet this Wronged One hath withheld His Tongue, for the disbelievers are lying in ambush; however, protection is afforded by God, the Lord of all worlds. Verily, in Him have We placed Our trust and unto Him have We committed all affairs. All-Sufficient is He for Us and for all created things. He is the One by Whose leave, and through the potency of Whose command, the Day-Star of sovereign might hath shone resplendent above the horizon of the world. Well is it with him who perceiveth and recognizeth the Truth and woe betide the froward and the faithless.
ولکن اين مظلوم حکما را دوست داشته و ميدارد يعنی آنانکه حکمتشان محض قول نبوده بلکه اثر و ثمر در عالم از ايشان ظاهر شده و باقی مانده بر کلّ احترام اين نفوس مبارکه لازم طوبی للعاملين و طوبی للعارفين و طوبی لمن انصف فی الامور و تمسّک بحبل عدل المتين
This Wronged One hath invariably treated the wise with affection. By the wise is meant men whose knowledge is not confined to mere words and whose lives have been fruitful and have produced enduring results. It is incumbent upon everyone to honour these blessed souls. Happy are they that observe God’s precepts; happy are they that have recognized the Truth; happy are they that judge with fairness in all matters and hold fast to the Cord of My inviolable Justice.
اهل ايران از حافظ و معين گذشتهاند و باوهام جهلا متمسّک و مشغول بشأنی باوهام متشبّثند که فصل آن ممکن نه مگر بذراعی قدرت حقّ جلّ جلاله از حق بطلب تا حجبات احزاب را باصبع اقتدار بر دارد تا کلّ اسباب حفظ و علوّ و سموّ را بيابند و بشطر دوست يکتا بشتابند
The people of Persia have turned away from Him Who is the Protector and the Helper. They are clinging to and have enmeshed themselves in the vain imaginings of the foolish. So firmly do they adhere to superstitions that naught can sever them therefrom save the potent arm of God—exalted is His glory. Beseech thou the Almighty that He may remove with the fingers of divine power the veils which have shut out the divers peoples and kindreds, that they may attain the things that are conducive to security, progress and advancement and may hasten forth towards the incomparable Friend.
کلمة اللّه در ورق اوّل فردوس اعلی از قلم ابهی مذکور و مسطور براستی ميگويم حفظ مبين و حصن متين از برای عموم اهل عالم خشية اللّه بوده آنست سبب اکبر از برای حفظ بشر و علّت کبری از برای صيانت وری بلی در وجود آيتی موجود و آن انسان را از آنچه شايسته و لايق نيست منع مينمايد و حراست ميفرمايد و نام آنرا حيا گذاردهاند ولکن اين فقره مخصوص است بمعدودی کلّ دارای اين مقام نبوده و نيستند.
The word of God which the Abhá Pen hath revealed and inscribed on the
کلمة اللّه در ورق دوّم از فردوس اعلی قلم اعلی در اين حين مظاهر قدرت و مشارق اقتدار يعنی ملوک و سلاطين و رؤسا و امرا و علما و عرفا را نصيحت ميفرمايد و به دين و بتمسّک به آن وصيّت مينمايد آنست سبب بزرگ از برای نظم جهان و اطمينان من فی الامکان سستی ارکان دين سبب قوّت جهّال و جرأت و جسارت شده براستی ميگويم آنچه از مقام بلند دين کاست بر غفلت اشرار افزود و نتيجه بالاخره هرج و مرج است اسمعوا يا اولی الابصار ثمّ اعتبروا يا اولی الانظار.
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
کلمة اللّه در ورق سوّم از فردوس اعلی يا ابن الانسان لو تکون ناظراً اِلی الفضل ضع ما ينفعک و خذ ما ينتفع به العباد و ان تکن ناظرا اِلی العدل اختر لدونک ما تختاره لنفسک انّ الانسان مرّة يرفعه الخضوع الی سماء العزّة و الاقتدار و اخری ينزله الغرور اِلی اسفل مقام الذّلة و الانکسار
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
يا حزب اللّه يوم عظيم است و نداء بزرگ در لوحی از الواح از سماء مشيّت اين کلمه عليا نازل اگر قوّه روح بتمامها بقوّه سامعه تبديل شود ميتوان گفت لايق اصغاء اين نداء است که از افق اعلی مرتفع والّا اين آذان آلوده لايق اصغاء نبوده و نيست طوبی للسّامعين و ويلٌ للغافلين .
O people of God! Great is the Day and mighty the Call! In one of Our Tablets We have revealed these exalted words: ‘Were the world of the spirit to be wholly converted into the sense of hearing, it could then claim to be worthy to hearken unto the Voice that calleth from the Supreme Horizon; for otherwise, these ears that are defiled with lying tales have never been, nor are they now, fit to hear it.’ Well is it with them that hearken; and woe betide the wayward.
کلمة اللّه در ورق چهارم از فردوس اعلی يا حزب اللّه از حق جلّ جلاله بطلبيد مظاهر سطوت و قوّت را از شرّ نفس و هوی حفظ فرمايد و بانوار عدل و هدی منوّر دارد
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
از حضرت محمّد شاه مع علوّ مقام دو امر منکر ظاهر اوّل نفی سلطان ممالک فضل و عطا حضرت نقطه اولی و ثانی قتل سيّد مدينه تدبير و انشاء
His Majesty Muḥammad Sháh, despite the excellence of his rank, committed two heinous deeds. One was the order to banish the Lord of the Realms of Grace and Bounty, the Primal Point; and the other, the murder of the Prince of the City of Statesmanship and Literary Accomplishment.
باری خطا و عطای ايشان عظيم است سلطانی که غرورِ اقتدار و اختيار او را از عدل منع ننمايد و نعمت و ثروت و عزّت و صفوف و الوف او را از تجلّيات نيّر انصاف محروم نسازد او در ملأ اعلی دارای مقام اعلی و رتبه علياست بر کلّ اعانت و محبّت آن وجود مبارک لازم طوبی لملک ملک زمام نفسه و غلب غضبه و فضّل العدل علی الظّلم و الانصاف علی الاعتساف .
The faults of kings, like their favours, can be great. A king who is not deterred by the vainglory of power and authority from observing justice, nor is deprived of the splendours of the day-star of equity by luxury, riches, glory or the marshalling of hosts and legions shall occupy a high rank and a sublime station amongst the Concourse on high. It is incumbent upon everyone to extend aid and to manifest kindness to so noble a soul. Well is it with the king who keepeth a tight hold on the reins of his passion, restraineth his anger and preferreth justice and fairness to injustice and tyranny.
کلمة اللّه در ورق پنجم از فردوس اعلی عطيّه کُبری و نعمت عظمی در رتبه اولی خرد بوده و هست اوست حافظ وجود و معين و ناصر او خرد پيک رحمن است و مظهر اسم علّام به او مقام انسان ظاهر و مشهود اوست دانا و معلّم اوّل در دبستان وجود و اوست راه نما و دارای رتبه عليا از يمن تربيت او عنصر خاک دارای گوهر پاک شد و از افلاک گذشت اوست خطيب اوّل در مدينه عدل و در سال نه جهان را ببشارت ظهور منوّر نمود اوست دانای يکتا که در اوّل دنيا بمرقاة معانی ارتقاء جست و چون باراده رحمانی بر منبر بيان مستوی بدو حرف نطق فرمود از اوّل بشارت وعد ظاهر و از ثانی خوف وعيد و از وعد و وعيد بيم و اميد باهر و باين دو اساس نظم عالم محکم و بر قرار تعالیالحکيم ذوالفضل العظيم .
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
کلمة اللّه در ورق ششم از فردوس اعلی سراج عباد داد است او را ببادهای مخالف ظلم و اعتساف خاموش منمائيد و مقصود از آن ظهور اتّحاد است بين عباد در اين کلمه عليا بحر حکمت الهی موّاج دفاتر عالم تفسير آن را کفايت ننمايد اگر عالم به اين طراز مزيّن گردد شمس کلمه يوم يغنی اللّه کلّاً من سعته از افق سماء دنيا طالع و مُشرق مشاهده شود مقام اين بيان را بشناسيد چه که از عليا ثمره شجره قلم اعلی است نيکوست حال نفسی که شنيد و فائز شد براستی ميگويم آنچه از سماء مشيّت الهی نازل آن سبب نظم عالم و علّت اتّحاد و اتّفاق اهل آنست کذلک نطق لسان المظلوم فی سجنه العظيم
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
کلمة اللّه در ورق هفتم از فردوس اعلی ای دانايان امم از بيگانگی چشم برداريد و به يگانگی ناظر باشيد و باسبابی که سبب راحت و آسايش عموم اهل عالم است تمسّک جوئيد اين يک شبر عالم يک وطن و يک مقام است از افتخار که سبب اختلاف است بگذريد و به آنچه علّت اتّفاق است توجّه نمائيد نزد اهل بها افتخار بعلم و عمل و اخلاق و دانش است نه بوطن و مقام ای اهل زمين قدر اين کلمه آسمانی را بدانيد چه که بمنزله کشتی است از برای دريای دانائی و بمنزله آفتابست از برای جهان بينائی .
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
کلمة اللّه در ورق هشتم از فردوس اعلی دارالتّعليم بايد در ابتداء اولاد را بشرائط دين تعليم دهند تا وعد و وعيد مذکور در کتب الهی ايشان را از مناهی منع نمايد و بطراز اوامر مزيّن دارد ولکن بقدری که بتعصّب و حميّه جاهليّه منجر و منتهی نگردد
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
آنچه از حدودات در کتاب بر حسب ظاهر نازل نشده بايد امنای بيت عدل مشورت نمايند آنچه را پسنديدند مجری دارند انّه يلهمهم ما يشاء و هو المدبّر العليم
It is incumbent upon the Trustees of the House of Justice to take counsel together regarding those things which have not outwardly been revealed in the Book, and to enforce that which is agreeable to them. God will verily inspire them with whatsoever He willeth, and He, verily, is the Provider, the Omniscient.
از قبل فرموديم تکلّم به دو لسان مقدّر شد و بايد جهد شود تا بيکی منتهی گردد و همچنين خطوط عالم تا عمرهای مردم در تحصيل السن مختلفه ضايع نشود و باطل نگردد و جميع ارض مدينه واحده و قطعه واحده مشاهده شود
We have formerly ordained that people should converse in two languages, yet efforts must be made to reduce them to one, likewise the scripts of the world, that men’s lives may not be dissipated and wasted in learning divers languages. Thus the whole earth would come to be regarded as one city and one land.
کلمة اللّه در ورق نهم از فردوس اعلی براستی ميگويم هر امری از امور اعتدالش محبوب چون تجاوز نمايد سبب ضر گردد در تمدن اهل غرب ملاحظه نمائيد که سبب اضطراب و وحشت اهل عالم شده آلت جهنميّه بميان آمده و در قتل وجود شقاوتی ظاهر شده که شبه آن را چشم عالم و آذان امم نديده و نشنيده اصلاح اين مفاسد قويّه قاهره ممکن نه مگر به اتّحاد احزاب عالم در امور و يا در مذهبی از مذاهب بشنويد ندای مظلوم را و بصلح اکبر تمسّک نمائيد
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
اسباب عجيبه غربيه در ارض موجود ولکن از افئده و عقول مستور و آن اسبابيست که قادر است بر تبديل هواء ارض کلّها و سميّت آن سبب هلاکت سبحان اللّه امر عجيبی مشاهده گشت برق يا مثل آن مطيع قائد است و بامر او حرکت مينمايد تعالی القادر الّذی اظهر ما اراد بامره المحکم المتين
Strange and astonishing things exist in the earth but they are hidden from the minds and the understanding of men. These things are capable of changing the whole atmosphere of the earth and their contamination would prove lethal. Great God! We have observed an amazing thing. Lightning or a force similar to it is controlled by an operator and moveth at his command. Immeasurably exalted is the Lord of Power Who hath laid bare that which He purposed through the potency of His weighty and invincible command.
يا اهل بها اوامر منزله هر يک حصنی است محکم از برای وجود انّ المظلوم ما اراد الّا حفظکم و ارتقائکم
O people of Bahá! Each one of the ordinances We have revealed is a mighty stronghold for the preservation of the world of being. Verily, this Wronged One desireth naught but your security and elevation.
رجال بيت عدل را وصيّت مينمائيم و بصيانت و حفظ عباد و اماء و اطفال امر ميفرمائيم بايد در جميع احوال بمصالح عباد ناظر باشند طوبی لامير اخذ يد الاسير و لغنيّ توجّه اِلی الفقير و لعادل اخذ حق المظلوم من الظّالم و لامين عمل ما امر به من لدن آمرٍ قديم
We exhort the men of the House of Justice and command them to ensure the protection and safeguarding of men, women and children. It is incumbent upon them to have the utmost regard for the interests of the people at all times and under all conditions. Blessed is the ruler who succoureth the captive, and the rich one who careth for the poor, and the just one who secureth from the wrong doer the rights of the downtrodden, and happy the trustee who observeth that which the Ordainer, the Ancient of Days hath prescribed unto him.
يا حيدر قبل علی عليک بهائی و ثنائی نصائح و مواعظ عالم را احاطه نموده مع ذلک سبب احزان شده نه فرح و سرور چه که بعضی از مدّعيان محبّت طغيان نمودهاند و وارد آوردهاند آنچه را که از ملل قبل و علمای ايران وارد نشد
O Ḥaydar-‘Alí! Upon thee be My glory and My praise. My counsels and admonitions have compassed the world. Yet, instead of imparting joy and gladness they have caused grief, because some of those who claim to love Me have waxed haughty and have inflicted upon Me such tribulations as neither the followers of former religions nor the divines of Persia did ever inflict.
قلنا من قبل ليس بليّتی سجنی و ما ورد عليّ من اعدائی بل عمل احبّائی الّذين ينسبون انفسهم اِلی نفسی و يرتکبون ما ينوح به قلبی و قلمی مکرّر امثال اين بيانات نازل ولکن غافلين را نفعی نبخشيد چه که اسير نفس و هوی مشاهده ميشوند از حق بطلب کلّ را تأييد فرمايد بر انابه و رجوع تا نفس بمشتهياتش باقی جرم و خطا موجود اميد آنکه يد بخشش الهی و رحمت رحمانی کلّ را اخذ نمايد و بطراز عفو و عطا مزيّن دارد و همچنين حفظ فرمايد از آنچه سبب تضييع امر اوست ما بين عبادش انّه هو المقتدر القدير و هو الغفور الرّحيم .
We have said: ‘My imprisonment doeth Me no harm, nor do the things that have befallen Me at the hands of My enemies. That which harmeth Me is the conduct of my loved ones who, though they bear My name, yet commit that which maketh My heart and My pen to lament.’ Such utterances as these have again and again been revealed, yet the heedless have failed to profit thereby, since they are captive to their own evil passions and corrupt desires. Beseech thou the One true God that He may enable everyone to repent and return unto Him. So long as one’s nature yieldeth unto evil passions, crime and transgression will prevail. We cherish the hope that the hand of divine power and the outpouring of heavenly blessings may sustain all men, may attire them with the vesture of forgiveness and bounty and guard them against that which would harm His Cause among His servants. He is, in truth, the Potent, the All-Powerful, and He is the Ever-Forgiving, the Merciful.
کلمة اللّه در ورق دهم از فردوس اعلی يا اهل ارض انزوا و رياضات شاقّه بعزّ قبول فائز نه صاحبان بصر و خرد ناظرند باسبابی که سبب روح و ريحانست امثال اين اُمور از صلب ظنون و بطن اوهام ظاهر و متولّد لايق اصحاب دانش نبوده و نيست بعضی از عباد از قبل و بعد در مغارهای جبال ساکن و بعضی در ليالی بقبور متوجّه بگو بشنويد نصح مظلوم را از ما عندکم بگذريد و به آنچه ناصح امين ميفرمايد تمسّک جوئيد لا تحرموا انفسکم عمّا خلق لکم
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
انفاق عند اللّه محبوب و مقبول و از سيّد اعمال مذکور انظروا ثمّ اذکروا ما انزله الرّحمن فی الفرقان و يُؤثرونَ علی انفسهم و لو کانَ بهم خَصاصةٌ وَ مَنْ يُوْقَ شُحَّ نفسه فاولئک هم الفائزون . فی الحقيقه اين کلمه مبارکه در اين مقام آفتاب کلماتست طوبی لمن اختار اخاه علی نفسه انّه من اهل البهآء فی السّفينة الحمرآء من لدی اللّه العليم الحکيم.
Charity is pleasing and praiseworthy in the sight of God and is regarded as a prince among goodly deeds. Consider ye and call to mind that which the All-Merciful hath revealed in the Qur’án: ‘They prefer them before themselves, though poverty be their own lot. And with such as are preserved from their own covetousness shall it be well.’ Viewed in this light, the blessed utterance above is, in truth, the day-star of utterances. Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself. Verily, such a man is reckoned, by virtue of the Will of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, with the people of Bahá who dwell in the Crimson Ark.
کلمة اللّه در ورق يازدهم از فردوس اعلی مظاهر اسماء و صفات را از بعد امر مينمائيم کلّ به آنچه در اين ظهور اعظم ظاهر شده تمسّک نمايند و سبب اختلاف نشوند و اِلی الاخر الّذی لا آخر له به آفاق اين کلمات مشرقات که در اين ورقه نازل شده ناظر باشند اختلاف سبب خونريزی است و علّت انقلاب عباد است بشنويد ندای مظلوم را و از آن تجاوز ننمائيد
The word of God which the Supreme Pen hath recorded on the
اگر نفسی در آنچه از قلم اعلی در اين ظهور نازل شده تفکّر نمايد يقين مينمايد اين مظلوم آنچه ذکر نموده مقصودش اثبات مقام و شأنی از برای خود نبوده بل اراده آنکه بکلمات عاليات نفوس را بافق اعلی جذب نمائيم و مستعد کنيم از برای اصغای آنچه که سبب تنزيه و تطهير اهل عالم است از نزاع و جدالی که بواسطه اختلاف مذاهب ظاهر ميشود يشهد بذلک قلبی و قلمی و ظاهری و باطنی انشاء اللّه کلّ بخزانههای مکنونه در خود توجّه نمايند .
Were anyone to ponder in his heart that which hath, in this Revelation, streamed forth from the Pen of Glory, he would be assured that whatever this Wronged One hath affirmed He hath had no intention of establishing any position or distinction for Himself. The purpose hath rather been to attract the souls, through the sublimity of His words, unto the summit of transcendent glory and to endow them with the capacity of perceiving that which will purge and purify the peoples of the world from the strife and dissension which religious differences provoke. Unto this bear witness My heart, My Pen, My inner and My outer Being. God grant that all men may turn unto the treasuries latent within their own beings.
يا اهل بها قوّه مُتفکّره مخزن صنايع و علوم و فنون است جهد نمائيد تا از اين معدن حقيقی لئالی حکمت و بيان ظاهر شود و سبب آسايش و اتّحاد احزاب مختلفه عالم گردد .
O people of Bahá! The source of crafts, sciences and arts is the power of reflection. Make ye every effort that out of this ideal mine there may gleam forth such pearls of wisdom and utterance as will promote the well-being and harmony of all the kindreds of the earth.
اين مظلوم در جميع احوال از شدّت و رخا و عزّت و عذاب کلّ را بمحبّت و وداد و شفقت و اتّحاد امر نمود هر يوم که فی الجمله علوّ و سموّی ظاهر شد نفوس مستوره از خلف حجاب بيرون ميامدند و بمفترياتی تکلّم مينمودند که احدّ از سيف بود بکلمات مردوده مجعوله متمسّکند و از بحر آيات الهی ممنوع و محرُوم
Under all conditions, whether in adversity or at ease, whether honoured or afflicted, this Wronged One hath directed all men to show forth love, affection, compassion and harmony. And yet whenever there was any slight evidence of progress and advancement, those concealed behind the veils would sally forth and utter calumnies more wounding than the sword. They cling unto misleading and reprehensible words and suffer themselves to be deprived of the ocean of verses revealed by God.
و اگر اين حجبات حائل نميشد ايران در دو سنه او ازيد ببيان مسخّر ميگشت و مقام دولت و ملّت هر دو مرتفع ميشد چه که مقصود بکمال ظهور من غير ستر و خفا ظاهر ميشد . باری تارة بالتّصريح و اخری بالتّلويح آنچه بايد گفته شود گفتيم و بعد از اصلاح ايران نفحات کلمه در سائر ممالک متضوّع ميگشت چه که آنچه از قلم اعلی جاری شده سبب علوّ و سموّ و تربيت جميع اهل عالم بوده وهست و از برای جميع امراض درياق اعظم است لوهم يفقهون و يشعرون .
If these obstructing veils had not intervened Persia would, in some two years, have been subdued through the power of utterance, the position of both the government and the people would have been raised and the Supreme Goal, unveiled and unconcealed, would have appeared in the plenitude of glory. In short, sometimes in explicit language, at other times by allusion, We said whatever had to be said. Thus, once Persia had been rehabilitated, the sweet savours of the Word of God would have wafted over all countries, inasmuch as that which hath streamed forth from the Most Exalted Pen is conducive to the glory, the advancement and education of all the peoples and kindreds of the earth. Indeed it is the sovereign remedy for every disease, could they but comprehend and perceive it.
اين ايّام حضرات افنان و امين عليهم بهائی و عنايتی بحضور و لقا فائز و همچنين نبيل ابن نبيل و ابن سمندر عليهم بهآءاللّه و عنايته حاضر و از کأس وصال مرزوق نسئل اللّه ان يقدّر لهم خير الآخرة و الاُولی و ينزل عليهم من سماء فضله و سحاب رحمته برکةً من عنده و رحمة من لدنه انّه هو ارحم الرّاحمين و هو الفضّال الکريم
Recently the Afnáns and Amín—upon them be My glory and loving-kindness—attained Our presence and beheld Our countenance; likewise Nabíl, the son of Nabíl and the son of Samandar—upon them rest the glory of God and His loving-kindness—are present and have drunk the cup of reunion. We entreat God that He may graciously ordain for them the good of this world and of the next and that the outpouring of His blessings and grace may descend upon them from the heaven of His generosity and the clouds of His tender compassion. Verily of those who show mercy He is the Most Merciful, and He is the Gracious, the Beneficent.
يا حيدر قبل علی نامه ديگر شما که باسم جود ارسال نمودی بساحت اقدس فائز للّه الحمد مزيّن بود بنور توحيد و تقديس و مشتعل بود بنار محبّت و وداد از حق بطلب ابصار را قوّت بخشد و بنور تازه منوّر دارد شايد فائز شود بآنچه که شبه و مثل نداشته
O Ḥaydar-‘Alí! Thine other letter which thou hadst forwarded through him who beareth the title of Júd (Bounty) hath reached Our holy court. Praised be God! It was adorned with the light of divine unity and of detachment and was ablaze with the fire of love and affection. Pray thou unto God that He may grant keenness to the eyes and illumine them with a new light, perchance they may perceive that which hath no parallel nor peer.
امروز آيات امّ الکتاب بمثابه آفتاب مشرق و لائح بکلمات قبل و بعد مشتبه نشده و نميشود انّ المظلوم لا يحبّ ان يستدلّ فی امره بما ظهر من غيره اوست محيط و ماسوايش محاط قل يا قوم اقرأوا ما عندکم و نقرء ما عندنا لعمر اللّه لا يذکر عند ذکره اذکار العالم و ما عند الامم يشهد بذلک من ينطق فی کلّ شأن انّه هو اللّه مالک يوم الدّين و ربّ العرش العظيم
In this day the verses of the Mother Book are resplendent and unmistakable even as the sun. They can in no wise be mistaken for any of the past or more recent utterances. Truly this Wronged One desireth not to demonstrate His Own Cause with proofs produced by others. He is the One Who embraceth all things, while all else besides Him is circumscribed. Say, O people, peruse that which is current amongst you and We will peruse what pertaineth unto Us. I swear by God! Neither the praise of the peoples of the world, nor the things that the kindreds of the earth possess are worthy of mention before the remembrance of His Name. Unto this beareth witness He Who under all conditions proclaimeth, ‘Verily He is God, the sovereign Ruler of the Day of Reckoning and the Lord of the mighty Throne.’
سبحان اللّه معلوم نيست معرضين بيان بچه حجّت و برهان از سيّد امکان اعراض نمودند مقام اين امر فوق مقام ما ظهر و يظهر است
Glorified be God! One wondereth by what proof or reason the disbelievers among the people of the Bayán have turned away from the Lord of being. In truth the station of this Revelation transcendeth the station of whatever hath been manifested in the past or will be made manifest in the future.
اگر نعوذ باللّه اليوم نقطه بيان حاضر باشد و در تصديق توقّف نمايد داخل کلمه مُبارکه که از مطلع بيان آن حضرت نازل شده ميشوند قال وقوله الحق حقّ لمن يظهره اللّه ان يرد من لم يکن اعلی منه فوق الارض بگو ای بی دانشها اليوم آن حضرت بانّنی انا اوّل العابدين ناطق بضاعت عرفان خلق مزجاتست و قوّه ادراکشان ضعيف شهد القلم الاعلی بفقرهم و غناء اللّه ربّ العالمين
Were the Point of the Bayán present in this day and should He, God forbid, hesitate to acknowledge this Cause, then the very blessed words which have streamed forth from the wellspring of His Own Bayán would apply to Him. He saith, and His word is the truth, ‘Lawful is it for Him Whom God will make manifest to reject him who is the greatest on earth.’ Say, O ye that are bereft of understanding! Today that Most Exalted Being is proclaiming: ‘Verily, verily, I am the first to adore Him.’ How shallow is the fund of men’s knowledge and how feeble their power of perception. Our Pen of Glory beareth witness to their abject poverty and to the wealth of God, the Lord of all worlds.
سبحان الّذی خلق الخلق و هو الحقّ علّام الغيوب قد نزل امّ الکتاب و الوهّاب فی مقام محمُود قد طلع الفجر و القوم لايفقهون قد اتت الآيات و منزلها فی حزن مشهود قد ورد عليّ ما ناح به الوجود
Lauded and glorified is He Who hath called the creation into being. He is the sovereign Truth, the Knower of things unseen. The Mother Book is revealed and the Lord of Bounty is established upon the most blessed seat of glory. The Dawn hath broken, yet the people understand not. The signs have been ushered in, while He Who hath revealed them is overwhelmed with manifest sorrow. Indeed I have endured that which hath caused the world of existence to lament.
قل يا يحيی فأت باية ان کنت ذی علم رشيد هذا ما نطق به مبشّری من قبل و فی هذا الحين يقول انّنی انا اوّل العابدين انصف يا اخی هل کنت ذا بيان عند امواج بحر بيانی و هل کنت ذا ندآء لدی صرير قلمی و هل کنت ذا قدرةٍ عند ظهورات قدرتی انصف باللّه ثمّ اذکر اذ کنت قائماً لدی المظلوم و نلقی عليک آيات اللّه المهيمن القيّوم ايّاک ان يمنعک مطلع الکذب عن هذا الصّدق المبين
Say: O Yaḥyá (Azal), produce a single verse, if thou dost possess divinely-inspired knowledge. These words were formerly spoken by My Herald Who at this hour proclaimeth: ‘Verily, verily, I am the first to adore Him.’ Be fair, O My brother. Art thou able to express thyself when brought face to face with the billowing ocean of Mine utterance? Canst thou unloose thy tongue when confronted with the shrill voice of My Pen? Hast thou any power before the revelations of Mine omnipotence? Judge thou fairly, I adjure thee by God, and call to mind when thou didst stand in the presence of this Wronged One and We dictated to thee the verses of God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Beware lest the source of falsehood withhold thee from the manifest Truth.
يا ايّها النّاظر اِلی الوجه بگو ای عباد غافل بقطره از بحر آيات الهی محروم گشتيد و بذرّه از تجلّيات انوار آفتاب حقيقت ممنوع لو لا البهآء من يقدر ان يتکلّم امام الوجوه انصفوا و لا تکونوا من الظّالمين به ماجت البحار و ظهرت الاسرار و نطقت الاشجار الملک و الملکوت للّه منزل الآيات و مظهر البيّنات بيان فارسی حضرت مبشّر را ملاحظه نمائيد و ببصر عدل در آن مشاهده کنيد انّه يهديکم اِلی صراط ينطق فی هذا الحين بما نطق لسانه من قبل اذ کان مستوياً علی عرش اسمه العظيم .
O thou who hast fixed thy gaze upon My countenance! Say: O ye heedless ones! By reason of a droplet ye have deprived yourselves of the ocean of heavenly verses and for the sake of an insignificant atom ye have shut yourselves out from the splendours of the Day-Star of Truth. Who else but Bahá hath the power to speak forth before the face of mankind? Judge ye fairly and be not of the unjust. Through Him the oceans have surged, the mysteries have been divulged and the trees have lifted up their voices exclaiming: The kingdoms of earth and heaven are God’s, the Revealer of signs, the Fountainhead of clear tokens. Peruse ye the Persian Bayán revealed by Him Who heralded this Revelation and look at it with the eye of fairness. Verily He will guide you aright to His Path. At this moment He proclaimeth that which His tongue had formerly uttered when He was seated upon the throne of His most exalted Name.
ذکر اوليای آن اطراف را نمودهاند للّه الحمد هر يک بذکر حق جلّ جلاله فائز گشت و اسامی کلّ در ملکوت بيان از لسان عظمت جاری و ظاهر طوبی لهم و نعيماً لهم بما شربوا رحيق الوحی و الالهام من ايادی عطاء ربّهم المشفق الکريم نسئل اللّه ان يُوَفّقهم علی الاستقامة الکبری و يمدّهم بجنود الحکمة و البيان انّه هو المقتدر القدير کبّر من قبلی عليهم و بشّرهم بما اشرق و لاح نيّر الذّکر من افق سماء عطاء ربّهم الغفور الرّحيم
Thou hast made mention of the loved ones in those regions. Praised be God, each one of them attained the honour of being remembered by the True One—exalted is His glory—and the names of them, one and all, flowed from the Tongue of Grandeur in the kingdom of utterance. Great indeed is their blessedness and happiness, inasmuch as they have drunk the choice wine of revelation and inspiration from the hand of their Lord, the Compassionate, the Merciful. We beseech God to strengthen them to manifest inflexible constancy and to summon to their aid the hosts of wisdom and utterance. He is in truth the Mighty, the Omnipotent. Convey my greetings to them and give them the joyful tidings that the Day-Star of remembrance hath dawned and shed its radiance from above the horizon of the bountiful favours of their Lord, the Ever-Forgiving, the All-Merciful.
ذکر جناب حا قبل سين را نمودند انّا زيّنّا هيکله بطراز العفو و رأسه باکليل الغفران له ان يباهی بين الانام بهذا الفضل المشرق اللّائح المبين بگو محزون مباش بعد از نزول اين آيه مبارکه مثل آنست که در اين حين از بطن امّ متولّد گشته قل ليس لک ذنب و لا خطاء قد طهّرک اللّه من کوثر بيانه فی سجنه العظيم نسئله تبارک و تعالی اَن يؤيّدک علی ذکره و ثنائه و يمدّک بجنود الغيب انّه هو القويّ القدير
Thou hast mentioned Ḥusayn. We have attired his temple with the robe of forgiveness and adorned his head with the crown of pardon. It beseemeth him to pride himself among all men upon this resplendent, this radiant and manifest bounty. Say: Be not despondent. After the revelation of this blessed verse it is as though thou hast been born anew from thy mother’s womb. Say: Thou art free from sin and error. Truly God hath purged thee with the living waters of His utterance in His Most Great Prison. We entreat Him—blessed and exalted is He—to graciously confirm thee in extolling Him and in magnifying His glory and to strengthen thee through the power of His invisible hosts. Verily, He is the Almighty, the Omnipotent.
ذکر اهل طار را نموديد انّا اقبلنا اِلی عباد اللّه هناک و نوصيهم فی اوّل البيان بما انزله نقطة البيان لهذا الظّهور الّذی به ارتعدت فرائص الاسماء وسقطت اصنام الاوهام و نطق لسان العظمة من افقه الاعلی تاللّه قد ظهر الکنز المکنون و السّر المخزون الّذی به ابتسم ثغر ما کان و ما يکون قال و قوله الحقّ و قد کتبت جوهرة فی ذکره و هو انّه لا يستشار باشارتی و لا بما ذکر فی البيان
Thou hast made mention of the people of Tár. We have set Our face toward the servants of God therein and advise them first to consider that which the Point of the Bayán hath revealed concerning this Revelation whereby all names and titles have been shaken, the idols of vain imaginings have crumbled and the Tongue of Grandeur hath, from the realm of glory, proclaimed: By the righteousness of God! The Hidden Treasure, the Impenetrable Mystery, hath been uncovered to men’s eyes, causing all things, whether of the past or of the future, to rejoice. He hath said, and His word is the truth: ‘Of all the tributes I have paid to Him Who is to come after Me, the greatest is this, My written confession, that no words of Mine can adequately describe Him, nor can any reference to Him in My Book, the Bayán, do justice to His Cause.’
و نوصيهم بالعدل و الانصاف و الامانة و الدّيانة و ما ترتفع به کلمة اللّه و مقاماتهم بين العباد و انا النّاصح بالحقّ يشهد بذلک من جری من قلمه فرات الرّحمة و من بيانه کوثر الحيوان لاهل الامکان تعالی هذا الفضل الأعظم و تباهی هذا العطاء المبين
Moreover We counsel them to observe justice, equity, honesty, piety and that whereby both the Word of God and their own station will be exalted amongst men. Verily I am the One Who exhorteth with justice. Unto this beareth witness He from Whose Pen rivers of mercy have flowed and from Whose utterance fountains of living waters have streamed forth unto all created things. Immeasurably exalted is this boundless grace; immensely blessed is this resplendent favour.
يا اهل طار اسمعوا نداء المختار انّه يذکرکم بما يقرّبکم اِلی اللّه ربّ العالمين انّه اقبل اليکم من سجن عکّا و انزل لکم ما تبقی به اذکارکم و اسمائکم فی کتاب لا يأخذه المحو و لا تبدّله شبهات المعرضين ضعوا ما عند القوم و خذوا ما امرتم به من لدن آمرٍ قديم هذا يوم فيه تنادی سدرة المنتهی و تقول يا قوم انظروا اثماری و اوراقی ثمّ استمعوا حفيفی ايّاکم ان تمنعکم شبهات القوم عن نور اليقين و بحر البيان ينادی ويقول يا اهل الارض انظروا اِلی امواجی و ما ظهر منّی من لئالئ الحکمة و البيان اتّقوا اللّه و لا تکونوا من الغافلين
O people of Tár! Give ear unto the Call of Him Who doeth whatsoever He willeth. In truth He remindeth you of that which will draw you nigh unto God, the Lord of the worlds. He hath turned His face towards you from the Prison of ‘Akká and hath revealed for your sakes what will immortalize your memory and your names in the Book which cannot be effaced and remaineth unaffected by the doubts of the froward. Cast away the things current amongst men and take fast hold on that whereunto ye are bidden by virtue of the Will of the Ordainer, the Ancient of Days. This is the Day wherein the divine Lote-Tree calleth aloud, saying: O people! Behold ye My fruits and My leaves, incline then your ears unto My rustling. Beware lest the doubts of men debar you from the light of certitude. The Ocean of utterance exclaimeth and saith: ‘O ye dwellers on the earth! Behold My billowing waters and the pearls of wisdom and utterance which I have poured forth. Fear ye God and be not of the heedless.’
امروز جشن عظيم در ملأ اعلی بر پا چه که آنچه در کتب الهی وعده داده شده ظاهر گشته يوم فرح اکبر است بايد کلّ بکمال فرح و نشاط و سرور و انبساط قصد بساط قرب نمايند و خود را از نار بعد نجات دهند
In this Day a great festival is taking place in the Realm above; for whatsoever was promised in the sacred Scriptures hath been fulfilled. This is the Day of great rejoicing. It behoveth everyone to hasten towards the court of His nearness with exceeding joy, gladness, exultation and delight and to deliver himself from the fire of remoteness.
يا اهل طار خذوا بقوّة اسمی الأعظم کأوس العرفان ثمّ اشربوا منها رغماً لأهل الأمکان الّذين نقضوا عهد اللّه و ميثاقه و انکروا حجّته و برهانه و جادلوا بآياته الّتی احاطت علی من فی السّموات و الارضين
O people of Tár! Through the strengthening power of My Name seize ye the chalice of knowledge, drink then your fill in defiance of the people of the world who have broken the Covenant of God and His Testament, rejected His proofs and clear tokens, and cavilled at His signs which have pervaded all that are in heaven and on earth.
معرضين بيان بمثابه حزب شيعه مشاهده ميشوند و بر قدم آن حزب مشی مينمايند ذروهم فی اوهامهم و ظنونهم انّهم من الاخسرين فی کتاب اللّه العليم الحکيم حال علمای شيعه طرّاً بر منابر بسبّ و لعن حقّ مشغول سبحان اللّه دولت آبادی هم متابعت آن قوم را نمود و بر منبر ارتقا جست و تکلّم نمود به آنچه که لوح صيحه زد و قلم نوحه کرد در عمل او و عمل اشرف عليه بهائی و عنايتی تفکّر نمائيد و همچنين در اوليائی که باين اسم قصد مقر فدا نمودند و جان را در سبيل مقصود عالميان انفاق کردند
The disbelievers among the people of the Bayán are like the followers of the Shí’ih sect and walk in their footsteps. Leave them to their idle fancies and vain imaginings. They are in truth accounted with the lost in the Book of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. The Shí’ih divines, one and all, are now engaged in reviling and denouncing the True One from their pulpits. Gracious God! Dawlat-Ábádí too hath followed suit. He ascended the pulpit and gave voice to that which hath caused the Tablet to cry out in anguish and the Pen to wail. Meditate upon his conduct and the conduct of Ashraf —upon him be My glory and My tender mercy—and likewise consider those loved ones who hastened to the place of martyrdom in My Name, and offered up their lives in the path of Him Who is the Desire of the world.
امر ظاهر و بمثابه آفتاب لائح ولکن قوم خود حجاب خود شدهاند از حق میطلبيم ايشان را مؤيّد فرمايد بر رجوع انّه هو التّواب الرّحيم
The Cause is manifest, it shineth resplendent as the sun, but the people have become veils unto themselves. We entreat God that He may graciously assist them to return unto Him. He is, in truth, the Forgiving, the Merciful.
يا اهل طار انّا نکبّر من هذا المقام علی وجوهکم و نسئل اللّه تبارک و تعالی ان يسقيکم رحيق الاستقامة من ايادی عطائه انّه هو الفيّاض العزيز الحميد بگذاريد نابالغهای عالم را که بهوی متحرّکند و بمطالع اوهام متشبّث انّه مؤيّدکم ومعينکم انّه هو المقتدر علی ما يشاء لا اله الّا هو الفرد الواحد العزيز العظيم
O people of Tár! We send you greetings from this Spot and beseech God—blessed and exalted is He—to give you to drink the choice wine of constancy from the hand of His favour. Verily, He is the Lord of Bounty, the Gracious, the All-Praised. Leave ye unto themselves the immature ones of the world—they that are moved by selfish desire and cling to the exponents of idle fancy. Verily He is your Helper and Succourer. He is, in truth, potent to do whatsoever He willeth. No God is there but Him, the One, the Peerless, the Mighty, the Most Great.
البهآء من لدنّا علی الّذين اقبلوا اِلی مشرق الظّهور و اقرّوا و اعترفوا بما نطق به لسان البيان فی ملکوت العرفان فی هذا اليوم المبارک العزيز البديع
May glory from Our presence rest upon those who have set their faces toward the Dayspring of His Revelation and have acknowledged and recognized that which the Tongue of utterance hath spoken in the kingdom of knowledge in this blessed, this glorious and incomparable Day.